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Posts posted by youngandbald

  1. I am interested in the skin pigmentation option but have trouble believing that 2d ink will ever really come across as 3d hair, particularly when touched. Some people suggest an FUE to give the illusion of hair but I might not have enough donor area/am a little intimidated by the permanence of surgical options.


    What about this, however. I know this may seem a little redundant but what do you think about getting the skin pigmentation and then wearing an extremely short buzzed-length system over it?

  2. yeah I hear you. I just am so tired of being skin bald, and am basically a NW6 or 7 at age 25 that I'm willing to consider almost anything. What I like about this is that it won't fall off or require regular maintenance. It looks good in photos but I wonder if it looks/feels really fake up close. I don't want to make myself into a joke. But I seriously can't stand being a NW6/7 25 year old.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I'm not very good at researching this sort of thing and have so far found basically three different options. If anyone knows of any more, please share.


    1. Hair transplant.

    2. Something called a gas-permeable skin layer with artificial hairs that is adhesed to the head, I guess? Something called Apollo?

    3. Just keep shaving and live with being shiny.


    I don't like option 3. Am unsure whether I'm a candidate for option 1. And don't know much about option 2. What do you guys think?

  4. Hello all. I am 25 years old, almost 26, and began losing my beautiful hair at 17. It progressed rapidly and by 19 I was very thin on the crown and the front had receded enough that I felt forced to shave my head, and have ever since.


    I get by all right, I suppose. But I once liked how I look and now I feel as though I must avoid pictures and mirrors. Lightning never favors me, and every camera flash makes me disappear like a ghost. I have very pale skin. I'm tired of all the teasing and joking--even though it's usually good-natured it gets old. And I'm especially tired of seeing that look of disappointment that lights up a chick's eyes when I take off a hat. Women claim that baldness is a non-issue but actions speak much louder than words, and I have noticed my game worsen considerably even though I am better off financially than I was, and dress much nicer.


    I just can't compete with the 90% of men my age who have hair like greek gods. It's really draining and has totally sapped my confidence. I've fought this fight for a long time now and... I just feel like giving up.


    Sorry for the sob story, anyway here's my question:


    Would a transplant be possible/recommended for me, and if not does anyone have any suggestions that would help me out?


    I know that transplant candidates need to be decided in person by a qualified consultant but here are my basics. I am young, which counts against me. And my baldness is pretty bad. On crown and on the top of the head. However, my remaining donor area, though not immensely large, I believe is pretty thick and dense. My natural hair is also blond and wavy in texture which might be good or bad, I'm not sure. Lastly, I'm not looking to achieve full coverage, even I know that's probably impossible. But could I achieve a surgery that gave me the look of "balding gracefully" with an okay "widow's peaked" type hairline and not quite as bald of a crown? Do people get surgeries like that? I think that even if I had the balding look, but wasn't totally bald (which I basically am) I would be a lot more confident than I am now.




    Sorry for the novel. I'm new here. And in pretty dire straits.

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