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Posts posted by jushair75

  1. Hello Dr. Nigam,


    I read with interest your contribution about HM development in hair loss therapies. I went to your site for more info and saw some pictures of HM therapy from your clinic.


    One thing was very clear after looking at these pictures. The HM therapy is working only in thinned out part of scalp, usually mid scalp and NOT on the bald areas.


    It is the bald portion which really needs hair and that is exactly where HM fails to deliver. By your own admission, you underwent FUT in vertex. Most other patients posted in HM results at your site show no or negligible growth in bald areas of the hairline, front and vertex area.


    I quote from your site, "Mr. M has achieved good hair density through Hair Multiplication at Mid-Scalp. Although Hair Multiplication did not show results on Hair Line and Vertex hence few Grafts of FUE was implanted on the same. He will receive extra Graft of FUE on Hair Line & Vertex in the month of December, 2012."


    So, why are hair not coming in the area where we need them most? Is HM equivalent to injection treatment or medical therapy and only improves quality of existing hair? BTW are you giving Finasteride or Minoxidil to your patients along with HM therapy?

  2. Hello Bharat!

    I was stage 5/6 when I got my surgery done in Delhi. You can see my results.

    I would recommend that you meet the doctors before making your decision. There are many good doctors in Delhi. You certainly do not have to travel for surgery. I have undergone surgery in Delhi and I know of many people having great results. I am not saying that there are no other doctors in India doing good job. All I want to tell you is that Delhi is certainly having its share of good HT docs.

    Another small piece of advice. This may come across as rather rude but you just can not decide on your HT doc sitting on the net. You gotta move your butt.


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    Sorry about the links.


    Wrc1010: Quote: "Is that any problem with the before and after result from their website?"



    I am sure you have seen the pics on site and noticed... How the camera suddenly loses focus in after pics? How no one ever thinks of posting a hairline close up? How immediate post op pictures are shown as after pics?

  4. I have contact Dr Sreedhar Reddy from bangalore and Dr Shaiil Gupta from delhi. Their before and after result also good from what i see from their website.





    are these the good results you were talking about?



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    Or are we talking about a different doctor here??

  5. Hi.


    Never heard of him. can you tell a little more like his qualifications, affiliations, experience etc. There are few good surgeons in Delhi like Dr. ****** ****** & Dr. Sharad Mishra (who did my transplant). You should consult at least three good surgeons before making up your mind. See their before after pics, meet patients if possible.


    Last but not the least, there is absolutely no need to go out of Delhi for your transplant. Best doctors of India are here.



  6. I am using Finax 1 mg & Tugain 5% gel every day.

    Finding good doc is tough I agree. Just check their credentials and results if possible.

    For me honesty is the biggest thing. Dishonest doc is the worst thing that can happen to anybody, and believe me they are aplenty. Take your time in deciding your doc. Most often its a lifetime bond.

    All the best in your search.

  7. Hey Suhas,

    Sad to hear you gettin duped by richfeel.

    Anyway I am using Fin 1 mg which is the recommended dose. ( 5mg broken into 4 =1.25 mg is cost effective in US because propecia is quite expensive there). I use 2% Nizral twice weekly and X-gain shampoo rest of the days. I am also on Minox 5%.

    In any case, the best way to clear you doubts would be to visit a reputed doc in your area. This way he can also follow your progress and guide you accordingly.

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