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Posts posted by Tommylee

  1. It's been a long time since i've gone on the forum but just a quick update..

    It's been 16 months since i went to NY and did a HT with Dr.Feller and i can say is has been a complete success. No longer do i look at the mirror and see a balding man, in fact i think this HT has probably made me look like i'm in my late 20's rather than approaching my mid 30's in age. The hairline and top of the scalp are great, my crown is a little bit thinner but certainly not a big issue for me, if anything it's the grey hair that's beginning to pop up that is more of a concern these days. I believe i went through a shedding process a couple of months ago where my hair looked thinner but i feel like its been restored, perhaps its all in my mind not completely sure. Nevertheless the decision to do a HT has been one of the best ever and recommend DR. Feller. Pics to follow via spex

  2. Hi guys, hopefully there's more growing to go! My crown area still needs more thickness though, not sure if the doc transplanted as many grafts as he did at the hairline and top. The doc did say i had an excellent donor area with alot of 2-3-4 hair follicles, which obviously helps in achieving thickness. I am using proscar and rogaine (once a day). So far so good, i'll post some more pics in the coming weeks, in full sunlight as well.

  3. Hi guys its been exactly 3 months since my HT. In the past 4-5 years i would never have let my hair grow to the length it's at now. Admittingly its more to disguise the donor area, but i let my hair grow to 15mm up top and 13mm around and below the donor area and i'm encouraged with how its looking. I re-introduced regaine 2 weeks ago (i stop using it 12 months ago) and it appears to have accelarated results because ive noticed it's a bit more fuller throughout. My hairline is still thin but i think it looks a bit more defined than before, with more finer hair present. My crown perhaps is a bit fuller too but not really sure. I havent been obsessing with my results which has helped and it's only been in the last couple weeks i've noticed a bit if a differece. Pics to follow

  4. Hi all, so it's been 3 weeks post op. most of my transplanted hair has shed, i'll put a few pics up in the coming weeks as obviously not much is happening now to see. Spex - by all means put the pics up of my ht as the doc took plenty. My head still feels tender but we all know that is to be expected. The scar is healing well and in another few days it will all be covered by my hair. Unless a person takes a close look it really isnt that visible. Everyone who has seen it has said it's going along fine so credit there to dr. F. Must say it felt loads better as soon as the staples came out. So the plan is to go about my daily life and revisit the topic in the coming months, im going to try not obsess over it as time will just go alot slower. I'll be on this forum contributing in any way i can in the meantime.

  5. Recently went to New York and got 3400 grafts with Dr.Feller. It has been about a week since the HT and the recovery is going along fine despite the discomfort on occasions in the donor area. A big thankyou to Spex, he was a great help in organising my visit and providing me with the info. His report The Hair Raising Truth is the bible for anyone with hair loss issues.

    I wont go into too much detail with my experience with Dr Feller because all the previous forum posts from his patients virtually replicate my extremely positive experience. I found Dr Feller to be very dedicated, professional and easy to get along with. His staff were wonderful and i cannot thank them enough. Special thanks to the doc for the extra grafts at no cost.


    The procedure itself was relatively painless, as many patients have described the most uncomfortable part was getting the injections to numb the donor and recipient areas. After that it was pretty much smooth sailing except for when the anesthetic wore off, the doc simply re-injected the area that made it good again.


    After the procedure was finished his lovely asistant Ana gave me instructions in managing the HT in the coming days and then i sat down with Dr Feller to have a chat and get the antibiotics. Then it was goodbye and back to the hotel to rest and recouperate. Spex was great afterwards and took the time to ensure my experience was a positive one.


    I thought The Andrew hotel in Great Neck was nice and comfortable and recommend it highly.


    So in summarising, my experience was very positive and a big thankyou to Dr Feller and his staff, and Spex!


    Pictures and updates to follow.

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