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Posts posted by master_d

  1. I just read this almost by accident, but it seems to answer my question:

    "Since part of the problem with hair thinning appears to be a Nitric Oxide deficit due to vascular damage, anything that works on a hormonal level (Propecia) is unlikely to substitute for those agents that supply Nitroxides (Minox). In the past, many have tried dumping minox in favor of just sticking with other agents they were also using that worked on a hormonal level. They invariably regret it a few months later when all the minoxidil-stimulated and minox-dependent shedding.


    Minox stimulates hair to grow, of course, by non-hormonal methods. Minox and other Nitroxides are therefore able to stimulate hair that would remain unstimulated by hormone modulation alone (Propecia). This is obvious from the chemicals involved, but also from those who start out with Propecia and get some results, but get even more results when they use Minox in addition.


    Thus, when you remove that Nitric Oxide (NO) crutch, regardless how successful the hormonal modulation you may also be doing, you lose those hairs that were stimulated into activity by something that pinch-hit for the missing NO.

    Since MPB is multifactorial, it only makes sense that if you take care of just one of the factors you will have less than 100% success. It's like someone who can't walk because he's got a broken leg and crippling arthritis, too. Mend the broken bone and you still have a problem."

  2. oh I plan on continuing both until I notice no new growth. I should mention that I would like to discontinue the rogaine at some point because it's been extremely harsh on my scalp.. after 2 or 3 applications the skin above my temples appears shiny and if I rub a comb against this skin.. most of it will peel off in clumps and then it burns when you apply more of it. I guess I take that to mean that "it's working" heh... but I often will wear a hat to cover up my red/flaky skin... not a huge deal for now, but I would like to stop at some point so I don't have to deal with that.

  3. Hi,


    I've been on generic 5mg finasteride for 2 years and been on rogaine for about one year. I have significant recession above the temples but little to no loss in the crown so I've been applying the rogaine to my temple areas only. I noticed little to no regrowth from the year I was on finasteride alone, but after about 6 months of rogaine use I noticed significant regrowth in the temple area. It seems like a line of new hairs following my receded hairline will come in and then after those hairs completely grow in a new line will form outside of the line that just grew back. The hairs start off small and are colorless, but they eventually turn black and look like normal hairs. I'm far from a full recovery of my hairline, but I've been impressed with the results I've gotten from rogaine so far. I wasn't expecting much at all. My question is after I get all the hair that I can get back from rogaine and I quit using it can I maintain the hair I recovered using finasteride alone or am I doomed to continue using rogaine for eternity?

  4. Hi guys,


    first post on this forum, but I've been lurking for awhile. I had a question about the effects of DHT blockers on the body. I've heard that DHT acts as a natural "anti-estrogen" in the body and when you take a DHT blocker like propecia, avodart, or proscar you are eliminating most of the DHT and thus increasing your estrogen levels which can lead to gyno, increased water/fat retention, mood swings, and erectile dysfunction, but it should not reduce your testosterone levels and from what I understand DHT doesn't play a role in muscle building. I'm a body builder so the idea of increased estrogen levels isn't exactly appealing to me. I was wondering if there are other body builders on this site who have tried one of these DHT blockers for an extended period of time and what their results were. (Ie did you have increased fat% or decreased muscle mass? or did it become harder for you to put on lean mass?) Also has anyone taken a DHT blocker and an anti-estrogen like Nolvadex? I'm not sure what effect that would have on the body, but I'd be interested in hearing your experiences. I'm 30 years old and have some frontal hairloss which I plan on correcting with surgery next year after I find a doctor. I'm considering going on proscar if I can get a prescription, but I don't want to do it if it would raise my estrogen levels significantly as this introduces new problems. Any information or personal experience from body builders on here?

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