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Posts posted by Gudy

  1. I had FUT in April this year (5000 grafts). Things were going great until last week when I went on a party cruise...I drank a LOT and smoked a lot. I noticed that my hair is starting to fall out. I noticed this when I was applying Rogaine and run my fingers through my hair - 6 or 7 hairs would come out.


    Before this, I hadn't smoked and only drank moderately daily. Do you think this could be the result of alcohol and smoking? Has anyone else experienced this? Does this hair grow back? Help...I'm panicking.

  2. Hi,


    There is something that works...my wife had a herniated L5. Terrible pain and stuff, tried physical therapy, epidurals and nothing worked. Finally scheuduled for surgery when a neighbor came over with a newspaper article on this doc who was a miracle worker. Now in the meantime (maybe sympathetically), I also blew out my back - bulging L4/5. I was seeing a chiro and mentioned the article and he poo-poohd the idea.


    My wife went to this doc and on her first visit began getting the sensation back in her toes, pins and needles went away, and she could actually walk upright!! She had to go for a few more visits and is ultimately ok now - been 8 yrs.


    I too went to the doc and he fixed me too. The website is www.spinalhealthinstitute.net (or www.discpump.net). I'm not sure where you live, but if you find someone local who uses this device, make sure they know how to use it!! (My chiro got jealous and got the device afterI told him about my wife;s success. He used it on me and i've never known pain so bad!!).


    Good luck.

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