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Posts posted by Bowdie

  1. Hi,

    I'm a 22 year Irish man who has had the misfortune of losing his hair on the top of his scalp for the past 2 years or so. It was a slow decline and I had always hoped, for the longest time, that it was just some sort of phase, and hopefully it will pass and new follicles would soon grow. Unfortunatley this didn't happen and my procrastination/ desperate want to ignore the issue led to me losing a nice chunk of hair. Here in Ireland there aren't a lot of options for a guy like me. I spent a small fortune on lotions and potions with a tricologist in Galway, when my fisrt hair regrowth lotion ran out I made a 2nd appointment with her. She forgot that we had met just 3 months previously and seemed only interested in getting the money off of me for the new lotion. This was enough to put me off going to her.


    I googled hair transplants Ireland and found Dr. Kiely in Cork, I had two meetings with him, which I have discussed in detail on another topic on this site. Long story short, he was also only interested in the money, no interest in me as I could tell by him constantly texting during my discussion with him a sudden evaluation, from behind his desk I might add, that I would need 2 maybe 3 transplants. The cost was outrageous and I didn't know what to do. I almost signed up to get a HT done with him. One night I goggled his name and found this site as a result. I read some horror stories about the guy and also came across the best bit of advice I ever received in my life... Research -Research -Research.


    After a few months of biting my nails and watching my hair fall out I decided to go with Dr. Feller, his results looked great and his reputation on this board, along with many other sites, looked flawless. I got in touch with Spex who in turn got in touch with Dr. Feller, and then informed me that the Doc would see me March 15.


    I was nervous and excited in the run up to the appointment. I got a plane to cross the pond and arrived in Great Neck on Sunday the 14th.

    I first met with Dr. Feller on the morning of the operation. We discussed the best plan of action. I informed him that although I didn't have a hairline, restoring that wasn't so much of an issue, my main concern was getting the huge patch on my scalp covered up. He drew out a conservative hairline and told me that I was lucky in that I could keep my combover. My hair on the left side of my head is really long, I've been using it as a combover for a year now, it's embarrassing for a guy my age, or any age I guess, to have to make due with a combover. Anyway I was happy to hear this as I was worried about how I'd look post HT.


    Dr. Feller got to work right away, I had read that the injections were the worst part of the operation but truth be told I didn't mind them at all. It is what it is, but I can honestly say that it was nothing compared to getting injections at the dentist. The rest of the procedure was a walk in the park. His staff were very friendly and courteous, just like Dr. Feller himself. Everyone was nice and relaxed, they treated me with respect, had a sense of humor about things and gladly talked me through the process. My GP at home isn't that nice to me so I was really bowled over by their kindness.


    The only issue I had was that I found my neck getting very stiff having to sit still for the procedure, however this was my own fault, I was stressing myself out before the op thinking about how horrifying it might be. I was really anxious going in to it but there was no need. The time flew and before I knew it the operation was done. I felt a bit of a headache and I'm sorry to admit but I sick right after it. Again this was just from the anxiety I had, plus jetlag. The Doc and his staff were very generous to me, they told me to take my time, brought me some tea and water to settle my stomach and clear my head. They said I can take as much time as I need to compose myself. They looked after me very well. I got my post op instructions and they called a taxi for me to get back to the hotel once I was ready.


    Once I got back to the hotel my stomach settled and I was much better. There was no pain post Op. I took 1 painkiller before bed, only as a precautionary thing, not because I needed to. I had trouble getting used to sleeping at a 45 degree angle but again thats a minor quibble.


    The following day I called back into Dr. Feller to thank him and ask about post care meds. It's been just over a week now since the op. My combover is back in action and I look relatively like I did before I left which is good because none of my friends notice a thing. The Doc and his staff did a great job of covering up my scar, it's very neat and hidden under some hair. No body can see it. I'm getting the stitches out on Thursday. I can't wait. They're such a nuisance.


    Anyway, sorry the post is so long but I wanted people to know that it is very important to research things. Only for this site and the posts that people have made I never would have known of Dr. Kielys Frankenstien jobs. I'm grateful for people telling their stories and I hope my story will help someone to choose a HT from a well respected Doc. Dr. Feller was the right choice for me and I'd highly, highly, recommend both him and his team.


    If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask, I've put a call out to Spex for the pics, hopefully I'll have them soon and I'll post them up.

  2. Hey James, sorry to hear about your situation. Thanks Christ you didn't go to the Hospital Group, it would be horrible if you went there, you'd probably have to end up shaving your head from lack of decent results afterwards and you'd be left with an atrocious visible scar.

    I guess thats something you've got to be thankful for.

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