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Posts posted by Mommyof2

  1. It was difficult to set a date and actually go through with it, I have to travel there and I have 2 small children who see their father a few times a month so it was difficult to keep a set date as things always change with kids. I want this done very much, it would be a life changer. But at the moment I am not ready mentally to go one month without having eyebrows after no one on earth has seen me without them lol so its a bit of a shocker.. When I was first informed by the staff that it would be 1-2 weeks without makeup, which wasnt so bad I would just hibernate in my home during the winter time (dates that were set were in the winter) for the week or 2, or wear a hat and sunglasses and hope my parents stayed away that week lol

  2. Hello everyone!


    I am extremely nervous, I am a young, very self conscious woman and I am scheduled to have eyebrow transplant in 2 weeks with Dr Rahal in Ottawa. I've tried looking up things online but I'm left with nothing. Anyone else recently have eyebrows done? With Rahal? Even if not by him, I'd love any kind of help. I have no idea what to expect, the day of, the next day, the next week.. I really really want this done as I am extremely tired of being so self conscious and taking so long each day to do my makeup and color in my brows.. Also tired of being so limited, swimming, anything coming close to touching my face with the chances of rubbing off my makeup.. No one ever sees me without my make up... Not for 10 years! Not even my boyfriend of 4 years who claims he peeked through the door once and saw me but I don't care!! Lol... I am extremely embarrassed and really want to get this procedure done, I have postponed the date 4 times already and this is the closest I've been to one. What do I expect? Am I going to be in hiding under hats and sunglasses for a week or two? When can I put make up on? Any help would be very awesome! Thank you

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