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Posts posted by lcsulla

  1. So I am coming up on completing month five (on Friday) and I am a little worried. My right side and crown are growing great and started around month 3. But the very front of my hairline has only had a little growth, as well as the left side. If the left side doesn't grow (I haven't had any new sprouts since beginning of month four) its going to look a lot shorter then my right.

    Even my crown is growing in quite well.


    So should I be worried I haven't seen any new hair pop through on the left side yet?



  2. Does it? It seems that the scar is larger on the right side and the spots with no hair...not cool. I read your write up with your pics and you admitted to having a large scar and that you were thinking of doing a scar revision. You don't think my scar looks like yours?

  3. Well I am going into week 9 and I am ever inching closer to being back to normal (pre transplant). My hair is still thinner around the sides on the crown and a little thinner along the hairline; hopefully they grow back. :(


    My scar has improved but now I am wondering if its stretched on the right side. I cut it down using a #4 blade and you can see the outline of the scar. The back and other side are less visible. There two spots on the right where there is almost no hair. And it is still pretty red.


    I started working out around three and half weeks post op and I have yet to put anything on my neck or do situps with my hands back there. And I am waiting closer to 4 months to go back to training BJJ and Thai boxing.



  4. Gone with my gut and just had the old transplants I had done in the 90's punched out and shave my head ala Jean Luc Picard.


    Its a month in and I even on a 7-8 guard you can see my scar from orbit. I have to spend 20 min in the morning putting concealer on it. Not to mention that the hair they shaved down hasn't grown back and my bald spot, which was not huge, is now the size of a grape fruit.


    This sucks. And I can't fathom anyone wanting to do this multiple time. This just down right blows.

  5. Bah. When I posted the first album, I also sent it off to BaldingBlog for their opinion, and I got this. Only just noticed it.


    I’m Concerned About How My Hair Parts - Balding Blog


    According to whoever wrote that, I style my hair to cover the 'suggestion of thinning', whatever that means. I just brush my hair over, I don't do anything intentional. And I also have 'possible' hair loss in the first picture, according to him. I'm getting sick of this, it just eats into my life. I've been the doctors to try and get a referral to the dermatologist, but my GP says there's nothing wrong with my hair.


    Anyway, yeah. Getting a bit annoyed now. Dunno what to believe. I appreciate you guy's putting up with me and replying to me, it is helpful. Thanks :)




    I would punch a baby to have the amount of hair you do. You have NO hair loss. None. Go out, have a pint with your friends and lot some hot, young girl run her fingers through all your hair.

  6. Well my perspective has changed as I have gotten older. I mainly got this procedure done because I had one in the mid 90's that was beginning to show. If I had it to do all over again; I would just shave it. And I can totally sympathize with many of the young guys on this forum; they think losing their hair is the end of the world. I felt the exact same way. I only wish I had the options many of you guys in your 20's have. Think how all of the guys that are high NW's that are walking around in their late 40's and older that didn't have the options that we have today. Or the guys that were butchered throughout the 80's and 90's trying to get their hair back and look 100 times worse then being bald. Ugh.


    I feel I am pretty damn lucky to have kept a decent amount of hair (NW3V, in case you are wondering), and my goals are very modest. And it will grow back... LOL

  7. I also think you need to think about what exactly you are trying to achieve and who has a "look" you really like. Plus where are you willing to travel too. For example I had mine done with Dr. Paul Shapiro. I loved the work he was putting out and he has been very consistent. And I have heard that he isn't as conservative as his bother Ron.

    But I will tell you that if I was say early to mid 30's and only had frontal loss I would take a serious look at Dr. Rahal, both the Shapiro Brothers, Dr. Feller, True and Dorin, and Dr. Arocha. But if I was a NW 5 or 6 I would look at Hasson and Wong, as well SMG.


    Also some only due strip (H&W) and some are leaders in FUE (Feller).

  8. I just got a procedure done 10 days ago: my vertex was worked on, and well as my front. I start back to work on Tuesday and I have a hair cut that makes me look like friar tuck. I had been using concealers on my bald spot for a few months and now I go back to work with a bald spot about as big as you can get! My solution is to tell everyone I lost a bet to my brother while visiting him and he shaved it while I was asleep. Sounds a little lame, but hey how are they to really know? And in a few months I will start using concealers again until it grows out.


    I think at first people will be like "WTH did you do?" But after a few days everyone will forget about it.

  9. I personally think that the shaved head/ balding look is much more accepted today then when I was 22. You have stars and models that shave their heads and women think they are sexy as hell.


    I wish I could have had the perspective I have now on hair. I wish I could just shave it, but a bad HT in the 90's prevents that.


    Oh and I think being a bald women is much worse then being a bald male. There are so many of us and so few of them.

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