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Posts posted by littlemink

  1. Hi all:) I just recieved my quote from Dr.Feridunis office and the emails I've been getting are from a gentleman called "Marraffa Cristian". He asks for a 1000 euro deposit to an account number and they dont take credit cards (huh?).


    Is this a scam or is it real because I could be just depositing money into a random acount thats nothing to do with Dr.Feriduni. Has anyone paid this way before?


    I'm sure this is all legit but taking cash only doesnt sound like the professional clinic that I assume Dr.Feriduni runs. Has anyone ever paid him like this?



  2. Thanks bud. My bodys a temple 'n all that but I still have a thick head of hair and sex is my favourite thing next to kite surfing and Battlestar Galactica re-runs. Panic, of course I did but I've settled into the "go for it" mentality. I'm looking at Fernasteride as temporary because I feel in the next few years theres gonna be some cell activation drug out there so I'm writing and believing my own press right now:) hehe

  3. I don't have the tablets yet but the advice was from someone who answered a post the other day. I'm not sure yet how to measure or cut these things into specific mg but I live in a town full of drug dealers so getting advice on accurately cutting up pills is on my doorstep:)

  4. Ok, I've read 3 or 4 reports now that say that under 0.2mg of Finhad a oercentage of reduction in benefit but between 0.2-0.8, (or 1mg) there was little to no added bonus..They aslo said in a few reports that it might not even be required to tkae it every day and that 2 to 3 times per week showed the same results in their tests (wherever they tested) with lesser side effects.


    Anyone able to shine a light on this one? If it's true, we save more money, have less sides and get more sex whilst enjoying the same hair.

  5. I think hes asking mainly about the side effects of Finasteride. I didnt know about taking any drug at all when I'd decided on FUT (still waiting on price from Dr.Feriduni) and now when i calculate the risk factor and "possible" side effects from Finasteride, it just made my heart sink.


    Frommy own research over the last 36 hours, it seems that people taking the 5mg Finasteride tables in the studies had more of the side effects we hear about. On the 1MG cases, the percentage is around the 1-3% mark and thats not taking into account the patients who were given placebos who were also very close to 1-3% with side effects.


    To me, thats worth taking the chance but from what i hear the effects (should they become an issue) are reversible. As you're so young too, they say you have to wear protection during intercourse to protect your partner and to stop using the drug a few months before you plan to have a kid.


    Other than that, I'm going for the 5 month dose of 5mg Fin adn cutting it up into 0.8 chunks.


    ps..i also heard that between 0.2mg and 1mg of Fin, there was little to no added affect and also i read a few places that you only have to take it two or three times per week and not every day as most people say. I'm still unsure about this (but I've read 3 independant reviews onit so far) and will continue to look into it because I'd rather take less drug, less often for less side effects.

  6. I was also wondering, does EVErYONE have these sexual side effects or is only like 1% of the people? If u read paracetamol side effects etc that's almost as scary so just looking gauge probable things to look for. Anything over 5% of people with any of these issues with 0.8 - 1mg (although I think the side effects relate to 5mg daily?) and I think I'll take my chances with HT and wait...:then another...more costly in the end but I finally get a full head of hair should it ever all fall out and the added bonus of having the ladies enjoy me without (I hate saying it) gubbed erections...:)

  7. Thanks for that. I read about people cutting up 5mg into 5 or 6 parts before but the claims that your body only needs around 0.2-0.8 twice a week would lengthen that to around ?5 per month-ish if it's true.


    Taking ANY pills to alter body chemistry is against everything I stand for. I barely take paracetamol for headache but would taking the Finasteride be the only drug I'd realistically have to take after my HT?


    Fingers crossed they email me back soon. I want full growth of my hair for my 40th next May!

  8. It's actually 5mg Finasteride tablets from most chemists. It's ?0.08 per tablet divided by 5 or 6 = 50 pence per mOnth? I'll try it and see what happens but I'm checking with my doctor first to be sure and the asking the chemist because they know more about pills than the doctors. I like my sex. Don't EVER want to reduce that! Fingers crossed :)

  9. Hi and thanks for the tablet and appointment advice. The trouble with me seeing various professionals is that their advice usually conflicts which in turn, for me anyway, makes me nervous. I'm hedging my beta on Dr.'s knowledge because too many opinions on a topic I'm novice about could put me off even although knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss:)


    As for the tablets, I found 5mg Fin for ?0.08! Why doesn't everyone just buy those instead of the super expensive 1mg? Is it too good to be true?


    Thanks again guys

  10. Well, after reading, looking and taking the advice of you all, I finally contacteds Dr.Feriduni's surgery and posted some pics for him to have a look at.


    I still have my assessment appointment in Glasgow for Ziering Medical (but I can't find any info other than the publicity pictures etc actually on Zierings page about its own doctors) but i feel I'll cancel this as the amount ofpublicity to reasure future patients that Ziering's put into its own doctors is ZERO, and the advice and research on Dr/Furiduni was pleasing and inspired confidence in the man. Then he has a few videos on youube etc. He feels like the "Stan Lee" of the HT world.


    So, Belgium it is....price dependant. I dont take any medication or propecia. My hairs always been kinda far back anyway, but I want the temple area filled etc. I cant afford the ?50 per month on this Propecia thing but i have saved for the Hair Surgery. I have allergies to lots of medication as well. I know I'll get the advice that theres no point in getting HT if the rest of the hair's gonna go, but what are my options here honestly. There's no magica green tea, or even the possability of a 20% off coupon from Dr.Feriduni for when I have to go back to thicken up or replace the hairs that Propecia would have "maybe" saved?


    Thanks again for the advice guys and girls. Its amazing the feeling of calm hat replaces constant anxiety when you finally decide to do something positive about losing hair....and also if you've saved a few thousand pounds too...dammit!llol

  11. Thanks for the advice on docs in Belgium. If they sold a package deal of deposit, flights, consultation in English and transplant next day I'd go for that but I'm still looking at around ?3000-?4000 all in. I couldn't fly there for a consultation only to go back out IF they can fit me in and I want full growth by my 40th next may too. Cutting it close

  12. Ok. Cancelled my consultation with Ziering so thanks for the heads up. I'm looking through Belgian surgeons right now. As well as me researching, would anyone have an idea of a clinic in Belgium on that is good value for money. I'm sure travel will take some cash off my budget so any advice on this would be great. Also, the end result is worth the extra cost so I'd love to hear positive things about any Belgian surgeon?


    I'm also writing an article about this and will add in surgeon interviews where possible. This stuff seems like such an underground thing when it should be simple to at least find reputable surgeons and clinics.

  13. Thanks for the reply. I've heard that generalisation all over the Internet about any and all uk based clinics but there is little to no information I can find over the last month that explains who the surgeons that work in these clinics are? I'm sure they're not all bad and to get an opinion from someone who's been there (and for them to be in business someone must have been there) would save me the extra battle of dealing with clinics that could have the same risk factor with the added trouble of travel expenses.


    Why isn't it easier to get this information?


    Who would u recommend Or what clinic would u recommend? I want my hair fully restored by may next year so months on waiting lists for the most popular doctors is out of the question unfortunately:(


    Also my budget is around 3k. I'm assuming I'm a Norwood 1 or 2 at most.


    Thanks again


    Ps. I don't get the option to upload a picture from the iPhone :(

  14. Hi. I'm not willing to travel for my HT. Its a minor one they say at about Norwood 1, so just the temple area i think.


    I've been trying to research the clinics that I've seen advertised, and its almost impossible to get ANY information on them by previous clients. Everyone seems to bash the UK clinics and talk about the 3 surgeons u always hear about but due to time and money restrictions and secrecy, I'm looking for something close to home.


    I've booked a consultation at Ziering Medical in Glasgow this month and as we know, Craig Ziering is famous for the strickly come dancing guys hair etc, but he wont be performing on me i assume, so I'm looking for ANYONE, who has had HT done there in Glasgow to let me know what they thought.


    Price range they say is 3-8k which puts me off a little since some other companies have a lower starting price and since I'm not looking for a whole head of hair, am I being ripped off?


    Thanks guys and gals:)

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