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Posts posted by timintex2

  1. Hello everyone, I am considering using HTI for a FUE procedure. They have gotten back to me via email with an estimate of grafts and cost, as well as a drawn hairline. Everything looks good and the price is right for me. Can anyone please PM me anything they would like to share with me about the clinic, I would greatly appreciate any and everything you'd be willing to write.

  2. Oh believe me.. I wanted to say much more. I think people use it as another poster put earlier as a veiled dig at us.


    Some of my friends , well certain 1 or 2, always just casually "bring it up". I know what theyre doing and it's just wrong. Sometimes its veiled as humor but more often than not it's a dig I beleive.


    Most people know balding is a big issue and is unfortunately looked down upon, they are not clueless, and are intentionally trying to put us down with the veil of "humor".

  3. Oh man, your hair looks very good. Especially the first picture, the style really suits it. I wouldn't worry too much! Perhaps a little FUE down the road if it doesn't fall progress too much but I feel your pain.


    For now though, I'd say youre fine. Keep your chin up man. We do have very similar hairlines, although mine is a bit worse, but they are shaped the same.

  4. This is a topic that has always puzzled me. It's so embarassing for some of us that arent the "just shave it off" guys. I personally really hate it when people mention it as a joke with no regards to mine (or you guys) feelings. Its insanely disrespectful.


    A woman (overweight I might add) did that to me here at the office just the other day and it really got my blood boiling. I came into work a little late, rushed in the morning and didnt have time to comb hair, etc.


    As soon as I walk into the office in front of about 5 other employees, she goes "Oh you forgot to comb your hair... what you have left" and chuckled.


    This caused another employee to start laughing. I was mortified to say the least. I wanted to cut her down so bad but I just laughed.

  5. Yes it has. The AAS was the ONLY time Ive noticed shedding since I was around 19 or so. I used it when I was 22-23. After I was done, it abrubtly stopped. Now my hair is strong, and I can comb it and wash it without seeing any hairs really.

    EDIT, the 3 pics on the right from current, 25 years old, my hair is combed back NOT forward if that helps


    I also have thick dark hair and a good donor area appearentely!


    I am seriously considering propecia.


    I've yearned for a nice hairline since I was 15 years old (the left most pic). Its rough seeing 40 year old guys with better hair than you when you arent even 20!

  6. Thanks for the replies guys.


    Yes I have thought about waiting but honestly, if I could just have a few short years with a decent hairline, I'd be fine. I've been dealing with this for so long.


    Also, the pic second from the left is when I was 19, and the last three pics on the right is now at 25. There isnt much change, and the change there is there is from 10 weeks of injectable AAS use and 2 oral hormone cycles, in which it made me shed lots and lots of hair. Like, stopping up the drain amounts. Other than that it seems to have stabalized. I measure it at each temple and the middle frequently. (For how long, I don't know).


    I have spoken with a very smart, articulate doctor here in Houston. A Dr. Arocha, the man is a stud when it comes to hair and made me feel very comfortable about the whole process. My consultation with him went very well, he's very informative. He reccomended 2500grafts. Unfortunately right now he is a bit out of my price range but I will continue to save and research.

  7. Hello everyone,


    This is my first post on the forums since I was about 17. (I Think it was this forum, I am not sure it was so long ago). I just wanted to share a bit of info about myself and get some opinions, a dialogue, heck I dunno, talking about this seems like itll feel good.


    I've been balding since I was 15 or so. Ever since a friend of mine just blurted, "dude ur balding" while I was getting a haircut, it has had its hold on me ever since.


    I hate that I receeded at such a young age and have never been able to enjoy a nice hairline and feel confident when I get haircut/ wind blows/etc. :(


    It would have been one thing if I went bald when Im 40 but this just plain stinks. The recession doesnt appear to be too fast and was only recently agitated with AAS use (stupid I know).


    So I posted when I was 17 or so on here saying "do I need a HT?" (young and childish), and due to the responses Ive waited til I was older. Ive been saving for 6 years now to get one and am now seriously considering/about to get one.


    Below are pics of me when I was (far left)15, (2nd from left)19, and then 3 pics from couple of days ago (25 yrs).


    Please read and comment peoples






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