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Posts posted by getbackmyhair

  1. Thehairupthere and Mattj,


    I really appreciate your time for guiding me in the right direction. I also talked to Dr. Mohebi and he also suggested the same thing.But i had free consultation with other doctor and he said its ok to do the Transplant . But i will stick to the suggestion you guys have given me and i will start the medication .


    So i general how long do i need to use these medications to start seeing the results?

  2. Thanks for quick response. I really appreciate it . So when you said propecia or roagine foam do we need to get these as prescibed drugs? Can i ask my physician to do that or do i need to go to Hari transplant specialist to get these prescribed?


    when you said i am not a candidate for hair transplant does it mean i should not get one done now ? Are there any side affects if i do that at this statge? i dont want to lose the complete hair as people might notice it . i was under a impression that if i get the transplant now the transplanted hair might come around 6 months from now and no one will notice that i have done a Hair transplant ?


    What do you think?

  3. Hello Friends,


    I have recently noticed that my hair on the crown part was getting thin and started to research online. I have found this great forum where every one was sharing their experinces with hari transplant . i wanted to ask your suggestion if i can use propecia as suggested by one of the doctor i consulted.


    The reason he said i can try using propecia was that he belives there are alot of minaiature hairs still left and by using propecia they can become stonger and thicker giving more density. I just wanted to know experience of some one who have already taken.


    Can you guys also suggest by looking at my photos how many grafts do you think i need to get to make my crown part look good.


    Regarding Hair transplantation techniques i have heard a lot about FUE but i didnt know what is the main advantage of that over the other techniqes? Do i need to shave my head to if i get a Hari transplant?


    Thanks in Advance .





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