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Posts posted by andyjay90

  1. hmmm fair enough. But maybe if the procedure wasnt a big one, then it wouldnt be such a big risk going with him? i dont require the extensive work jason gardiner had done all over his head practically. I just want to restore slightly the temple region. Basically go from a norwood 2, to norwood 1 again.


    the only reason im more on going ahead with ziering, is a) the price is more affordable and b) his clinic offers a finance option.


    I'l just have to do more reading man

  2. thanks for the reply.


    Dont know who jason gardiner is but i googled imaged him and this came up.





    What are your guys thoughts on this? i've heard mixed responses about ziering :S


    And yeah true im going to look to try finance it. Judging by my picture would you think 1000 hair grafts is really needed? or can i get away with 500. Its just the temples i need restoration in

  3. Thanks for the reply mate.

    Yes thats my photo. My hair in general is pretty good. I've taken the pic from that angle as that is where my main concern is... the temple area. I have researched Dr Farjo, but the prices are 5 pound per hair graft, which would mean in total the procedure would cost 5000 pound which is abit much to be honest. And i only require work on the temple area nothing too major.


    Are there any other clinics that have a more reasonable price?

  4. Hi everyone.


    Im new to this site.


    Im 22. Looking for an affordable hair surgeon/hair clinic in London. My current budget would be 2500 pound maximum. I have visited several clinics and had free consultations, to which they all say i have good hair, though i am slightly receding in the temple area. They said if i were to go ahead i would only need 1000 hair grafts.


    However i cant seem to find a reasonable deal. Nearly every clinic charges in the region of 6 pound + per hair graft.


    I would be grateful for any advice given.





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