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Posts posted by bjk1903

  1. So I bought a Nanogen bottle last year but I just got around to using it. I made a thread about this a while back(Dr. Nigam made a post with huge pictures ruining it), asking for advice on how to use it. I got some great advice. I tried it for the first time yesterday and to be honest I was a little disappointed.


    While it looked okay on the crown, it looked horrible on the hairline. I tried to use it to give a little more volume to the thin hairs in the front and all it did was sit right on my scalp and it looked horrible.


    Maybe I am applying it wrong or perhaps the Nanogen lost its effectiveness? Do the fibers go bad if they sit in the can for a year? Would be great if you guys can share your insights.


    Thank you!!!

  2. Again thanks to all for the wonderful advice!


    I wasn't really contemplating surgery until another couple of years(perhaps when I am 28-29). Like many have said, I was afraid of experiencing permanent shock loss to the native hairs and the transplant going to waste. The reason why I wanted to get surgery was after seeing results like this:







    I do not know the history of these patients but these guys either have the same level of hairloss as me or either slightly less or more. Basically if they can achieve awesome results, I believe that with the right doctor, I can too.

  3. Your hair looks too good to me. You're basically a NW1 at the moment but with the capacity to be a NW6 based on family history. I believe you also had to give up finasteride because of sides.


    Be aware that docs can only restore 50% original hair density and what you have looks to exceed that already, maybe not where those finer frontal hairs are in the first cm, but cerainly beyond that there is still good density.


    Transplanting the hairline will draw a line in the sand and you could well end up looking goofy in later years. It may also just shock out any weaker hairs and you would end up back to square one with no change in density you had pre-op.


    If you're lucky you may have 5,000 FUE lifetime donor supply which may only be enough to cover half of your head. Pack a couple of thousand in the front in the next couple of years and what happens? You lose all that hair behind it and have a mass of scalp in the middle with no hair and not enough donor to fill it. Then your only option is a partial hairpiece..


    Transplanting your crown in it's current state would be madness and no sane Dr would do it. Maybe if you were 45 and on finasteride, but until then, no chance!


    Thanks for the awesome advice!


    Yes I did give up all the DHT inhibitors I was taking due to sides. Although I am considering taking at a very low dose again. The time that I got sides was just a very bad time in my life so I am thinking it might have been due to that. When I first took it, my only sides were dull ball ache, and a change in the consistency of semen. The ball ache went away after a week or so and I just had the other side. Ten months into it, ED and massive drop in libido hit and I freaked out since I never had a problem with that at all. Now I am back to normal but I don't feel comfortable with my regimen because the DHT is wreaking havoc on the hair follicles.


    I am hoping an alternative to finasteride(and even minoxidil) can be found soon. I have done plenty of research on RU, CB, and all the other drugs that might be an alternative but none of those have gone through clinical trials yet. I just don't feel safe using a drug that I don't know the side effects are(long and short term). Some people in other forums(perhaps even this one) are taking these drugs and if they have an overwhelming positive experience, then perhaps I may try them.


    It's pretty sad that all the medications that we can use for maintenance and regrowth is over 20 years old.

  4. When I was looking at your pictures, it was like I was looking at my own head 3 years ago. Bad thing is I was 22 when my hair was roughly where you are now. I too cherished my long hair but the time came where it just did not look good due to how thin it was. I cut it short and believe me, it looked so much better. I think you should at least consider cutting it. (PS- my left hand side of my head is thinner than my right side as well, we are like hair twins)


    Continue taking finasteride if you can tolerate it(I had sides from it which sucks) and if I were you I would add minoxidil(twice daily) and nizoral shampoo(daily). Follow this routine for at least a year and then evaluate. There is a very good chance you can thicken up the existing hair and if you do, then you can grow it long again. Also do not go off any of the medication you use since you will lose all the benefit it provided. Once you start meds, it is a lifelong decision. What you can do if you do not want to use minox forever is to try finasteride for a year and see what it does for you. If you are not pleased, add minox and continue that for a year. If you start seeing regrowth then you know minox had a positive effect and this means you need to use it as long as you want your hair.


    Also I got PRP/Acell injections done. I was told by the doctors that offered them that while it may not regrow hair, it can thicken existing hair. I felt that it had a positive effect on my hair. I am only suggesting this, you don't have to do it. I might get more PRP/Acell sessions done since I don't take finasteride anymore. Good luck!

  5. Thank you guys for the input!


    @Spanker I was wondering why you think I am not a candidate? Am I still too young? I was hoping that with the pictures I documented throughout the last year and half, it would show that my hair loss is not progressing as fast(I believe I slowed it down with meds, but I really can't say how long it will keep up since I haven't been taking any DHT inhibitors for a year) and I would be a good candidate.


    @tacolinowest Thank you for compliments. I really wasn't expecting anyone to say it looks great haha. Also wanted to compliment your HT, I've been following and it is going to look fantastic in 3 more months. Best of luck and happy growing!


    @MAGNUMpi I bought some Nanogen last year but I have still yet to try it. I do minox foam morning and evening so perhaps the fibers might not work as well. I definitely need to try it one of these days with the foam and see how it works. Also wanted to say how similar our pattern of hair loss is. Honestly, if my hair looked like yours at your age, I would be ecstatic(probably won't be the case for me though since your loss is slightly more than mine and I am still 25). It's kind of funny how you think I don't really need a transplant and I think that you really don't need a transplant(in your pictures you say you are considering one).


    I know I do not have extensive hairloss. I really think that the first couple inches of the hairline is getting to the point where it is too thin so adding a couple of grafts there to boost the thickness would be realistic right now-same for the crown, especially on the right side. And as long as this lasts me for 4-5 years, I wouldn't mind getting a larger session when the hair loss is more.


    My thinking was that I would get a small session now and just keep adding sessions as needed(until I max out the donor) and assuming I reach NW6 my entire head would be replaced with transplant hairs. This way I will never really be bald and have nice hair in my 20's and thin but still decent hair into 30's and 40's. Is my thinking not a very logical approach?

  6. Hello all! I recently made a thread about my progress with hair loss meds and when I was carefully looking through the pics I came to the conclusion that it is time to go for some FUE at the hairline and crown. I'm getting more and more upset that I cannot style my hair the way I want due to the thinness in the hairline and crown. I've seen a couple of hair loss docs and they all said that I would need some work but suggested I wait a little bit more. I agree I might still be young for a procedure but my confidence is taking a major dive. I am not looking for super thick hair, just a little thicker then it is now. I am pretty realistic about my goals and as long as I have good hair into my late 20's and decent hair into my mid 30s, I wouldn't mind slightly thinner hair into late 30's and on.


    Latest photos can be seen here: Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos


    I wrote about my history of hair loss in this thread: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/171934-fight-save-my-hair-follow-along-me.html


    Forgot to add my family history of hairloss on that thread

    Paternal Grandfather- NW4-5(passed at age 50)

    Maternal Grandfather- NW3-4(passed at age 40)

    Father- NW6-7(age 56)

    Paternal Uncle- NW6(age 60)

    Maternal Uncle- NW6(age 58)

    Male cousins all have mbp

    Obviously genetics are not in my favor


    How many grafts would I need? I asked the docs about what kind of hair loss I can expect with my current pattern and family history but they all said that it is a bit unpredictable. Based on everyone's experience how is my hair doing and what norwood am I/heading towards? Thank you all for reading and I eagerly wait for your insights!

  7. Quick summary of my situation


    2010- first sign of hairloss pointed out by mother. I scoffed at her because it looked ridiculously thick. Fine toothed comb would get stuck.


    Next 2 years I did nothing as I did not see a problem until Jan 2012. Which is where the photos start. So in 2 years I went from awesome Legolas hair(yes I had it that long at the time and it looked exactly like it) to what you see in the pics


    On Jan 2012- started big 3(liq minox eve/foam during day, 2% niz twice a week-mon/fri, 1% on wed), aminexil, laser comb 4 times a week, revita 4 days a week, hair/skin/nails multivitamin(lots of B vitamins, biotin, MSM) and I got Acell/PRP injections on Jan 2012


    Oct 2012- had to drop any DHT inhibiting stuff I was using. Had the common sides you hear. Although I always doubted if it was the medication because this was a seriously stressful, depressing time in my life so this may have had an effect. But when you consider the side effects of taking meds, your mind wanders directly to them so I had to stop. Everything went back to normal.


    Currently I am using minox twice a day(foam 5% morn, lipogaine evening), 2% niz twice a week-mon/fri, 1% on wed, aminexil, laser comb 4 times a week(so every other day basically), revita 4 days a week, hair/skin/nails multivitamin(lots of B vitamins, biotin, MSM)


    So I was 20-21 at first signs of loss, and currently couple months away from being 26.


    Here is a link to my photos- Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos


    I look forward to as many responses and suggestions as possible. Thank you!

  8. I have suggested they put the Nanogen and locking spray all on the same page of the store. I told them I thought they would sell 2-3 times more locking spray than they do now....because nobody sees it....it's hard to find. Who knows why they don't do this, but at least I tried.


    Here is the link to the Nanogen Locking Spray/Mist:





    Thank you!!!


    When you say blow dry, I assume you mean to 'touch up' a la Shampoo..


    I'm not sure how well the fibres will attach to hair strands if they are coated in foam/solution. Got to be worth a try.




    Ill let you know how it works out

  9. Thanks for the replies guys, great advice. So what I think I will do is wash my hair in the morning, apply the minox(foam) wait 15-20mins for it to dry, apply my nanogen, blow dry, and before my night application of minox, wash my hair again.


    Couple more questions, how can I get the locking spray(not from the nanogen site because it keeps giving me an error when I try to order. Which is why I ordered nanogen fibers from this site's shop)? Also is water enough to get the fibers out or do I need to shampoo?

  10. I want to hide some thin spots using concealer but have some questions. I use topicals and I am afraid of using them with concealers as they will inhibit its absorption. I usually wash my hair every morning, towel dry, apply my minox foam and head out. During the evening I put on minox liq, wait an hour or so then head to bed. I can't seem to figure out how I would be able to incorporate concealer use.


    So how do those that use topicals also use concealer? What is your routine? Just want to say thanks now for all the input

  11. no opinions, thoughts, suggestions?


    P.S. I was already getting some facial hair in places which shouldn't, but they were not thick/colored so I didn't make much of it. This past month and a half those hairs are becoming terminal and now I have facial hair growing near my eye and above my eyebrows. Minox is turning me into a bald werewolf :D


    P.P.S The shed and itching are becoming unbearable :(

  12. Thought I would update my status. Its been 8 months since I've started on the my treatment/medications and I can safely safe that I don't have any idea if my hair got worse or better. From the looks of it, its about the same as when I started. Shed and itch had been reduced after my last post but the last 3 weeks I have been shedding and itching like crazy. I did add 2% Niz and Rogaine liquid at nights to my treatment end of July, but I doubt this is what is doing it. I also posted pics for comparison. The latest is from July but the hair now is pretty much the same as those pics. Side effects wise, i do get an occasional testicle pain(comes and goes at random). ED sometimes, but this only happens when I am extremely stressed, and even then I get it up but its not as "impactful". Once the Neogenic from L'Oreal comes out, Im going to try that for 3 months. I mean I am trying everything so far and nothing worked so this can't make things worse lol.


    Also question for all: When people say they only shed 3 hairs(or something really low) when they shower, are they really being serious? I mean on average a person loses 100 hairs per day. Before medications I would shed much more than 150 hairs per shower. After medications, during the good times it was down to about 30-40, now its at about 80ish. I have never gotten it down to what people on the forums claim. So does this mean that the medications for me are just barely working or not working at all?



    Niz 1% M/W/F(mondays and fridays I use it as the first lather, then I wash with 2%)

    Niz 2% M/F

    Revita shampoo

    Rogaine Foam 5% Every Morning

    Rogaine Liquid 5% Every Night

    Laser Comb Hairmax 12 M/W/F

    Maxi-Hair Plus by Country Life(has a shit ton of biotin, MSM, vitamin Bs, Zinc, you name it, it has it lol)

    Saw Palmetto and Nettle with Pumpkin by Solray

    Aminexil (first 6 week treatment was in March/April, starting second 6 week treatment this week)

    ACell/PrP injections in Jan 2012








  13. Yes this may not be ground breaking results but you all have to remember that this is just the beginning. Im sure they are looking for ways to improve the result. And even if they don't and this is the max they can get, it is still good for people who are just starting hair loss. The results mean that it stops further hair loss and can even get a little bit of growth. If you are beginning hairloss and just get the Replicell treatment and combine that with a hair transplant, I think you'll be just dandy. Lets wait and see

  14. Update on my situation: It's been roughly 3 months since I started my treatments(Big 3, Acell/PrP, and other stuff) and so far I see a minimal difference in my hair(looks healthier, maybe slightly thicker) but it's not getting worse as of right now. Main difference is my shedding has decreased. I would lose a lot of hair after each shower and now not so much. Even when I would comb after a shower, the whole comb would be covered in hair. Now none, so maybe it is improving, we shall see. My scalp however has improved greatly. No longer is it red or oily. Also my hair would get oily the very next day after I showered and it is no longer the case anymore. I shower in the morning and wake up the next day and my hair looks just about the same whereas before it would be getting quite oily. Ill update around May 18th after my followup with my doc. Hopefully I will see improvement by then and I can be of hope to others who want to try ACell/PrP treatment. I know everyone is gonna say but how do you know its Acell and not the others effecting your growth? and to that I say who cares!! if the treatments work that's all that matters. It means I found a winning combo and that others can try it for themselves :)

  15. How is it that my Revita is not causing any of the things you guys are saying. I've used it for 3 months now(roughly) and I alternate with Niz and they both do a great job keeping my hair clean and looking thick. In fact ever since I started using them(along with my other treatments) I don't have any scalp redness whereas before my scalp would be red on a lot of days. I dont know if Ill keep using Revita once its finished though as I feel its redundant with Niz. Well see....

  16. blk1903

    Really no need to use both Revita and Nizoral...if you are using Revita it has the same active ingredient in it as Nizoral--ketoconzale...

    Im sure you knew that but just in case you didn't..if you wanna mix two shampoos, which is a good idea, try using Revita with Revivogen, or Revivogen with Nizoral...

    Nizoral and Revita are kind of redudent though..



    I knew and you're probably right but I wanted to use a keto shampoo everyday and I heard it's good to mix up shampoos(Can't use Niz everyday, it is a bit rough, but I don't have that problem with Revita). I have about 4 months supply of each so once I finish them, I'll consider changing it up. So far though they have really helped my scalp feel better. The hair looks cleaner(less oily) and more full. Hair loss wise, maybe a minimal difference. I will take your suggestions into consideration though, thanks :) BTW how is the transplant coming along, I haven't been able to keep up with your progress.

  17. How much do you guys use? I use Revita as well, along with Niz and I use a little less than half a palm-full. So far I have not had trouble lathering either one. And both shampoo's(thickness wise) look identical except for the color. My Revita is neither too thick or too watery, I think its fine. I can't comment about how it was previously because I've only used to for roughly 2 months. Maybe the quality did go down, don't know, but so far I like it. Plus shampoo's really make only a minimal difference. I like Niz and Revita because they greatly helped reduce my scalp itch and my hair looks healthier.

  18. I don't have a link to the L'Oreal, it says it on the box(I will take a picture and post it on here for you). However I can provide you with a video from L'Oreal that says how to apply it. But believe me, I am not lying to you. It says you use it twice a year for 6-8 weeks each time(it comes with 42 vials). It says to do one treatment during beginning of spring and the other treatment around fall(so first treatment around march till end of april second treatment from september to end of october)




    check it out.

  19. I got the directions on how to use it from L'Oreal who made this drug. That is what they suggest. Also you said that you your doctor friend suggested this to you recently but you have been trying it for 6 months? That is a little confusing. Why ask if it works, if you have been trying it already for 6 months. You should see for yourself if it has benefits. I would like to know if you have seen positive results seeing as how I am going to start it.


    The drug comes in vials so you use 1 vial on the entire head. don't know how many mg of the drug are in the vial.

  20. Ill let you know my results with it, I already started rogaine but I am starting Aminexil tomorrow. Will use it everyday for 6 weeks and then do the same again 6 months later. You use it twice a year. I say it won't hurt to try once, DNS labs was mixing Minox and Aminex together so it might have some benefit to use them together.

  21. This post contradicts your last post...anyway, do what you said,, stick it out...shedding is a good thing...hard too watch but it is a good thing...:)



    That last post was before I started the big 3. At that point I was only washing my hair everyday and taking a supplement specifically for hair. Ever since starting medication, the hair has been getting thinner and shedding has increased.

  22. Update on my situation. It's been about a month since I started my full regimen(big 3 with additional stuff added) and all I can say is this, WTF!!!!! I am shedding more now than I ever have before. My hair has gotten thinner :( I know everyone says that this shed phase happens to some, but if I keep shedding at the rate I am without any improvement, it will not be good. I am going to stick it out for 6 months and see what happens(maybe at least until May when I go for a checkup to see if the ACell/PrP injections had any benefit). I felt relief in the beginning after finally taking some action about my hairloss but seeing what is happening to my hair is not easy.

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