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Posts posted by bond007

  1. Wow... Nizoral 5% and 10%!!!!!! I guess that's too much ketakonezole. You can use nizoral 2% twice a week. No more than twice a week.


    I've never heard of Nizoral about 2%. You may want to discuss this with your doctor but from what I understand, 2% is a pretty strong solution.


    I personally don't believe that massaging with olive and coconut oils is going to benefit you.


    Thank you friends

  2. bond007,


    You could also start by trying something more simple like Head and Shoulders dandruff shampoo. Nizoral anti-inflammatory, as Dave already suggested, is more potent and may do the job. But because it's harsh on the hair and scalp, you should really only use Nizoral a couple times weekly.


    If you still feel your dandruff isn't under control after trying a few over the counter dandruff related shampoos and treatments, I recommend consulting a dermatologist who can prescribe something with a little more kick.


    Best of luck,




    Thanks Bill.In my area Nizoral 2%,5%,10% are available.Which one should i try?Twice a week with a gap of 3 day sounds right?

    Does the massage with olive and coconut oil help?

  3. bond007,


    I don't have direct experience with Nizoral for dandruff but it has an excellent reputation. However, the active ingredient in Nizoral is ketoconazole. If you've already used a similar product with no success then Nizoral may not work either.


    Thanks Mate.Is there any home remedy that you know?Someone told me washing hair with curd and olive oil MAY help.Is that true?

  4. Greetings People

    I am a hair loss sufferer and i have tried every med but it didn't help.When i scratch my head i get white stuff in my nails and i think its waxy dandruff.My head is not itchy but when i see that white stuff i scratch my head and is gets it in my nails.I have tried ketoconazol shampoo,ayurvedic and herbal too but it didn't help.Will Nizoral help or is there any other brand?

  5. Like I said before shaving your head or giving it "air" won't do anything so shave if you want but it wont' help. I'm not sure what shampoos you have in your area, do what your doctor recommends.


    Thanks Mate.Like i told you my doctor recommended ketoconazole shampoo but it didn't work.All major brands are here like loreal,garnier etc except that neutrogena

  6. I would speak to your local dermatologist about shampoos in your area that they recommend, but anything that keeps your scalp moisturized and healthy is good. If the medication isn't working for you than there's no need to take it but again hair loss in the front is unfortunately a very normal occurance with these medications but they work well on top and back so use your own judgement to determine if it's actually working for you or not, and consult with your local doctor about it.


    Thank you so much for replying.My dermatologist recommended some ketoconazole shampoo like 6 months ago,it also increased my shredding rate and wasn't of any help.Do you know any other brand that keeps the scalp healthy,moisturized and keeps away the dandruff?

    Coming back to my original question,should i give up the idea of shaving the head as you said it wont stop or atleast slow down shredding

  7. People who use the medications can still see shedding in the hairline and frontal 1/3 but it should work very well on top and crown areas people just don't realize because they dont' see those areas easily. I would suggest to continue both medications as they're your best chance of stabilizing. The white stuff you're referring to is probably just dandruff so switch to a dandruff shampoo and keep your scalp moisturized by using something like neutrogena t-gel. shampooing daily could be the cause of the dry scalp and dandruff.


    Thanks for replying.Well Propecia i believe fastens my shredding rate,moreover my doctor told me to stop it since it didn't help me in the front.Is it advisable to still continue it?

    What kind of shampoo do you recommend?Any alternative to neutrogena t-gel as it is not available in our area.Ok i wont shampoo daily i use some serum when i have to go out i hope that's allright

  8. Hi, if your getting an itchy head with dandruff you might want to try Nizoral shampoo as it works well, plus its seen as a weak topical DHT Blocker. Some studies say it's equivalent to Minox 2%


    Best of luck :)


    Hi actually head is not itchy only when i scratch sometimes i get that white thing in my nails.I use some herbal shampoo almost everyday.What % of nizoral should i try?

  9. Giving your hair "more air" is unfortunately completely false, your hair loss is due to other reasons, most likely DHT. How long did you use these medications for? I ask because many people use rogaine (minoxidil) or propecia (finasteride) for only a few months and stop when it takes at least 6 months to only start to see a difference in the shedding, and closer to a year to see any regrowth if it were to happen. After using these medications for that long you could consider getting a hair transplant to the front where you are experiencing the most loss.


    I used propecia for about a year,it increased shredding at first and then no slowing down it just continued so i stopped it.I am using rogaine till date.


    So according to you shaving won't help,right?When i scratch my head i get some white stuff in my nails,i guess that's waxy dandruff.Is that another cause for hairloss?

  10. Greetings

    I am a hair loss sufferer from the past 4-5 years.I have tried every medication available but it didn't help so i have left it on God.They are shredding like crazy everyday.Now many people told me shaving the head with a trimmer help the shredding rate to slow down.Is it true?They say that that way scalp will get more air and it will be good for hair.I have never shaved my hair before and i don't want to look odd in the office as i have already lost the front

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