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Posts posted by Goldminer1234

  1. Hi I had a fue add a place add a place called advadvanced med spa run by Doctor Efren Gonzalez. It's a long story but it didnt turn out well. He wasted most of my hair placing them where i didnt want them. He built up my temple area and hair line when I told him I wanted all hair placed in the middle like a mohawk. Has a anyone ever had a hair transplant done there? Im thinking about going to LA to a place called hair lab with doctor Chao the prices are cheaper.

  2. Hey I live in Sacramento and wanted FUE also. it's been two months since I had it done in Rocklin by Dr. It was $5000 for 1500 grafts. I thought that was a great deal so I went and had it done. it was a horrible experience! the girls that work there were nice but the doctor is a joke! he never actually had a conversation with me about how I wanted my hair to look before the procedure he just told his assistance to start doing it I guess. after being druged I had no idea what was going on. three days later my entire face swelled up.I called him several times on his cell to ask him what to do about it but he never answered he finally text me back and said "you'll be fine". I went back to his office screaming about how he wasted my hair putting it in my temple area when I only wanted the top done and he put three and four hair grafts right in the front he argued with me for a half an hour trying to deny any wrongdoing when it was obvious there's three and four hair grafts right in the hairline and hair in my temples. I demanded he fix the problem he then finally said he would fix it so I came back for 500 more for free. this time his assistant did the entire thing with out any help I couldn't communicate with him because he didn't speak English I don't know how you doing fue hair transplant by yourself! I hope something comes out of this but I can't say at this point if anything is going to grow because it's been only two months. all I have is redness,pimples and less hair than I started with. I would never have gone there but this thing is his staff and hat I could go on about this guy for longer but if I were you I would just stay away from this one!

  3. As time goes on I think the redness is going away a little its been 1 month now but since I have almost nothing in the front yet I buzz cut it down to about a 1/4 inch so you can still see the red spots in back and dents in the recipient zone. I'll try to post a pic from my pc at home I can't from my I phone for some reason. Now it's just a waiting game to see the results of the growth.

  4. Does anybody know how long it takes for Fue red scars to start to fade? and what about the small dents where they planted the hair do those ever smooth out? At this point about three weeks after having surgery the newly planted hairs are starting to fall out and when the sun reflects off my scalp you can see hundreds of little dents.

  5. I just had 2 fue transplants 10 days apart I went back to have some mistakes fixed. It was 1500 and then another 500. all the scabs just fell off but my donor area does look thined out in some spots. I think the key is for the doctor to space them out as much as possible and where they stop removing them towards the front of your ear they shouldn't leave a definite line they should feather it out. so there won't be a contrasts. I'm curious to see before and after pictures of a session like this like several months later with hair shaved pretty short. Does anybody know if there is shock loss in the donor area and if it will thicken back up over time? and I think during FUE removal sometimes they didn't get the root and will those hairs grow back? and does anybody know how to load pictures using an iPhone?

  6. Thanks for the help guys, I just wanted to get some advice I was scared to death after the first session my face swelled up like a balloon and I didn't see any hair where I wanted it . then having the doctor argue with me denied doing anything wrong and threaten to kick me out of his office. I mean god man I came to him because I was feeling bald and I wanted to feel better about the way I look instead I got all stressed out and depressed. It was a stressful experience I felt like I just wasted my money,depleted my donor area and got a funky looking hairline out of . Now that I had it fixed and calmed down I feel a lot better. I think I'm going to be okay I'm just waiting for the scabs to fall off and the itching to stop.I hope that places where they took the fues blends because I was concerned that they didn't spread them evenly throughout my entire scalp. there are some patchy areas where they got fixated. I think they like to keep them bunched up so they're easier to extract they don't like to jump around because it's easier for them not to . People tell me they don't think it looks to bad.

  7. The doctor lied to me and I didn't realize this until I was already invested in him and had no choice but to let them fix it I don't have the money to go somewhere else. but like I said I am glad I went back there and had the problems fixed. They didn't charge me of course . the technician that I thought was bad was pretty good except for he was following a doctors orders that didn't know what he was talking about. once left alone he did a good job I think. Don't ever go to Dr. Efrain Gonzalez in Rocklin California!

  8. I know what your saying everybody says the same thing you do but its ok. I didn't have a choice I just didn't have any more money to have someone else's do it. I'm practically out of work and I'm pretty broke now. It's not a good feeling not being able to just go to another doctor to have something like this fixed. I was pretty scared. It is a lot better now since they fixed it. And I do feel a lot better as far as having something to look forward to. I'm glad I went back and had that technician redo it. I would never recommend that place or go back there again though.

  9. Thanks for the replies. I just got back on the site after going back to have them put 500 more FUE's in my scalp. It was very nerve-racking and stressful going back to a place with Inexperienced people working on me. from what I got the doctor doesn't know how to do hair transplants but he hired a technician from Mexico that does so this is how he offers hair transplants now on his website. I got sucked in when calling and talking to them and having a $50 Consultation. where the doctor talk to me for 2 minutes then left the room looking for a picture book and never came back. This is how I never got to talk to him about how I wanted it to look. It wouldn't have mattered anyways because he didn't care. It's just amazing after arguing And explaining to him in detail about what went wrong and what i wanted done he still didn't tell the technician the second time around what I wanted done and the technician started placing grafts in the temple area again. LOL! who wants hair in the temple area and nothing in the middle?? Oh yeah the doctor promised he would do it the second time but guess what? he never even placed a single hair the technician did the entire procedure by himself no help at all!! After that I didn't want the Dr. working on me because I think he's the one that placed the 3 and 4 grafts in the front the first time. I think the technician was letting him do a couple for fun. I the I feel better about it now after having more graphs placed. I just feel like I had my donor area do depleted a lot because I know I'll need a second session. I'm just going to wait and see what grows. I think I learned a lesson not to go bargain-hunting haha. thanks for any more input on my amazing story. :)

    still trying to figure out how to post pictures with my iPhone

  10. Is it a good idea to go back 10 days later and have your hair transplant fixed? I had a pretty sloppy job from a doctor over here in Rocklin California. he let his technicians do the entire job! the head technician was inexperienced. I have three and four hair grafts right in the front. They built up my temples and hairline when I asked the doctor to build up the front middle of my head not the temple area ! they wasted a lot of hair putting hair in places I didn't want it. Also the technician got fixated in one spot when removing the grafts and dug a hole in the back of my scalp about the size of a quarter.

    He never actually had a conversation with me about how I wanted my hair to look. I went back and complained and he offered to fix it after a half hour of arguing about it with him. he was horrible he was in total denial he didn't want to admit any mistakes when it was obvious. for instance he refused to look at my hairline and see the 2,3 and 4 hair grafts sitting there. I'm really nervous about going back there tomorrow to have it fixed. I don't want the technician that worked on me before working on me again. Can I ask for my money back in a case like this?? Help!

  11. I know how you feel they really should have featherd the edge out not just stop at a certain point. They kind of did the same thing to me just not as many grafts. I was so pissed about the way mine was done I'm going back tomarro to have more grafts put in. They put 2 3 and 4 hair grafts rite in the hairline, they built up my tempals when all I wanted was the front center done. now I'm going to have a hairline and no center. You wouldn't believe how defensive the doctor was about the work his trainees did who basically did the whole job. I was telling him about the 3 and 4 hair grafts all across my hairline but he just kept his head down and basically said I don't know what I'm talking about and they don't exist! he didn't even want to look and see them. he was in total denial!! I told him I'm going to have them professionally photographed and then he will believe me . anyway he did agree to fix the problem ! Ifeel I was just a practice dummy for his staph. anyway. have you tried shaving it short on your neck and tapering it up.

  12. I wish I could post a picture on here it's pretty horrific! I did send him a couple pictures he told me to relax You'll be okay. Haha ! I'll be fine lol! Yea this runaway swelling has been totally unexpected even the girls on staff said they haven't seen this before. They gave me a shot and sent me home. It actually got worse after that. That's when I sent the doctor some pictures and he told me to not worry and just relax give it time and ill be ok. my eyes completely swelled shut and it actually reached my down my neck. my girlfriend and my mom are so worried they tell everybody about it I get phone calls from people asking me if I'm okay. didn't even want to tell anybody about this operation in the first place. Lol

  13. Gosh I see what you mean there sure is a contrast where they stopped harvesting behind your ear. I just had one done 6 days ago 1500 . I've been bouncing off the walls because my face swelled up so bad and won't go down. Now I got puffy cheeks and black eyes a week later. Not to mention The doctors assistants did the whole operation and didn't put the grafts in the areas where I wanted now I got tepals with more hair then the middle. my donor area was cause for concern because one of the assistants took so many grafts out from one spot when I looked in the mirror on a bathroom break I nearly passed out. I told them to shave my entire head and take them out evenly spaced.

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