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Posts posted by chadbo66

  1. I know the feeling of getting excited about the prospects of the procedure and its hard to turn back once you get that itch. I'm sure there's nothing anyone can say that's gonna change your mind, but if you're comfortable with your look please reconsider. In any event, there's no way you're gonna have a procedure and show up to work two or three days later. You'll need at least a week trust me. I underestimated the recovery time on my first one and almost had to quit my job!

  2. I'm 45 and have had five smallish procedures over the past 12 years. four fut and the last fue. The only growth i've ever gotten was from the first. This last fue method was the first transplant i've had in nearly 10 years. I've had about 2000 grafts total from the five procedures. I realize that yield with subsequent procedures can decrease but i seriously have gotten zero results from three different doctors. It's been 4 months from this final one and just as i expected, it's not looking good. nothing. whats so frustrating is the fact that i'm receding very little in my middle age and don't need a whole lot of results. Has anyone else had a similar story. Decent yield from an initial procedure and then no results from later ones.

  3. i'm a 13 year strip scar veteran. The scar was barely visible at first even buzzed. Trust me it just keeps getting bigger. Here's the facts about ANY cosmetic procedure. You fix one problem, you create two more. I've tried to sew up the scar twice. bigger each time. now half of the back of my head is makeup and dermatch. I would consider a tatoo method except at 45 I'm greying and it's very inconsistent. Been to 4 doctors now and in hindsight, all are nothing but educated used car salesmen. They don't care a bit about your future. just want your money!

  4. why would you do that. just be bald. i've had five transplants and i was barely balding. worst mistake i've ever made. ever. now i look just the same except for a inch wide scar that just keeps gettin bigger year after year. goin on 13 years now. hairs transplantation is the worst selective surgery of all time.

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