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Posts posted by seashanty

  1. Avodart pooped out on me a year ago. I'm still taking it though because I figure that the hair loss would be worse. It's as if my hair has become extra sensitive to the small amour of DHT that there is. I too hoped it would have a life long effect. But there are some mysteries to this. For example more men lose hair as they age, at a time when their testosterone levels are falling significantly. Its one reason i would not trust a hair transplant. So DHT is a big factor but perhaps not the only one. I should be grateful. I started receding at 19 and was so worried I'd be bald by 24 and never get a girlfriend. I'm 45 now but of course I would love for it to have worked until 55. And then 65. Lol

  2. Thanks for posting. I have had several bouts of severe depression ( extreme weight loss, lack of sleep, morbid thoughts). I am now accepting that I need to stay on medication and be grateful that it exists. I have just moved up to 225 of effexor. My doctor has been urging me too for ages saying I was taking too low a dosage. I was that reluctant. I now have to follow his advice ( he is a very caring psych).

    I also know my worry about hair loss has dogged me since I was 19. Of course I don't say it carries all the blame, but when I look at what I have achieved ( good career and coming from very poor childhood) I think worries about going bald have been a constant feature. I am stupidly considering a system. I'm not suitable for a HT. The idea of shaving my top and then having a good system actually appeals very much. I will have to maintain it but given all the things I did that have now stopped working, it wont be that too disimilar. And I think it will be a relief to say to myself ' I have lost the fight against baldness. Now I will do my best to look good with a system'.

    Finally, depression is an illness. Too many men take their lives. It's a hidden epidemic. Men's mental health should be a new movement in it's own right. Reach out! Don't let depression isolate you. We need the support of each other.

  3. Speaking to women, and observing the world, it is apparent that the main thing that attracts women is CONFIDENCE. What they hate in men are low self esteem, whingeing, negativity. It explains the great mystery of life : why do some women love dorks? The mystery is solved by inserting 'CONFIDENT' dorks. There are many ways men can increase confidence. For me, looking at my balding head is not one of them.

  4. I am married. My wife doesn't want me to get a hair system. But the fact is I hate the way I look with thinning hair. Because I hate it, it affects my confidence with everyone I meet, and I meet lots of people in my job. So I'm not looking to pick up women but I do like light flirting with them. It's just a fun way of interacting in the right circumstances. I'm going grey. I don't want to look like a sex god. I just want some hair covering my head. I go to the gym, I dress well, I am athletic build. If I could get my hair back by running 10 miles a day I would. I hate the powerlessness of hair loss.

  5. Hi everyone,


    I feel devestated that avodart has stopped working for me. I know i should be grateful as i started receding at 19 and was worried then that i'd be bald by 25. I'm now 45 but of course i now discover i dont want to be bald at 45 anymore than 25!


    I can't consider a HT as i get keloid scarring. I have scar on my chest that still hasn't healed after 7 years....imagine that on the back on my head, or even the grafts on the top on my head...ouch!


    I am left with a hair system. I have mostly grey hair. I want low density and a modest result ie i dont want a big hair do. I want to keep my receding hairline on top ( I am 45 after all) but the top and vertex covered. I also have my hair brushed forward which i hope would make the hairline of the system less apparent.


    Does anybody think i can achieve this? Is there a company people could recommend either business or online?

    Also, looking to make pals on here. I have tried to send private messages but the site wont let me.


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