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Posts posted by Meast21

  1. As others are saying, first, and foremost, take a deep breath and don't jump into anything without first completing some solid research.


    Second: recommended hair transplant surgeons in New York.


    Third: see a personal physician, dermatologist, or hair restoration surgeon and obtain a legitimate prescription for Propecia. It's a significant medication, and I personally think you should undergo a proper evaluation before taking the drug (though I do recommend taking it).


    Fourth: try Nizoral (again, I'd speak with a physician first).


    Please feel free to ask any additional questions!


    I pay about $150 for a 6 month supply (1 mg day) of finasteride. How much is it with a prescription without insurance at my doctor's office??

  2. There are plenty of places you can find generic proscar online. Just be sure to do a background check on your provider.

    Also remember you don't need prescription for Proscar in all countries. For example, I bought a years supply otc in Turkey.

    Online, I've bought (non generic) Proscar from Greece before as they can give online prescriptions online (or something along those lines) and send it to you.


    I fugure how that works depends on your customs but where I live (europe, non Eu) customs doesn't seem to mind.


    I already get Finasteride 1mg tablets (take 1 a day) from somewhere in Europe. Yes I live in US.... How do u really know if its really Finasteride ???


    Any shampoo recommendations, or anything else to slow the hair loss process ????

  3. Fin is by prescription only..so you will have to get a prescription by a doctor...usually a dermatologist. I am not sure if you can get it online...doubt it without a prescription...again you could try to google it and see what you get. In regards to shampoo...I am not sure what kind of shampoo you are looking for.


    Got to be a couple places online without a prescription... Looking for a shampoo to stop or slow down hair loss ??

  4. If I lived in NY, I would talk to Dr. Feller in NY and Dr. Rahal in Ottawa, Canada. Seach for both of the doctors to see their results. Rahal especially has had some absolutely incredible results lately but I would trust either doctor with my head. For 2,000 grafts, you'll pay around $8000-10000 for a strip procedure.



    Thanks... Still on the fence for the procedure... In the mean time can you recommend me a couple shampoos to use?? Also where is the best place online to get Finasteride? I currently have been taking in for about 1.5 years and my hairloss is getting worse and worse. I currently get it from Europe, I want something from Canada I guess ?

  5. I want to get a hair transplant, but I can't pull the trigger. I was told Hair Club and Bosley that I needed 1400 grafts in the front U area and I wanted another 600 on top/back totalling 2000. Below is my MAIN concern, lets start with that.


    1.) I am having a real hard time choosing a surgeon. I live in Western NY and want to take a train to the procedure



    Is it possible to skip the pre-op ?? Basically can I just show up at the procedure without meeting with the doctor before hand ??

  6. Meast, i'd say it's not a good deal.


    You can get recommended surgeons from this forum with proven track records and high quality results for $3 to $4 dollars a graft.


    That means you will pay between $7,500-$8,000 for such a procedure, instead of paying $11,000 dollars with an unknown surgeon.


    For a Norwood 3v, make sure 2200 is the amount of grafts you will need to get to your goals. Are you looking for a conservative hairline, a mid conservative, aggressive? Also, how dense do you want it to be?



    Yeah already gave HC $500 which I think is non-refundable, which I am willing to eat.... Also I like to keep my hair short, so is a FUE better for me, I also want to recover faster and FUE is better right ?? I am looking for a mild conservative.

  7. Scheduled for an appointment soon, below is a couple of comments/concerns:


    1.) Im a norwood 3V, getting 2200 grafts (1400 in front "u" area)

    2.) Hairclub told me my procedure is for a FUT and is gonna cost $11k, which covers transplant and 9 months post precedurt treatment (haircut, shampoos). Is that a good deal ??


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