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Posts posted by beenthere

  1. HT? Sorry, it is a never ending battle once a person starts. In some way people with thinning, balding hair are very susceptible to the HT biz. We all want hair back and the techniques, promises will always fall short. I had grafts some 20 years ago and I am always going back, filling in and repairing scars. Now I have no donor hair to graft so I will end up with a fringe of hair in the front and bald behind it. There is only so much they can do. If you have low expectations, go for it. I have spent so much money on the grafts and so much worry I wonder now. My hair is bound to be ridiculous now. HT is only for a few. Be realistic of what your hair loss pattern will be and have HT accordingly or get use to little hair or baldness. Remember what you will look like in 10-15 years because if you have extensive baldness you will look embarrassing, at least I am finding that out. The docs, well, as long as you have cash that will only matter to some of these guys although without question some are ethical.

    Let's hope for hair multiplication, soon. The trade is cash. Very few IMHO can give a natural appearance so you have baldness or obvious hair grafts which is more embarrassing in my opinion. Think hard before doing anything. The promises far exceed the results from what I have seen. Unless the doc has picked you to be in one of his on site pics, your results will not be the same as what is portrayed on their website. I know this.

  2. Respectfully, Dr Rahal, Dow Stough, not his father did a few procedures on me.

    The results were not good because the hairline was not natural and I was left with several big donor scars. When I told him about the donor area, he quickly dismissed as "scars" and went about his business.


    Base on my experience I would not recommend him. Yes, I know his father, Blu and that Dow wrote a book. I used to play tennis and teach tennis. Teaching tennis did not mean I was a good player. It meant I know how thing should be done.



  3. There are only a few that can do natural looking hairlines and have the skill. They are getting better over all but stick with the good guys, ie, Ron Shapiro is one. This is reference to guy looking in Beverly Hills in 2005? A little late for him but not for others interested in surgery.

    Read the blogs and you will know who is good. It is worth traveling.

  4. Sorry, does not have the skill. You can write books as Stough has done. He knows the technique of HT but as I said, he just does not have the skill to give a natural looking hairline. He also, as in my case, chopped up my donor area so bad it shows when my hair separates, ie, sleep on the airplane. I am sorry, he was nightmare for me. I went to him several times before I realized people would stare at my hairline. I have had 5 surgeries to repair the donor area, still need a couple more. What does that say?

  5. I went Dow Stough when I did not know better. He can not do hairlines and he gave me the worst donor scars. I would keep looking, ie, Ron Shapiro has worked out real well for me and even fixed the scars at no cost. I don't work for Shapiro, just a patient. Good Luck.

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