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Posts posted by billyconlon

  1. ahhaah billynopants..well richie-could you give me some info on the whole thing,such as where to stay,would i need to stay there for a week to get the staples removed or can i return to the u.k.? i know cost shouldnt matter but im estimating it will cost around 10 thousand dollars total?is there any tax relief on that.any other info would be greatly appreciated.thanks

  2. hello all.ive been on rogaine foam and finasteride for close to 2 years now so my hair loss appears to have stopped.its actually got slightly better i would say since i started using these products, anyways im considering a hair transplant.

    any suggestions on how many grafts i may need.who would u consider to be the best doctor also.im 28 btw. and before anyone mentions it,i have been doing research for over a year now.im really considering going to dr.feller in new york. any suggestions on him or points of view?? thanks alot (ive attached a picture to this)

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