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Posts posted by AppleJacks77

  1. Thanks for the response guys!


    I completely trust my physician (Konior) but I still wanted to see examples of this procedure in people in my situation. From my understanding this procedure is like having a brow lift (without actually moving the brows) which is done commonly.



    Thanks Mars, that is pretty much the procedure I would be having. I am suprised not to come across more repair cases like this, although I can appreciate how people would be apprehensive due to the scar at the headline.

  2. Hello to all,

    I have been on other forums in the past (years ago) and I have been a lurker on this forum for the past year or so.


    I am 34, soon to be 35 early this up coming year. I had a 3000 or so FUE done to improve my midscalp and hairline in 2008. I am not happy with my results and my hairline was lowered and after i was reassured it wouldn't be. I really don't want to talk about that experience because I will just get worked up.


    Basically I was left with a bumpy hairline and not so great yield. The skin in my hairline is bumpy and slightly raised. After consulting with a couple docs they told me it's from dense packing and I have what is called a hypertrophic scar. I have had this hairline scar injected with steroids a few times over the past 2 years will little success.


    I am able to hide my concerns as I have grown my hair out but my hairline scar and low hairline bother me. I think about it constantly.


    I have been seeing highly regarded doc over the past 18 months and we discussed taking a extreme approach. Basically will be doing a forehead lift or modified brow lift with pretrichal closure and recycling the those hairs into the midscalp..this might be 800-1100 grafts. In theory this will remove the hypertrophic scar and move my hairline to a higher more appropiate place and still be able to recycle those grafts.


    I have never come across anyone doing such a procedure and it worries me to think I might have a visible scar at my hairline. Has anyone any knowlege on this matter?









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