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Posts posted by rlc26

  1. Different people will give different opinions, your hairline won't come back now no matter with the use of minoxidil and fin.


    Fut is an option, also it has the benefit of a larger amount of graphs. The drawback is the scar but i found it is only visible if you take your hair down to about a grade 2 at the back.


    Also even if you had the transplant now you would be looking at waiting a good 8 months for results, also the waiting time to save money and get booked in for it. I had my first one just as i turned 26 and second just as i turned 27, my hairloss was a lot more severe than yours though :)

  2. Everything been positive so far TommyLucchese?. Any side effects off any of the treatment?.


    Forgot to mention in mine, i also used Alpecin shampoo extra strength but need to order more now its ran out.


    How do you get on with Nizorol?. I might give it that a try.


    Also i started once a week soaking my hair in coconut oil overnight as my hair is very dry and course and leaving the minoxidil off for that night.


    I'll stop that for a good few weeks though while these grafts are settling into place.


    p.s I didn't realise there was a minoxidil cream 12.5%, how are you getting on with this. Is it better than the liquid?. I have tryed the foam also, i have noticed abit of irritation off the liquid more so i think when i applied it directly to my crown but that comes and goes.


    Also i did use minoxidil on the graft area at the front last year even though i think most would advise against this, especially in the early stages after a transplant.

  3. Just want to gather some opinion's.. I had my first transplant last year at 26, and my second 2 days ago around about exactly a year from the first.


    Before the first i had not used Finasteride at all, and had tryed minoxidil only briefly years before and stopped.


    Like most people i was abit anxious about the side effects that were documented about finasteride (generic propecia).


    I was desperate to try it, i thought if there were side effects i would stop straight away. So i started the (fin) after the first fut transplant and 5%minoxidil i had no side effects.


    But i have been using zinc, cod liver daily with the minoxidil and the 5mg (fin) cut into quaters and took a quater monday to thursday then of (fin) fri, sat and sunday but continued to take the zinc, cod liver and minoxidil on the days i had off (fin).


    My diet also changed cut out all sweet stuff and pop and stopped eating bread and i have been training quite hard at the gym, i was using creatine aswel with no side effects even though thats been linked with hair loss (like everything seems to be, because knowone is 100% sure.) But i have stopped the creatine now.


    Anyway i seem to have had some good growth in the area of my crown and the transplanted hair came through well in the last year with that combination.


    Want to get some peoples opinions?. On what they have had good to positive results on?.


    Also some ideas on the combination of say zinc with finasteride, or even creatine with finasteride maybe some of these drugs counteract eachother in a positive way?. Even if one on its own say creatine could have negative results?.



  4. Nothing but positives to say about Dr Saifi and i would highly recommend him to anyone.


    I had my first procedure with him last year and the results have been excellent, i fly out again next week for the second :).

    I have achieved a very natural look off the first transplant and it has helped my confidence no end.


    Thanks Rob

  5. Hi Everyone, I'm looking into having a second fut procedure with Dr Saifi in

    December after excellent results from the first one i had last year.

    I've been really into training this year and don't want to long off if i can help it after the procedure. What are peoples views on this?. I know any exercise that puts pressure on the scalp could stretch the scar or maybe even more.

    Can i still train at the gym and avoid certain things?. Or whats a good amount of time before i can get back into training.


    Thanks Rob:)

  6. I had a transplant with Dr Saifi in Poland last December and came back with sutures. I live in the u.k and went to a local walk in center, at first they asked if i was sure they wern't dissolvable because the sutures were so neat and tight.


    After quite a wait i was took into a nurse who said she would have a go at removing them after a bit of prodding and pulling she got started, it was abit painful but was good to get them removed.

  7. My hair started receding at 18, so i would gel my hair flat to my forehead to try and cover it up. I've always been quite fit and healthy and tryed to look after myself.


    People started noticing it and it really got me down. Gradually it got worse and i felt like i had no options because a hair transplant was way out of my budget at the time. Lads at football and mates would take the piss, even new people i met sometimes would say how old are you?. Your hairs quite thin isn't it. Both my previous serious girlfriends both said there was nothing wrong with it, and they liked me with a shaven head but i hated it. I took photos of my hair for years to monitor how i was loseing it and would try to grow it to hide some of the baldness but then shave it off again. Completly took away my confidence, when i went out i was paranoid that people were staring at me and that it made me look really ugly in your early 20's you don't want a slaphead. I think its overlooked as a serious condition which could or cause depression. My situation aswell is that im 5'8 with quite a young looking face which made it more out of place, so i didn't want to be the small bald guy. I didn't want to be completely bald before having kids. I started buying things like head massagers, saw palmetto, tryed minoxidil then came off it a few years back i was desperate. I eventually got the money together and had a transplant in december by fut. At the time i had no hairline, 6 months on today i now have a hairline my confidence has gone sky high with it and its one of the best decisions i've ever made. I hated seing my balding head in photos, but now its not so bad. I will need a 2nd transplant for the crown area and maybe a little more work at the front but what i have got now has made a massive difference. Think Rooney was a big turning point for me, cause being the same age in the public eye and putting up pictures on twitter to get slated by the media, gave me alot of respect for the guy. Theres abit of a stigma still attached to it, alot of blokes want to hide the fact they have had any work done but i came out with it and have had mainley very positive comments, its becoming more acceptable.

  8. Thanks for the replys chaps, In all honesty i'm not one for going to the doctors and when i had the passing urine problems around 20/21 i did go to the doctors and he wanted to get a urine sample to check for diabetes which came up with nothing. I went on the next 4 to 5 years thinking it was just the way i was and it became normal and i think back to then i may have been given medication for a urinary tract infection. I would struggle passing urine, feel the urge and only a few drops came out and struggled with weak erections which didn't effect my sex life but in your early 20's its not a great thing either. Obviously at the time i didn't put any of this down to maybe prostate enlargement but reading the symptoms this morning, and then this all stopping when i started finasteride recently is quite strange. I'm not saying it defently is that but it seems weird when i read all the symptoms that to much DHT leads to enlarged prostate which creates them problems and hairloss all of what i have experienced.

  9. Hi Chaps, Just thought i'd put this out there to see if people are experiencing the similar or the same to me.

    I'll just quickly explain my situation im 26 now and have been losing my hair since about 18. I had a 2000 graft transplant by fut in december by Dr Saifi.


    Up untill the transplant i had tryed minoxidil 5% a few times but gave up due to impatience. At 26 after the transplant i started minoxidil and also finastride but i was very cautious because of some of the bad press it gets. Anyway to get to the point for quite a few years now i've suffered with passing urine or the urge to and nothing comes out more than a few dribbles, time to time i've suffered with weak erections or struggled or to get one.

    Since taking finastride this has all stopped and its just clicked in my head this morning while reading up on the symtoms of enlarged prostate glands. Which was everything i was experiencing before taking finastride which reduces the size of the prostate gland and blocks DHT. Dht can lead to enlarged prostate and makes hair follicles shrink. Reading up on enlarged prostate glands it is associated with older men but it can in younger men also, just though i'd see if anyone's experienced a similar situation.

  10. I mean all the theorys behind hairloss seem very confusing, and still with technology and modern medicine. We haven't really got any clear answers apart from we are sensitive to dht which causes hairloss. Has there been trials to prove that balding men have higher testerone levels than people with a full head of hair?. And what is the proof that we are more sensitive to dht than the average man with a full head of hair or is it just a theory?. Then theres propecia which was originally made for men with enlarged prostate glands or prostate cancer, please correct me if im wrong. So men that started using this noticed hair stability or hair regrowth and it got approved to be sold as an aid for hairloss. Maybe i need to do more research but the prostate gland produces testerone, so all men with hairloss must have larger prostate glands than the average man with hair, has there been studys??. Or have we the same size prostate gland, but it reduces even more cause we are sensitive to dht?.

    And thats why propecia is so effective because it reduces the size of the prostate gland which lowers are testerone blocking dht to stop hairloss, right?. I mean since taking propecia if anything my sex drive has improved, i have been taking it for 4 and a half months, but shouldnt it reduce my sex drive if its blocking the one thing thats should make me want or need sex. All very in the air still, i'm sure there is already a cure and a answer but while the companys are making so much out of propecia and minoxidil and other products, why give us an answer and proper cure?. There is a massive revenue in hairloss.


    Sorry gone off the subject abit but always goe's back to what effects hair in the first place not what makes it worse. The answer testerone, dht that bald men are more sensitive to, than people with a full head of hair, why?. And why does it effect just the top of are heads, no doubt someone will say because this is a more sensitive area but why just here?.

  11. zenmunk and michael james thanks for the input. I'm on propecia aswell but i may just take supplements and not overly worry i'll have a look at that Probolic SR. But as you suggested a balanced healthy diet is the best way of going forward. There has been some research gone into this aswell because of the help hair shake i'm on that i had off Dr Saifi, that was made by Dr Shapiro. This is something i have just found. Dr Shapiro’s Help Hair Shake

  12. Thanks for the replys, i would also like to see more into it and may read up on it to see what other information i can find. I have like a 6 month supply of creatine for training which i am scared to take incase it causes any hairloss, damage, or interferes with the propecia i use. Yes dingdong i had 2000 grafts by fut with Dr Saifi in December 2011, and have nothing but total respect for him, he did an excellent job and is a really nice chap. 4 months after now and i am seing some good results. How did you get on?. There's at least another 4 or 5 members on the forum who have also have been in touch and had good experiences with Dr Saifi.

  13. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew much about any good supplements to use that won't cause hairloss or effect it?. I've been off the gym for a good while now while the scar was healing at the back of my head after a transplant in December. I've heard storys about weightlifting supplements effecting hair and causing hairloss. I'm sure i heard creatine was bad and a few others. Obviously heard about steriods and hairloss but not interested in them. Any suggestions would help out. Thanks Rob.:)

  14. Hi Steve, I had the same problem the hair around the sides and back grew alot and made the front recipient area look quite bad. I was use to a shaven head or very short hair before the transplant so maybe around a month after everything settled i went over my hair with clippers and over the recipient area lightly cause the hairs were like whisper thin. I personally don't think it affected anything and i'm at the 4th month after stage now and hair seems to be filling out quite nicely. Regards Rob

  15. Thanks 1966kph, I will try and get some pictures up of the donor area, everyone who has seen it says it looks very neat. I will see in a few months if im happy with the results but it reality i will need a second hair transplant with Dr Saifi, and also i hope that my crown area responds well to the propecia that i have only just started taking after the transplant.

  16. Thanks Hairthere. They have started to shed and it looks like i have got alot of dandruff, and i can't help but massage the area lightly untill the dry skin falls off. I've been told off a few times by the girlfriend to leave it alone, this shouldnt cause any damage should it?. There's alot of shedding but everything looks quite well healed, no bleeding just loads of black dots and skin falling off. I'm really tempted to give it a good wash today and actually rub the area instead of just letting the watered down shampoo run over it. Any advice would be really good. Thanks

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