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Posts posted by Barker

  1. Hello Everyone.


    I've been experiencing some bad hair loss over the last year. Niether side of my family has had any problems with balding. My father is 58 and a full head of hair, both my grandfathers also passed away with a full head of hair.


    I've been experienceing what feels like dandruff for quite some time. (Itchy, red scalp) And my hair has been thinning on the crown and the middle part of my head. However i do not even have a receding hair line and my hair seems perfectly fine at the front.


    So basically my question is what could be wrong? It does not run in my family so I have ruled out the hereditaty part.


    The only thing I can think of is maybe some crazy stress in my life or something. I just got back from deployment so the only other thing I can think of is some kind of skin irritation i got from Iraq.


    So does anyone have any ideas what i can do to help fix my hair loss?

  2. Hello Everyone.


    I've been experiencing some bad hair loss over the last year. Niether side of my family has had any problems with balding. My father is 58 and a full head of hair, both my grandfathers also passed away with a full head of hair.


    I've been experienceing what feels like dandruff for quite some time. (Itchy, red scalp) And my hair has been thinning on the crown and the middle part of my head. However i do not even have a receding hair line and my hair seems perfectly fine at the front.


    So basically my question is what could be wrong? It does not run in my family so I have ruled out the hereditaty part.


    The only thing I can think of is maybe some crazy stress in my life or something. I just got back from deployment so the only other thing I can think of is some kind of skin irritation i got from Iraq.


    So does anyone have any ideas what i can do to help fix my hair loss?

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