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Posts posted by baldnbold5

  1. Hey guys,


    Had a hair transplant done exactly a month ago...was wondering if anybody has tried or done research on whether or not Couvre's protein expander or toppik's hair fattener is safe to use and if you actually see good results. I realize its probably still too early for me to consider using those type of hair products just yet, but if they work well, I'm willing to wait to use them. Any info would be much appreciated :)

  2. Hey guys...I realize this thread is probably six feet under by now, but I just wanted to share the opinion of another highly-regarded clinic (not of my own). I spoke with one of the receptionists from Hasson and Wong, and apparently the two physicians agree that one can resume mild-intensity exercise after 2 weeks (when the staples are removed), and this includes weight lifting with very light weights, so as not to strain the scar that is still in the process of healing. As for real heavy lifting which I specifically asked about, the receptionist informed me that it is best to wait at least 2 months post-op before resuming, apparently they've seen better healing results with patients who did so before going back to an intense routine. Don't take my word for it...give them a call and ask them yourself :)

  3. Hello Everyone,


    Long story short...after a year of research and careful consideration, I have decided to go for a hair transplant. I am in my mid twenties, and I am somewhere between a 3A and 3V on the norwood scale. I have met with the "best" surgeons in my area for a consultation, and I have settled on a clinic that has a great reputation among the forum here. And after speaking with some of these surgeons, a few of them recommended that I get on Propecia and stay on it to stabilize my hair loss.


    So I took their advice, and I tried Propecia out for about three weeks. Problem with it is, that I begin to experience a DEFINITE problem with the old fella downstairs if you know what I mean. It started after the first few days of use, and persisted for awhile while I was still taking it, even until at least about a week when I got off of it. I spoke with my family doc about it, and he recommended that I stay off of it as well. Call it a placebo effect or whatever you want, but for a guy that NEVER had a problem in that area, this scared the ever-loving daylights out of me...now I do care about my hair loss, but my manhood is more precious to me. So I am deciding to stay off Propecia, and I wanted to know if there was anyone else out there that is at same hairloss level as I am, and stopped taking finasteride either before or after they had a transplant, and were still able to keep their native hair for the most part. I realize that everybody is going to have a different experience, but I just want to get the general consensus out there. Any experience or advice would be greatly appreciated...

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