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Posts posted by skootz

  1. i was already on 1 mg/day every alternate day. didnt dare to try anything else after i noted drop of significant levels in testosterone. anybody knows what test i can go for if i want to monitor my DHT levels as i am trying some alternate medicine like procerin and crinagen.


    this is what worries me , i'm possibly going to start fin on 0.5mg every other day see how it feels and if theres any results.


    I'm currently on procerin actually, too early to say anything as only been 4 weeks . but after researching and asking on the boards at various websites its not an effective product ( hence the reason why i am thinking of taking the plunge and going with the Fin )

  2. guys, i used to be on 1 mg fins for over a year about 4 years ago. had fantastic results..to the extent i was almost back to nw 1 from 3. but had strong sides ..so i quit it. i even have testosterone levels tested by ferti;ity test as we were planning to start a family. my testo levels dropped from 80 k to 10 k and after i quit fins went back up to 55 k. anyways...its upto individual if u need to be on fins. i was wondering what is the test for montoring or checking DHT levels. what are safe numbers ? any thoughts?



    Sorry to hear you had to quit after you had great results . did you ever think of playing around with your dose to reduce the side effects ??

  3. Also in another thread you posted a few minutes before you posted in this one , you stated all your hair had turned white??


    yet in this one you have stated you have lost all your hair? which one is it ? i'm truly sorry about your story i'm just trying to make sense of it thats all.



  4. DS3


    No offence dude.. but you took it for 10 years ??? thats what most probably did the damage overall in your case. if your side effects were so severe you should of stopped after 6-12 MONTHS! and sought after an alternative instead.


    2% of Fin users experience the side effects you were unfortunatly in that 2% , if something is bad you stop. you don't carry on for 10 years?? .


    I'm shortly going to go ahead an start to take propecia , small doses 3 times a week to start on and see how it goes. if i get bad sides in anyway and the drug does nothing around 6 months i will drop it completely and move onto something else..( trial and error man )


    Until i have enough money saved for a HT ...

  5. problem is ive aimlessly searched the web for hours on end for weeks and weeks and just cannot find any true 100% real user reviews with before and after pictures ( no one you can interact with anyway and ask a few questions )


    wich seems very strange as they promise alot from there product and claim they have thousands of success stories?? if you know of anyone or any message boards with real reviews then let me know. seems to be sites set up bny procerin everywhere with biased repeated reviews.

  6. I'm currently on Procerin tablets . 2 x daily with meals . and 5% minoxidil solution 2 x daily...


    I will update my progress although i'm thinking of dropping the procerin already and just taking the plunge with Propecia ( 0.50 mg Mon,Wed,fri to start )

  7. Moses0324


    Hi Buddy . first off congrats on the success.. my hairloss is siimilar to yours , balding/thinning on the vertex and frontal (centre) but still hair follicils present, but weak! i'm hoping if i get on Fin i will have good results like yourself..


    Could you answer these questions for me please pal..


    1. Did you use anything else? is this Fin only . ( you mentioned minoxidil but stopped? did you continue to get growth like that after you dropped minoxidil)


    2. any side effects for yourself personally?


    and lastly what Mg Were you on per day ? or were you everyother day?


    best regards


  8. Hi Everyone , after reading for a while ive decided to join the network and be apart of the madness ...


    I'd love some advice / input on my regimen. obviously you guys get this from newbies like me all the time so i'm sorry in advance for yet another repetitive post . i just want to make sure i'm getting at leasta half decent shot with what ive bought and i'm using at the moment...


    Thanks in advance



    As you can see i shave it very short, usually i shave my head with a razor or at least give it a number 1 grade with the clippers


    Currently 2-3 weeks into procerin 2 x daily , 5% Kirkland minoxidal 2 x daily and 2% Nizoral 2/3 times a week ( only a dab on the affected area with the shampoo though ) :o




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