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Posts posted by doejohn

  1. Hi Everyone,


    I have a question about miniturization.


    I am 27 and my hair when I was in my early 20s was a medium brown color. I have been on propecia since I was 21 which has been effective in keeping my hair; however, I have noticed that my hair seems to be getting finer but also darker.


    I know that depigmentation is a part of miniturization, so would my hair getting darker fall into this category? It has become a chocolate brown. It looks glossy and very healthy but finer. I don't know what to make of it.


    Thanks for the replies!



  2. Hi,

    Has anyone else ordered from this site?

    The site has suddenly been pulled down.


    I had been using their xandrox 15% plus and 5% solutions but now can't reorder. I thought I was regrowing hair as well, but now I am beginning to question the legitimacy of their product if they started up so quickly after Dr. Lee's demise and now 5 months later they are gone without a word.


    Would love to hear other people's input and if you had gotten any results from their products.


  3. Hi everyone,


    I had FUE surgery last week (Monday). I had almost 1000 grafts put into my hairline and temple points.


    My donor healed very quickly and its undetectable now.


    However, I am really worried about the recipient site. Many of the grafts have fallen out of the temple points causing me to believe that something has gone wrong as shedding isn't suppose to happen this early. It honestly looks like nothing has even been done on the temple points now, there is just the pinkness of where the grafts used to be.


    None of the grafts that shed had blood accompanied with it. Just a white sheath. Some didn't have the sheath.


    I haven't lost many grafts in the hairline, but I have lost some there.


    I was prepared for this surgery. I did my research, I knew what to expect and when. But this I have not read about. Is it possible to shed grafts 4, 5, 6 days out?. Most of them came out after I showered (following the instructions).


    Anyway, any comments would be appreciated. Thanks

  4. Hi Rockz,

    Thanks for posting your progress.

    I am going to SMG next month for FUE. I am NW2 and similar age to you so I am watching your progress quite closely.


    I have some questions about your hairline design if you don't mind.


    How did you and Dr. Shapiro decide it? Did you go over other facial landmarks (nose, ears, etc.)? How do they ensure it is symmetrical?


    I am a little worried about mine. I want my hairline lowered. I think my forehead looks too large with the loss. Maybe 0.5cm. I am wondering if this would constitute rebuilding the "transition zone" since my central core hasn't lost any hair.


    Anyway, thanks again!

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