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Posts posted by Restoration87

  1. Southbeach,



    I apologize for the delay in responding but I just took a look at your pics. They are looking good after only two months! I don't have pre-op pictures to compare them to, but it is good to see everything looking healthy and normal. Congratulations on everything thus far and I hope everything works out for the best.


    I am definitely gaining confidence in my ability to take on the risk of pinkness/shock loss. I cover up my hair line daily anyway, so it's not like there would be a big change!


    Thanks for your help and I look forward to continuing to talk with you.



    - Noah

  2. Does anyone else have any stories to share or pictures to show in regards to pinkness and shock loss, especially one month out?


    I am really just trying to get a good feel for what I can expect one month after the surgery. I am being told that if I'm not prepared to handle the realities of pinkness and shock loss then I shouldn't have the operation done, and I agree, which is why I'm trying to seek out this information, but I find it can be difficult to find!


    If I get this operation done soon it will be this winter, otherwise I can wait until next winter or the winter after that. On the one hand I want to do it early so I can have it done with and move on, but on the other hand it may be more worthwhile to wait so I can gather more information.


    Thanks for your input.



  3. Hi All,



    I am a 24 and 2/3rd of a year old male and have a receding hairline. I am a student and am looking into an operation with Dr. Konior in Chicago over winter break.


    We are discussing placing about 1000 grafts to lower my hairline by somewhere between a quarter inch to a half an inch at the temples where the most receding has been done, and then comparatively less as we move further towards the middle of my hair line, in order to create a relatively even looking hairline.


    Then he has recommended between 500 and 1000 grafts to thicken up the area behind those 1000 grafts, so were looking at a total of between 1500 and 2000 grafts.


    I will have about 26 or 27 days to heal and be a hermit until I have to go back to school and reveal myself to the world. I am worried about the healing process and how I will look. I've been told there is a slight chance that pinkness could remain for as long as a year! This is not very comforting because I want to look relatively normal after a month. I certainly don't want anyone to know that I've had the operation!


    I have relatively fair skin and I want to upload some pictures to see what you guys think about the operation and what my chances are of looking relatively normal after one month.


    Thanks for all input in regards to healing and my expectations of wanting to look relatively normal after one month and even more so after 2 months.


    Also, I typically wear my hair pretty flat so I should be able to cover it up with some effectiveness. If it's too noticeable I'm making up an excuse about an allergic reaction, lol.




    - Restoration 87







  4. I have to admit that his pictures are the best I have seen. I was able to get into his office to discuss my options about three days ago, and his intelligence, awareness, and genuine care for getting you the best results are traits that I noticed immediately. He really seems to be in total control of his operation and I got a ton a confidence just from talking to him. I'm very excited about the possibilities of the results I can obtain from Dr. Konior, and I'm also excited about having an ongoing relationship with him about hair loss and dermatology.

  5. Ahh I didn't realize that shock loss was a problem that is local to the donor area where hairs are taken from. This is a very scary prospect! I have faith that Dr. Konior will do everything he can to help me though. Also, I know I will be made aware of such risks before receiving the surgery.


    How bad can shock loss get? Is the probability/severity much lower when going to a better surgeon as opposed to a worse one?

  6. Gish, after looking at your pictures I would say that we are in extremely similar levels of hair loss. The type is a bit different, but overall I would say our statuses are quite similar.


    I am pretty sure I am going to get a transplant, and the only thing that is worrying me is whether I will look strange a month later when I go back to school! I certainly don't want that and as long as I let my hair grow I don't think it will be an issue.


    Also, Gish, I am very impressed by the information that you spoke about earlier in regards to finasteride and dutasteride studies. Do you have a science background or have you just been following the testing of the drugs more than I have? Either way, it's great to hear your advice and good luck in all hair restoration endeavors.




  7. I know that you aren't actually going to see drastic improvement a month after the fact, but my concern is more about not having any noticeable scars or markings, or any truly abnormal markings one month after the surgery. I have about 4-5 weeks to heal before I will be forced back in to the public eye, and I don't want to look like a complete weirdo until the new hair finally starts coming in.


    After doing some cursory research on the healing timeline, it seems that after one month most if not all of the donor hairs should have fallen out and you should look pretty damn near normal.


    Would you guys agree that after a month, especially with some hair to act as coverage, that I should be able to look normal?



  8. I'd say I'm a norwood 2 or 3, with more of a problem with a receding hairline than in the crown. I just received Regenepure shampooo in the mail yesterday. It has 1% ketoconazole as well as other ingredients like saw palmetto, and I must say that even after one use I like how it made my hair feel thicker. Do you know anything about regenepure?


    Also, as far as the finasteride goes, the doctor I've been speaking with said that in the interests of playing everything as cautiously as possible, it couldn't hurt to take the real brand name propecia and not deal with 1. cutting up the pill and trying to get it perfect (plus not knowing if the medicine is actually evenly distributed through the pill) and 2. the uncertainty of what is in a generic drug as opposed to the real thing.


    Will taking 1mg propecia make a big difference? Probably not. But given that I am trying to combat these side effects it seems like a good plan.


    Lastly, just so you know, I am planning on getting a hair transplant in the winter time to lower my hairline a bit, especially at the temples, and thickening my hairline as well. This will most likely be in the area of 2000 grafts.


    Thanks for your help.

  9. Gish,




    This is very interesting data that I have not been presented before. It obviously is very eye-opening and makes me realize that there may not be much need to take much more than .2mg of finasteride per day for hair loss.

    Do you personally have any comments on taking 1mg of propecia every two or three days and how that may be effective, as opposed to .2 mg every day? I would like to avoid cutting up pills is possible, so as to get the same dosage every time.

    Also, dutasteride probably isn't a route that I'm going to go any time soon or at all. If I'm having side effects with finasteride right now there is no need to go to a stronger drug of the same kind.

    Lastly, I checked out a couple websites on spironolactone, and they implied that it's effects on MPB are minimal. I would still consider that though, along with topical ketoconazole. Do you have any thoughts on topical ketconazole versus spironolactone? I currently use rogaine foam and I have just starting using the shampoo Regenepure, which has 1% ketoconazole and some saw palmetto as well, along with many other ingredients.

    Thanks for your help and advice.



    - HairRestoration87

  10. Hi All,



    I live about two hours from Chicago and have recently gone to visit Dr. Konior. I am very likely to get a hair transplant this winter in the are of between 1000-2000 grafts in order to strengthen my frontal hair line and hopefully lower it just a fraction.


    Dr. Konior seems to have completed some very impressive work and I wanted to see what everyone on this site thinks about him.


    Also, I wanted to know a little bit more about the transplant timeline. Specifically, I am going to have about a month after the operation until I have to go back to school, and at that point I obviously want to have no scarring or very noticeable effects from the procedure, except having my hair look better. Can anyone comment on what can be expected in that first month and beyond? I really don't want to go back to school looking strange or anything, and I don't think that will be the case.






  11. Thanks David, After speaking with a hair surgeon about it, I am probably going to lay off it for a bit to get baseline blood work done and then start taking brand name Propecia every other day and go from there.


    The doctor recommended normal Propecia so as to eliminate differing dosages and to guarantee effectiveness and reliability. Though it's about 3 times the price I am willing to give it a try.

  12. Hello All,



    I am 24 years old and I have a slightly receding hairline and a bit of miniaturization in the crown.


    I have been on generic proscar since Mid-March, and started noticing sexual side effects in September after that whole possibility was brought to my attention. I have noticed watery semen, weaker erections, and quite possibly testicular shrinkage/strange testicular sensations. I think some of this is real and some is psychological but it is hard to determine what is what.

    I stopped the finasteride for a couple weeks, things seemed to get back to normal, and then resumed it again for about the past weak and I think I have noticed side effects.

    My plan is to lay off the finasteride (generic proscar) until things get back to normal, and then get blood work done to check my testosterone/DHT levels. After that point, assuming my levels are fine and my sexual situation is 100% good, I plan on taking 1 MG Propecia every other day, and stopping the generic proscar.

    If that all works out I am going to consider Avodart/Dutasteride because it is supposed to be more effective as a hair loss treatment, though the side effects have the potential to be worse.

    I just wanted to see what everyone thinks about this situation and see if anyone has advice. Thanks for you time.




    - Restoration87

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