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Posts posted by dan3to

  1. Hey guys, I'm on day 3 after my hair transplant. I was told for the 1st 5 days or so, to take a cup with me to the shower, mix it with water and shampoo, and pour it on my head.


    1) How many times should I pour the water on my head from the cup? Just once? Or can I do it multiple times?


    2) Can doing it multiple times cause the grafts to loosen or come out?


    3) I've heard a bunch of different things regarding drying the grafted area...pat with towel...pat with paper towel...and not to dry at all, just let it air dry. Which do you recommend?



  2. Raj, here's my personal take on it, and some might disagree. DO NOT take propecia in my opinion. I know people that have taken it and really regret it all the sexual side effects. In my opinion, its not worth it.


    On the other hand, stop being lazy about Rogaine! I was just like you, didn't want to commit myself to doing it twice a day, and I regret it. I use it now every morning and every night, takes less than 2 minutes. And the funny part is after it dries, it actually hardens/thickens the hair about 30 minutes later, making it look better and easier to style.


    One last thing about propecia, i have seen it to amazing results to some. I mean, for some, it really thickened their hair beyond belief. But as i said before it is NOT worth the sexual side effects, even though some people dont get it.

  3. Believe me guys, its not the $ that's stopping me from taking propecia, as I said before, I know it works, I've seen it work on 1 of my best friends, and it did wonders for him. But again, anything that can have any effects "down there", i may be in the minority on this, but I just refuse to take it. Which I must say, kills me! Because finally there's something that truly works, but it has to have those major side effects.


    My top is thin, but im not completely bald. And I have great donor hair, my sides and back are very thick, but again, whats the point of getting a HT, if (1) im bound to lose my thin hair on top and (2) if the transplanted hairs go thru shock loss. It almost makes me wish I was completely bald. But for now, my saving grace, is Toppik. This is so pathetic to say, but I would be depressed, without it. I'm just praying the Nizoral and Minoxidil 10% I ordered over the weekend helps me out. I've been using nioxin for about 6 years and Rogaine foam for about a year or more.


    Of course, I have a very hairy chest, which I'd love if a HT surgeon can do a chest hair to scalp transplant...that way, kill 2 birds with 1 stone, hair on my head, and no more hairy chest! lol

  4. Thanks Newhair. I got it amazon.com. I probably way overpaid, but oh well, I've been reading a lot of good things about it, so I just had to get it. Can I ask you why everybody says to use it 1 to 2 times a week? And should I just use nioxin the rest of the days I shower? Thanks!



    I think you got a pretty good grasp on things..just out of curiosity where did you order Nizoral from? I thought it was very difficult to find right now..I stocked up on it a few months back! I love Nizoral, it is definitely one of my favorites!

  5. Thanks for the replies guys. I know the whole propecia debate is sensitive to some. Don't get me wrong, I've seen it do miracles, even on my own friend. It literally grew back his crown and front, so I'm not discrediting that it works, I know it does. My philosophy though, is anything that can have any effects "down there," then I'm not going to risk it. I respect those of you who disagree, but that's just me.


    As I mentioned, currently I use rogaine foam twice a day, use nioxin, and take hair/nail vitamins. Just last night, I ordered Nizoral, and I ordered 10% minoxodil. You guys are the best, so I would love your insights into both Nizoral, and 10% minoxodil. Thanks!

  6. Hi guys, I'm go glad I just found this forum! So here's my issue, I'm 28, I'm not completely bald, my crown has thinned, and so has my hairline. So basically, I'm not completely bald. I currently use nioxin, rogaine foam, and hair n nail vitamins, and I never leave my house without toppik, lol.


    My donor hair is very thick. I want to get a hair transplant, problem is I do not, and will not, take propecia. I have heard from many people its a lot better to take propecia, before, and after a hair transplant, because it will strengthen the transplanted hairs. My other concern is, since I'm NOT completely bald, and if i get a hair transplant now, what do I do if the hair I currently have on my top, falls out years from now?


    So again, to sum it up, I want to get a hair transplant, but my 2 big issues are not taking propecia, and that I'm not completely bald, so theres a good chance the hair i now have on the top, can fall off.


    Thanks in advance!

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