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Posts posted by DISpHAIR

  1. Tragedy,


    I certainly understand what youre going through. I think people, including doctors, over complicate what actually occurs when you take any derivative of finaseride. The difference in my opinion is that you didn't become aware of the effects until you reduced your Dht levels so drastically that erections could not occur.


    I think of it this way. Everyone has a bank of free testosterone. Through time and other factors such as drugs, ie- finasteride, each individual's bank becomes depleted. There is no question in my mind that everyone has a side effect profile from finasteride. It just varies in degree because of characteristics like; how much free testosterone you naturally have, your overall health, your BP, and probably most importantly the conversion rate of free testosterone to DHT. These are just some of the contributing factors that impact why some can go days without side effects and some can go years. Think about it from a different perspective. Some people get drunk off one drink, some off two, some it takes a pint of liquor. Ethanol is still the administrating drug. It just has a different conversion rate from person to person. In this analogy, you can think of beer, wine, gin, rum, whiskey. They are all fermented differently, but they all have the same or similar chemical composition, that being ethanol. Further, it can greatly differ in amounts of time before one becomes aware they are buzzed, then intoxicated, then blacked out.


    I need to say that I am not a medical doctor and these are just my opinions from experience and a bachelors degree in business law and post education in the medical field. We are all humans and are physiologically very similar. With that said, the degrees of variance should only depend on the slight differences I mentioned above.


    If I were you, I would make a decision as to what is more important to you. That choice being, your sexual and possibly overall health or your hair. There is no great option currently. It's most important to think rationally, not emotionally. Think about the future and its possibilities. In the interim of that, consider the treatments that are available currently. If I were losing my hair badly, I would weigh every option out and make a decision. I wanted to respond to you because I noticed the composition of my hair changing over the last 10 years or so. Luckily I haven't lost much at all. I did try propecia and proscar in two different periods and had the exact same sexual side effects you did. I quit. I now have a family and more important things to consider, than just dwelling on my hair. If I ever lost it, I'd probably buy a great touppee or get good smp.


    I want to conclude by emphasizing that I am in no way a medical doctor and these are just my opinions and it is possible my thought process could be completely flawed. I just think if your body is telling you something, you should listen as it is most likely important. I also edited this because I wanted to add something that I anticipate will not be very popular but important. This is thinking about the reasons why hair is so important to you. Is it acceptance you seek? Is it loneliness you have? Do you wish to have a relationship and potentially children? You have to be honest, and carefully self reflect. If for example, your goal is to get a girlfriend and not be lonely. I can promise you that while it may or may not be more challenging attaining a relationship. If you can't get an erection, you have close to 0 % chance of that relationship being sustainable. There are two reasons: first, a partner wants sex. It's very important to almost every girl I have ever met. Secondly, let's assume you found someone where sex wasn't important. The fact that she would never be able to make you aroused, would make her think you weren't attracted to her and she would be gone before she felt rejected.


    I also want to point out that although there have been many "successful" hair transplants, this is usually a long term commitment that appears to occupy your mind. I think accepting reality is so much more valuable than not accepting you're balding and unnaturally transfer hair. Acceptance is a huge part of life that is not exclusive to hair. It applies to your childhood, your financial success, personal success, relationships, and the list goes on. I'm speaking a bit ignorantly because I have never had a HT, but I feel that most who have can't accept what is reality. So then comes the question, are they ever really going to be fulfilled without having acceptance? I don't know that answer. I think you should think about what you're trying to accomplish by having hair.

  2. Dr. Bhatti,


    I was unaware of some of the points you made as I don't spend much time on here. I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially those that have taken the sacred oath. I hope for everyone's sake this is just a misunderstanding. I know that there are plenty of doctors out there that have no concern for anyone and just care about money. Dr. Feller has been highly regarded for as long as I have been on this site. He is also endorsed by one of the most respectable people in this business. With that said, I do agree that accusations and assertions that are claimed to be factual, need to have accountability. I personally think you both produce excellent work. That is my honest opinion. This is now a globalized market. Patients have the opportunity to do as much research as possible and make a decision based off of all the criteria they find relevant and useful to make a decision. Dr. Bhatti, I wanted you to know that I am not on anyone's side. I am trying to be as objective as humanly possible. I hope this situation resolves soon and everyone can move on.

  3. dr feller practices FUE in his own practice and has for 14 years according to him. Dr feller has also practiced FUT for something like 20 years. Why would dr feller, at the risk of becoming unpopular, say something he doesn't believe to be true? It's not like he gets a royalty every time a FUT procedure is performed and thus would have an interest against FUE. Dr. Feller is quite obviously passionate about what he believes is the best way of transplanting hair. This is his opinion. He is telling the community what he feels is in the best interest of the patient. Maybe instead of vilifying him, we should applaud him for educating us about the realities of hair transplantation. I don't think it's necessarily wise for him to say some of the things he has said to people in this community, but that is his choice. As patients, we don't have to be concerned with the success of his practice. Dr feller and now dr Blake burden those concerns. I honestly believe dr feller has good intentions. I am not affiliated with him in any way. I just think people are losing focus of the issues and sort of attacking him for simply providing his data. Maybe his data conflicts with a different surgeons, so what? He is still providing his information to us for free. No one has to take it, and it is probably wise to get numerous opinions with anything medically related. This has been a great community for a long time, in large part because people share information. I don't see how this is any different.

  4. I don't think you have ulterior motives. I think that as a medical doctor you have to take an oath to always have the patient's best interest at the fore front of anything else. To say that you and dr feller are purposely misleading the community would be suggesting that you are sacrificing the oath you took for financial gain. I do not think that is the case with either of you. Dr. Feller is not very good at behaving amicallably when debating his thought process. I don't think many people would disagree with that. With that said, I don't think someone that has been a highly regarded surgeon in practice for 20 years would compromise his integrity. I think he's very passionate about his beliefs and isn't very good at communicating. Blake is very good at communicating, so hopefully you will both learn from each other. I have consulted with two doctors that are recommended by this site and by sponsor kobren. Both surgeons would not operate on me and one was even reluctant to prescribe me finasteride as they didn't see me as needing it. The reason this is significant is because it shows that although this is a for profit business, both surgeons took an oath and live by certain ethical criteria. There is no reason to believe dr feller and dr Blake (sorry don't know your last name) don't also have this ethical composition. Finally both surgeons that I saw practice FUE but said that the overwhelming majority of their cases were FUT as they agreed FUE does not produce the same quality of results. I think it's good that there is debate in anything, that's how you learn.

  5. I think you have to do what you think is best for you. Instincts are a natural gift we were given from the powers that be. If you have your mind set, I think we should all support your decision and wish the best for you. That is the most interesting part of this network to me. Everyone has a priority list of what is most important to them when considering a hair transplant and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I would say, gather as much information as possible, make sure you are acting rationally and not hasty because of desperation and trust your instincts. From that point, I think it's best just to support your decision and wish the best.

  6. Carlene,


    I think the reason he didn't tell you is because there is a negative connotation associated with men having any form of cosmetic procedure. It is far more socially accepted for a woman to have a nose job than it would be for a man to have a hair transplant. It is ridiculous but unfortunately the reality. I don't know how much time you spend together, which certainly makes a difference, but a year isn't that long for a relationship. I suspect he isn't comfortable telling you. If he was, I think he would have told you. I think honesty is the most important component of life. I use a small amount of toppik and would use it while my gf and I were getting ready to go out for the night in the very infancy of our relationship. My thought process is that there is no point of being with someone that doesn't accept you for who you are. In addition to that, you are starting a foundation on something deceptive, which is not a good way to start as that is part of the baseline of how open and honest you are.


    I think you know him best and so you are in a better position than any of us as to how to approach the topic. Like I said, what is accepted for men isn't the same as women and is probably the reason he has been reluctant to bring it up

  7. Well 1750 pounds is still more than 2,000 U.S. Dollars I believe, maybe not and even if so the difference is nominal. I am a bit amazed at what a deal you got. I know in turkey right now, there are hair clinics popping up like walmarts. It will be interesting if their price points are as low as yours. I haven't been on here in a while and apparently there are a few clinics who have a business model designed to reach a different market. I think you got a great deal and wish you the best of luck

  8. I took both propecia and 5mg proscar. I took propecia first for 14 months. I took proscar 5mg second for 3 months. I first quartered the proscar and so was taking 1.25 mg per day. I think cutting into fifths would be incredibly time consuming and not very realistic. Cutting a very small pill into an awkward amount of pieces is probably not easy. I just wrote my experience with both under a different thread, don't remember the title but should be easy to find as its on today's posts page 2 and my name was the last poster.


    To answer your question in my opinion, the proscar was much stronger. When I used propecia my sides were really bad but not as bad as they were with proscar. It took me 3'months to become completely impotent from proscar. I stopped and the sexual side effects took about 2 months to dissipate. I have a son and normal amounts of free testosterone and DHT. I provided my thoughts as to while this occurrence happens to some but "not all" in that other thread, which I suggest reading.

  9. Leebu,


    I understand you have self confidence issues and honestly believe a successful hair transplant can significantly improve ones quality of life. With that said you have to consider a couple of things. The first thing to consider that there is no place on earth that I'm aware of where you can get an FUE procedure for 2k, much less a quality hair transplant. The second thing to consider is that once you have gone that route and I mean the route of hair transplant, there is a decent chance the procedure will not meet your expectations. What ends up happening is that people become so obsessed in chasing something that isn't realistically attainable. I am speaking specific to your case, as you don't have hair loss to the extent as many others on this network have.


    I do not agree that you wouldn't benefit from a successful hair transplant. Anything that boosts your confidence is almost always going to be positive. I just think that you will never get the results you are seeking for 2k and also since you said you have confidence issues, should your hair loss take priority over other issues you may have where 2k can be better spent?. I don't have those answers, only you do. I would advise conducting more research on this site as the people on here are great for support and knowledge. Bill, Blake, hair is there, all have what seems to be a sound moral composition and I'm sure they would answer any specific questions you have. In the interim of that, search the forums and just explore the website. I'm sure you will learn a lot

  10. So I just wrote my entire experience of finasteride in great detail and the page deleted right before I posted it. That is incredibly frustrating. I will take that as a sign to be more concise as maybe more people will remain focused on what I have to say.


    I want to briefly describe myself for context purposes. I am currently a 31 year old Caucasian male. I am not a medical doctor but have studied medical literature and more importantly, in depth human anatomy and physiology. I was taught by a brilliant medical doctor who is probably the smartest person I will ever meet. I studied this as a post bachelorette in an unrelated field. The reason I feel it is important to mention this is because it should provide context for people to determine my level of intelligence or lack there of.


    In high school and as an undergraduate in college, I had no sexual dysfunction whatsoever. I was not on any medication and was above average health. My BP was around 115/70. I was sexually active in high school and college with absolutely no problems. I noticed a change in composition of my hair at age 25 and went to my PCP to inquire the prospect of taking propecia. The doctor didn't think I needed it but tested my thyroid and liver function, etc. I was prescribed propecia at age 25. I took 1 mg/ daily as prescribed for approximately 14 months. During this time I had numerous relationships. My first relationship began shortly after I started taking propecia. At the very beginning I had difficulty achieving erection and almost no success maintaining one. That relationship unsurprisingly didn't last for very long. At this time I was completely unaware of the side effect profile of finasteride with the exception there was a possible shed at the beginning. I had a few more relationships during the first 13 months and had the same issues. I think its important to note that I experienced the same problems during masturbation. The reason I find this significant is because some could argue that I was nervous thus my inability to perform. Given that this was an issue during masturbation and the fact I had been with plenty of women at this point while in high school and college, I think it is fair to dismiss this possibility. In the final month of my propecia use I met a girl I liked a lot and was not going to let sexual dysfunction ruin it. I discontinued the use intermittingly during month 14. I remember vividly our first sexual experience. I was almost able to achieve an erection but had no hope of maintaining one. I told her I was on medication that caused this and that the side effects would subside. it took about 2 months and once again I remember vividly the first time I was able to achieve a normal erection and maintain it. Thank God I was able to convince her to stay with me during those two months as I am still with her at age 31 and we have a 2 year old child. I went from a complete inability to have sex to having sex numerous times a day.


    So why did this happen? I first wanted to rule everything out. I was not on any other medication. I was able to rule out stage fright due to masturbation issues and my success just years earlier. My blood pressure was and still is excellent. My blood work was all normal. Those are just some of the variables I thought of while ruling out other possibilities. I decided to try finasteride again, except this time through proscar. At this point of my life, I'm in a serious relationship and can be completely open about everything. I tired taking 1/4 of the pill as directed at first and noticed that I was slowly unable to get an erection. I altered my dosage, frequency, to basically every combination possible and by this point I had been on it for 3 months and was completely impotent. I stopped taking the proscar and about a month or so later I was able to have and maintain erections again, thank God.


    My conclusion is this. There is a wide spectrum of reported or unreported sexual side effects. Some say they experience no side effects, some say they go completely impotent. My thought process on medicine is that our bodies are all different. We all have different levels of hormones, different genetics, different phonetics, and the list goes on. It is impossible to determine how a drug will exactly effect an individual body because there are too many variables to measure. With that said, I think we all experience the side effects profile to a certain degree. I think that certain people become aware of things sooner than other people. Also we are unaware of the parasympathetic occurrences that happen in our body as they occur subconsciously. In other words we are unaware when chemical reactions occur on a molecular level inside our bodies. The reason I think this is significant is because it isn't until symptoms occur that you become aware that something is happening. This doesn't mean that these occurrences aren't happening to everyone. It just means that given all the variables in our bodies and the fact that these occurrences are on a parasympathetic level, there will be different times in which people become aware something is happening. I'm getting lost in my own words, so perhaps I have been redundant somewhere. My point is that I think everyone experiences these side effects as DHT is required (as I understand it) to achieve an erection among many other things its needed for. It is my understanding DHT is much more powerful than testosterone (the hormone that differentiates men and women). I agree that it is possible that someone can go their whole life, or close to it, without experiencing any side effects. This is because of variables. As with all medicine, you have to weigh the benefits versus the risks when treating something. In the case of finasteride, I think the side effect profile is very real, as I experienced it, but symptoms happen at an infinite amount of rates.

  11. I think this is an excellent result. I have seen so many life changing results on here, but this one sticks out to me a bit. I think a non aggressive approach was without question the most thoughtful and intelligent plan. This patient looks like he will continue to lose hair in the future. With consideration of that, its obviously important to consider the future. I also think that with such a small amount of grafts, this patient was able to achieve his goal. Symmetry is the most important factor when considering the looks of someone, and in many other instances in life. Great work doctor Cooley and congratulations to this patient, as he should be thrilled with the results.

  12. Shampoo,


    I don't care if his question has elements of narcissism. I was simply doing exactly what he asked this community to do in his original post. That is to put on our psychological hats and to give an opinion as to why he's apprehensive to wear concealers. I answered his question with a theory based on my education and experience. Like I said in my earlier post, I could be wrong. Maybe it is simpler than I think, like you stated. I don't know what gave you the impression I was obsessed with my theory regarding Can't Decide as I only really made one post, then responded to Hairthere. Also, I did state that I feel like all humans have a bit of narcissism to them in my original post. All I was trying to do is provide my perspective of his question objectively. I hardly ever post on here, so I don't understand how you think Im obsessing over this. I wont provide my perspective on issues on here if its going to be misinterpreted and cause more damage than it will help.

  13. Hair is there,


    I think you should look up what the word narcissism means. I don't mean to b e disrespectful as I know you are highly intelligent and will be successful with your new business. Most people attribute that word with egotism, such as you did, when in actuality it means the complete opposite. Narcissism is a type of behavior that people use when they are insecure about something. Sort of separating them from the pack. Now I don't by any means think cant decide behaves this way on a regular basis. In fact I was very impressed by his response to my post as most people would incorrectly find it offensive.


    I just found it interesting that he asked a question that only he could truly answer. I want to add that I think almost everyone on here is great with both of you included. I mean that sincerely. Everyone is so supportive and provides great information. I know I have learned so much from this network. I was trying to honestly assess his motivation. I could certainly be wrong with my assessment. I feel like I have a unique perspective in this specific category, that being personality and motivation. In any event, cant decide has had a life changing hair transplant that I'm sure he is thrilled about and that is what is most important. So in conclusion, I once again would like to congratulate you on such a successful transformation.

  14. With all do respect I feel this question is a bit narcissistic. Please let me explain before rushing to judgment. Let me preface this by saying that I am sincerely happy for you in that you have had two successful hair transplants. With that being said, I think that you asked this question to affirm your decision to have these procedures. Many patients' procedures end up a failure or at least below expectations. Many hair loss sufferers can't afford to have one procedure, much less two, take time off work, etc. I think by posting this, you are separating yourself from some who are less fortunate and may need to use concealers, as that is their only feasible solution. This makes you proud and confident. Please don't take this as an insult. Everyone in their lives have behaved narcissistically at some point. Most people just don't know what the word actually means. I actually think in this specific scenario its going to be beneficial as you should theoretically have more confidence.


    I think Spanker would be spot on with his analysis if this post were never created in the first place. Spaker's position is most definitely, that he got a hair transplant to free himself from the confines of hair loss. That makes sense. The difference is that he didn't create a thread that brought attention to a separation. In other words, you are asking a community of people that don't know you what so ever to explain something that only you really know the answers to. Bringing attention to your success and separating yourself from others. If you still needed to use concealers, you would most likely feel defeated. There is also a possibility that using concealers resurface memories and thought processes in your past where you were in a more precarious and insecure period of your life. Through your own admission, you stated concealers worked well for you for many years. Now you don't really need them and wanted to bring attention to that. My intentions are not to make you feel bad or ashamed, in fact quite the opposite. I am trying to give you an honest assessment to your inquiry.

  15. Bill,

    There was a better way I could have brought up my thoughts and concerns. For that I am sorry. I think this is a great place to find information regarding hair loss. I think this network has literally saved lives. I have always maintained that position. I wont address any issues I have with some of the non FDA approved products being sold in your store. I will drop it completely as it is not worth my time.

  16. Who said anything about Propecia? Even if i were talking about Propecia, there is still a way of marketing it. Even with a necessary prescription. Please tell me you are not that naive at an age like yours Takingtheplunge. From my understanding, this thread completely hypo criticizes its own bylaws, in that promotion of any product or service is not allowed. Takingtheplunge, in case you are unaware, there are many fictitious hair loss treatments on the market.


    Bill, I hope your intentions are pure and that you are not misleading thousands of vulnerable minds. Bill, did you or this network, business/ receive any conditions for your 20% endorsement? Its a simple question that requires a simple, yes/no answer.

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