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Posts posted by gc83uk

  1. Yes I've seen numerous dermatologists. I know it looks like areata, but I was about 8 my head started itching like hell. It began as like a type of Psorias, flakely, sore, itchy and hair clumps falling out when brushing the hair. The conclusion back then was Scarring Alopecia (at the end result) after all the psorias had gone and itching and redness.


    The only way we could treat it was to use special creams, I can't remember which, that was down to my mum back then, who was far more worried than I was at 8. It's only when you get to about 11 you realise that I'm not looking normal compared to the other kids.


    More recently I had a biopsy. The results suggested that there was no inflammation present, but the clinical diagnosis would have been probable Linchen Planopilaris, some other possible diagnoses were also made, of course they can't be completely sure.


    Anyway there is no chance of my original hair growing back, I'm 28 now, so it's been 20 years of no regrowth. I'm fairly sure with Areata it grows back quite often if not always in the end.

  2. Not sure if I'm allowed to post links in here, but I've explained it here earlier today also:


    http://www.hairsite.com/hair-loss/board_entry-id-92645-page-0-order-last_answer-descasc-DESC-category-17.html with photos. If I'm not allowed the link I'll scrape the content instead


    To answer your question, some people have queried the same about whether I've had HST and not HSI. I was initially under the impression that the injection was just stem cells. I didn't think it would include a hair or part of a hair or whatever you want to call it.


    From what I've seen, since read from others and the hasci website again and of course what Gho has told me, I've had the HSI, I don't think he has any reason to lie or dupe me, unless anything can think otherwise.


    To summarise I think the main difference is just the way they are implanted, meaning they are inserted directly without first making a hole and then inserting the hair, does that sound plausible?





  3. Hi Guys,


    I went to see Dr Gho today, I was as nervous as I've ever been on the way to the place. Got there at 9.30am London. Met Dr Gho for the first time, (had already seen my photos, which were really detailed.)


    My hair loss is quite extensive, I have my crown and most of my front hair line, but approx a 5 inch diameter of completely bare scalp on the top of my head (so that should give you an idea). My donor hair is 'ok', but not amazing. Had this since about 8 years old and have been wearing a hair piece for too long, not cool I know.


    He explained he would be doing the HSI (injection type) and agreed to do 600-700 today with another 3 trips planned in the future. This is what I actually wanted, I didn't want to spend mega without first knowing how well it will work and I'd rather take my time with it.


    Anyway, after about about 30 mins of chatting I was introduced to two 'technicians' as he called them, both very nice (everyone is Dutch by the way, but speak good English). The first thing they did was analyse the donor hair and how they could shave it with allowing the rest of my hair to cover up the shaved areas. They shaved about 1 inch from ear to ear, possibly less than 1 inch, I'll know more tomorrow once I've had a proper look.


    The 1st technician was a nice chap who extracted the hair from the back and sides of the head, this took about an hour to an hour and a half I'd say. The only slightly painfull bit is the anaesthetic, but no big deal. Then had lunch...


    About 12.30 (after lunch), the other technician, nice woman, started placing the hairs into the top of my scalp. Dr Gho briefly interrupted to place a few of these near my hair line, because they are 'more difficult' in the words of technician 2.

    Half way through the 700 hairs being inserted into my scalp, the bloke took over again (tech 1) and finished the procedure. We were finished at about 3.30ish. Dr Gho, said everything went perfectly and said that the donor area is healing really nicely already, he also asked if he can use these photos before and after, which I have no problem with.


    I have to be honest I'm by no means an expert in hair transplants, I still don't quite understand the difference between HST and HSI, but I'll be talking to him again next week, as he wants me to keep him updated, so I'll get it clarified again, I was quite nervous so forgot to ask some vital questions.


    Anyway I'm home now, a little sore at the back of my head, to be expected. The donor area seems to be nicely covered by the rest of the hair. The implanted hairs all have little tiny scabs on them. I have to admit I'm quite excited now it's done, fingers crossed this works and the donor regrows too.


    I've only just joined this site a couple of weeks back, so shall I just add the photos to my profile or do I insert them here? I'll try and get something sorted tomorrow anyway. Let me know if I've missed anything...

  4. The sneijder photos look very good.


    I'm booked in to see gho on monday, it now turns out he has a cancellation and can fit me in for a procedure this monday coming. It's all come about very quickly.


    As I've said earlier, I have scarring alopecia therefore he wants to do the injection procedure. I have to admit I'm fairly skeptical and nervous too, but I'm willing to take a chance.


    From what I've read this is different to the procedure sneijder had, but hopefully no less effective. Time will tell!

  5. Thanks for replying so quick.


    I was expecting you to say it was going to be the plucking technique, so this came as a surprise. I have since checked the hasci website and to quote them:




    The Hair Stem Cell Transplant is the result of continuous research by HSI. One of the next steps will be Hair Stem Cell Injection (HaarStamcel Injectie®), not a new transplant method but a quantum leap forward with HST. This injection method has achieved very satisfactory results in practice. Thanks in part to the quality of the results, this method can be expected to be officially launched in the near future.



    Up to the removal of the hair stem cells to be transplanted, the technique is the same as HST. The major difference lies in the method of implantation. With HST, the stem cells are "planted" in tiny holes made in the restoration area with a needle. The holes fill with a droplet of blood, which ultimately leads to sealing and healing of the wound. With Hair Stem Cell Injection, the stem cells are injected directly into the skin without prepared holes. This means the following advantages:


    Higher density: now the hair stem cells can be implanted even more closely together. With HST, the implantation spacing is 0.2-0.3 mm, while with injection the spacing is 0.1 mm.

    Faster healing: with HST, healing was already fast (1 to 2 days); with the injection method, there is essentially no recovery time in the restoration area because there are no wounds.

    Even greater precision: Thanks to the refinement of the injection method, the precision of the method is unsurpassed.


    Ideal for burn wounds: scar tissue from burn wounds has poor blood circulation. But the injection method does not require blood for healing, simply because there are essentially no wounds to require healing.



    I have also read elsewhere perhaps another thread or forum, that they are only offering this type of 'treatment' for burn victims and alike. I can only assume this is because they are more desperate or perhaps they believe the other method of plucking and implanting wouldn't be as effective with non MPB patients.


    All speculation, but of course I will keep you updated.

  6. Hi,


    My first post in these forums. I've been looking into Gho for a while now and decided to book in for a consultation which is in about 2 weeks time.


    I currently use a hair replacement system and regular hair transplants will not be able to give the coverage I need because of the donor, (I have scarring alopecia, since I was a kid on the middle of my scalp - 4 inch diameter, the bald patch hasn't developed at all for the last 15 years) so all this I've been reading about the donor area giving regrowth is music to my ears.


    I emailed Hasci again after getting confirmation of my consultation. I decided to send over some photos and explain my situation more clearly, making sure that I was indeed a possible candidate, I didn't want to waste my own time and get my hopes up. They emailed back saying Gho has seen the photos and he advised that they do the Hair Stemcell Injection.


    Can anyway explain that in more detail? I this any different to the hair plucking or the same thing?



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