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jimmy spokan

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Posts posted by jimmy spokan

  1. hey all. i'm at about the 5 month mark and although i've seen good results, i'm still hoping for some more fullness to come along. i was wondering when do most people achieve their full density? i've heard it takes up to a year to see the final results. what percentage of thickness is seen at the 5 month mark? thanks

  2. hey all. i'm at about the 5 month mark and although i've seen good results, i'm still hoping for some more fullness to come along. i was wondering when do most people achieve their full density? i've heard it takes up to a year to see the final results. what percentage of thickness is seen at the 5 month mark? thanks

  3. greetings all. i'm approaching the 4 month anniversary of the big 1500 graft bonanza. so far everything's looking good. i had the temples filled in and am maintaining everything else with rogaine and avodart (every other day). i was initially extremely apprehensive about the whole thing and almost cancelled my procedure several times. i'm glad i stuck with it though. here at the 4 month mark things are really starting to take form. it's a very difficult thing to wait for but well worth it in the end. i wish i had some before pictures to share so you could see the progress but they have disappeared on me. anyway, i just remember reading entries like this back when i was considering whether to take the plunge, and thought it might be of interest to people. feel free to contact me with any questions. i'll gladly be willing to share my experiences/advice with you. good luck with everything.

  4. greetings all. i'm approaching the 4 month anniversary of the big 1500 graft bonanza. so far everything's looking good. i had the temples filled in and am maintaining everything else with rogaine and avodart (every other day). i was initially extremely apprehensive about the whole thing and almost cancelled my procedure several times. i'm glad i stuck with it though. here at the 4 month mark things are really starting to take form. it's a very difficult thing to wait for but well worth it in the end. i wish i had some before pictures to share so you could see the progress but they have disappeared on me. anyway, i just remember reading entries like this back when i was considering whether to take the plunge, and thought it might be of interest to people. feel free to contact me with any questions. i'll gladly be willing to share my experiences/advice with you. good luck with everything.

  5. hey. i'm creeping up on 3 months post-op now and for the past month have been noticing a large amount of hairloss. i was about a norwood 3 and just had work on my temples done and that's starting to come in fine (it's neat to watch those little buggers pop up) but my original hair near that area is starting to get really thin. I would normally just attribute it to shock loss and convince myself that it will grow back in time but it's in a normal baldness pattern (diffusely on the front half of the scalp with a little island in the front). after surgery, I continued taking avodart every other day (my normal regimen) but i had stopped using rogaine for 6 weeks per Dr's recommendations (although, looking back, i should've used it everywhere else and just not on the surgery site). also taking 3000mg MSM everyday and using nizoral shampoo.


    anyway, just wondering if anybody's been through a similar experience and had everything turn up fine in the end or continued having pronounced hairloss in those areas. i was hoping to be able to hold hair the rest of my hair with meds but it looks like i might be up for another procedure within a year.

  6. hey. i'm creeping up on 3 months post-op now and for the past month have been noticing a large amount of hairloss. i was about a norwood 3 and just had work on my temples done and that's starting to come in fine (it's neat to watch those little buggers pop up) but my original hair near that area is starting to get really thin. I would normally just attribute it to shock loss and convince myself that it will grow back in time but it's in a normal baldness pattern (diffusely on the front half of the scalp with a little island in the front). after surgery, I continued taking avodart every other day (my normal regimen) but i had stopped using rogaine for 6 weeks per Dr's recommendations (although, looking back, i should've used it everywhere else and just not on the surgery site). also taking 3000mg MSM everyday and using nizoral shampoo.


    anyway, just wondering if anybody's been through a similar experience and had everything turn up fine in the end or continued having pronounced hairloss in those areas. i was hoping to be able to hold hair the rest of my hair with meds but it looks like i might be up for another procedure within a year.

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