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Blog Entries posted by marklet

  1. marklet
    About two and a half weeks ago, I received my second FUT procedure from Dr. Parsa Mohebi. I had my first about a year and a half ago, just shy of 2100 grafts, to fill out my hairline. I went back to increase density with about another 1500 grafts. Everything is healing nicely, and I decided to track and share my progress here. This is just the beginning, so I thought I'd start by showing my hairline back before any procedures (~1.5 years) and where I'm at as of a couple days ago (a little over two weeks after my second procedure).

    Although some of the transplanted hair has fallen out (as usual), a fair amount of that hair seems to be sticking around. If I remember correctly from last time, my scalp tends to be a little more stubborn and takes about three weeks to shed the transplanted hair and allow it to slowly start growing back. I'm going to try to update bi-weekly or monthly in the beginning to show as much of the process as I can. The next update will most likely show less hair than this one. For now, here are the first images. It'll be interesting to watch the process more closely this time around and see a detailed timeline of how post-op transplant results look throughout the first year.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
  2. marklet
    It's been a couple of weeks since my first update (https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/marklet/blog/3141/), so time for another one. As you can see in the attached image, pretty much all of the new hair has fallen out and so I'm back to normal again for awhile. Presumably these updates will look very similar for the next 3-4 months while a lot of waiting occurs, but then things should get at least start to get a little more interesting.
  3. marklet
    This is where I'm at as of August 14th, 2013. That's about 4.5 months in. Pretty much the same as last time (it might look a little thinner but that's because my hair is wet and shorter) which is to be expected. I'll have another update around the six month mark. I've been told I shouldn't expect to be able to see a huge difference around then and will notice it more around 8-10 months, but maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be apparent earlier!
  4. marklet
    Here's where I'm at as of September 12th, about 5.5 months in. Still not much of a change since last time, but that's what I was told to expect. I'm told to expect changes around 10 months and maybe notice a difference around 8 months. It does seem a little bit thicker to me with my hair down but when it's up it seems like's nothing has changed. So I'm just being patient for now and looking forward to added density hopefully less than five months away!
  5. marklet
    Here's where I'm at as of September 12th, about 5.5 months in. Still not much of a change since last time, but that's what I was told to expect. I'm told to expect changes around 10 months and maybe notice a difference around 8 months. It does seem a little bit thicker to me with my hair down but when it's up it seems like's nothing has changed. So I'm just being patient for now and looking forward to added density hopefully less than five months away!
  6. marklet
    Here's how things look a little under 6.5 months in. I knew there was progress but I didn't realize it was actually pretty significant until I reviewed the last update again. I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress over the next couple of months. The front hairlines is already a huge improvement so hopefully the results will be similarly positive farther back.
  7. marklet
    We're getting to the end of the updates, and some things have changed. This is at 9.5 months, but I also decided to do SMP. There was a little stretching with one part of the scar in the donor area, and so I initially decided to do SMP to minimize its visibility, but Dr. Mohebi said it was safe to do the rest of the head at the time as well. So, that's what we did.

    Because I don't ever intend to shave my head, I opted for a more aggressive measure with the pigments placed closer together than they would be if I did intend to shave. Since the result only lasts a few years, I can change my mind if I ever want to. I don't think I will, but I had no problem making this commitment since it wasn't forever.

    If you look back at my updates, you can really see the big difference SMP made. I'm very happy with the results. It's hard to even see it when I look in the mirror, but it reduces scalp visibility significantly. With a few small exceptions, it basically looks like I have a much fuller head of hair when combed forward. When combed back this isn't the case, but I don't comb my hair back so this isn't a problem for me.

    The only issue is that there are two areas in the front of the hairline that are a little thinner than I'd like. I knew SMP wouldn't be able to help with this. Also, the small area where the scar stretched a little too much is basically impossible to see when my hair is a little longer, but because I like to cut it shorter in that location it can be a bit of a problem. I figured I'd see how SMP worked and before moving forward with any further procedures, just in case I was wrong and it did cover up the problem. It definitely helped somewhat, but not as much as I'd like in those two circumstances. So to wrap things up I worked out a FUE plan with Dr. Mohebi to transplant a little hair into the stretched area and to reinforce the hairline to (hopefully) eliminate those problems.

    So that's where I'm at now. I'll be ending the updates for the FUT procedure since things have changed a bit for me, but I'll be tracking results of the FUE during 2014. Hopefully by the end of the year everything will be perfect! I'm always cautiously optimistic, but after SMP I feel I'm really close to the results I wanted. Presuming I don't lose any/much more hair (if the finasteride continues to do its job) that should be no problem.
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