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Posts posted by rebelvegas

  1. Thank you profoam for the compliment. Dr Feriduni did a great job as it is barely detectable. Till today no one ever asked me if i had a HT, instead I received great compliment about my hair. I actually live in the USA but have family i visit whenever i can in France, so at that time I travelled to Hasselt to meet Dr Feriduni and will do the same soon again; as i plan on visiting my family and have my second HT to complete my goal.

  2. Hi lookingforht,

    Ok I woill try to answer your questions the best i can.


    1) I have chosen Dr feriduni because first when i visited his clinic it really look profesional and clean. second because he was really knowledgeable, helpful and patient with my concern and truly took over an hour answering my questions w/o even giving me the hint that time is limited like many others did in my previous researches. He is also really kind and human in dealing w me. I was also really pleased by the results i have seen on his previous HT. finally when i met him i met a professional HT Dr with a really human side not a car dealer sales man trying to push me into buying his surgery...he really encourages you to take time to think...


    2) I live in the USA and I did consider surgeons in the States and Europe. In the States i did not meet one who made me feel comfortable about the results nor where they answering my need. while i was visiting family in france I have met a few surgeons in france and belgium...France was a noway straight as i think none were really good to me; remember this is a life time surgery lol like having a tattoo no one ever goes to any tattoo artist but always take time to select the best one. then i visited a few in belgium but still not happy, until i visited Dr Feriduni. I knew then that i will be able to accomplish the result i wanted. the other reason i wanted to do it out of the States is that i did not want anyone to see me that way as i wanted to keep it as a secret...unless i had no choice then i would have had to select one dr in canada or the States. Dr Feriduni was prefect because he is really professional and his work can be easily put side to side with the work of any top HT surgeon in the States and Canada and to me Dr Feriduni is not only THE top surgeon in Europe but also one of the top surgeon in the world. So everything felt into place, being abroad visiting family, having my HT by one of the top surgeon in the world and since i was in France for few months was best opportunity to hide during the heeling process and hair grow...

    When i got back to the States I had ppl telling me that i have more hair now and prob that relaxing trip caused my hair to grow back lol also when i go clubbing...i had compliment from strangers telling me that i have nice hair lol so i cannot thank enough Dr feriduni for his work and what he accomplished w 3828 graft on my head, it really changed my social life but it also has a great impact on my professional life.


    3) I actually opted for strip surgery because of the amount of graft i need to accomplish my goal, but also because of the cost of FUE and I had read before than strip was more secured for the graft life.


    I hope i did answer your question and feel free to ask any if you need.

  3. Hi Keith,

    I am planning a second HT in order to add volume. that second HT was already planned with Dr Feriduni based on the amount of graft I would need to achieve coverage as well as volume. I am really satisfy right now with the result and could wait little bit to go for the second HT but I prefer to do all it quickly, get over it and move on with my life. Again, not everyone is the same in my case I requested to also have volume thus the second HT. Yes, daphne is really nice and helpful as well as Dr Feriduni's entire staff. You will be really happy with Dr Feriduni.

  4. From my experience you are better off going to Dr Feriduni. To me he is the best in Europe and his staff treat you like a king...no hassling nor worries about anything. the entire experience was well orchestrated by him and his staff. On top of providing the best HT in Europe, he and his staff provide the best service out of the clinic...I was taken back and forth from the hotel to the clinic without ever having to make a call for a cab and the cab was always on time, I was in a high class hotel and being register under Dr Feriduni's patient I was always well treated there. from dr Feriduni to today I always get all my questions answered. you are so lucky because I live in the USA and i am already planning my second HT with Dr Feriduni; I wish i were you and be closer but well i'll make the trip again since i know the high quality of his work.

  5. Well Revita is actually 1% and I want to use it during my off Nizoral 2% days. I am aware that 1% keno won't do much result and that the 2% has been shown to act on hair loss, so I wanted to use Revita as a mean to make my hair look thicker; mostly a matter of esthetic and maybe getting alittle benefits.

    I wish i could get more answers or experience by some people who have done that or are doing that right now.

    thank you Hariri for your input though.

  6. I have been using Nizoral 2% 3Xweek for 5 min, I like the way it really cleans my hairs and it makes them thicker.

    I would like to know if it would be too much Keno' for me to add Revita as a regular shampoo between the days i use Nizoral 2%?

    If you guys could share experiences if you have tried that before.

    thank you

  7. I have been using Nizoral 2% 3Xweek for 5 min, I like the way it really cleans my hairs and it makes them thicker.

    I would like to know if it would be too much Keno' for me to add Revita as a regular shampoo between the days i use Nizoral 2%?

    If you guys could share experiences if you have tried that before.

    thank you

  8. I have been using Nizoral 2% 3Xweek for 5 min, I like the way it really cleans my hair and it makes them thicker.

    I would like to know if it would be too much Keno' for me to add Revita as a regular shampoo between the days i use Nizoral 2%?

    If you guys could share experiences if you have tried that before.

    thank you

  9. I would like to share with everyone here my HT experience done a year ago in June 2010. I waited a full year in order to be able to share my great result right away with all of you. My HT was done by Dr Feriduni in Hasselt Belgium. I really would like to thank Dr Feriduni for the great work he has done and for the great impact his work is having on my life everyday. From my experience Dr Feriduni is the best and I am already planning my second HT with him.

    I hope that my story and experience will help others who are still undecided about a hair transplant.

    I am presently 37 and I noticed my hair lose at 30 following a stressful moment in my life. The lose was steady but at time the lose would really increase…I tried to ignore it for a few years but as years went by family and friends would point at to me my hair loss, I really suffered mentally with a great lose of confidence which caused me to lose many interest such as socializing... I began the journey of trying all type of claimed remedies but nothing worked at all. At 34, I came across information about hair transplant and spend many hours researching about the subject. I also contacted and visited many hair transplant clinics in the U.S.A. and Europe but still remained undecided on my pick. When I visited Dr Ferudini’s clinic I was really impressed by the professionalism I was greeted with, the clinic was so clean with an amazing modern design, then I was offered coffee, chocolates and cookies while I waited…When I met Dr Feriduni I was really impressed because he answered all my questions and concern with patience and great professionalism, I probably spent over an hour with him and he did not even look at his clock nor he even gave me the feeling of having to hurry. After awhile I realize that I was not dealing anymore with a Dr trying to sale me a surgery but with such a genuine person, truly honest and so human in his understanding of people. Today after my first surgery I can claim that Dr Feriduni is not only the best surgeon but also a great person. After seeing Dr Feriduni’s work and great results, plus dealing with such a great man, I decided on the spot that Dr Feriduni will be my surgeon and I requested right away a date for surgery considering that I was scheduled to go back to the U.S.A really soon. Dr Feriduni and his staff managed to squizz me into their tight schedule because I wanted to take advantage of me being present in Europe since it would be easier for me to reschedule my returning date to the USA than having to come back again.

    Staying in France, I travelled to Hasselt and there I was greeted by a taxi driver who outside of speaking dutch also spoke fluently English and French. Dr Ferudini had me in a luxurious Hotel in the center Hasselt which gave me the opportunity to visit the city by walk since everything was so close. Next day a taxi picked me up and drove me to Dr Feriduni’s clinic for my life changing hair transplant. I was greeted there, by his not only pretty but also really professional nurses. I was oriented to a nice and clean relaxation room, with comfortable chairs, magazines and TV…and to my surprises I was given a menu in order to chose what I wanted to have for lunch, then I was given to wear for the surgery new and sterilized surgical clothes (pants, top and sandals); again that made me more comfortable and it indicated to me that was in good hands because during my HT surgeons researches I have witnessed many times in others clinics the HT patient having his surgery while wearing jeans and t-shirt under a surgical sheet placed around the neck. When I was ready, I was visited by dr Feriduni to go over what we have decided in regards to graft amount and hair line; he again did not rush me as he did not hesitate to erase the line and start all over again until a reach was made between me being satisfied and what was possible to be accomplished in my case.

    At that point in time, I was guided into the surgery room and again it was really clean and everything was modern with up to date equipments and instruments, even a big flat screen TV with cable and remote was installed right in front of the surgery long chair to keep me entertain during the surgery; and of course I cannot forget while entering the surgery room the crew of pretty women greeting you with a great smile. Everything was done so softly and gently that without realizing nor feeling anything I was told that the strip was already removed and graft need to be prepared for transplant. My reaction was “Already…you have already removed the strip and closed the scar…I did not feel anything at all and it was so quick” I was so glad and so impressed by the professionalism of the work. When the transplant was completed I was given all the necessary items to use for the first night such as pain killer… and all the information required in case of emergency or concern and was told, with no hesitations to call Dr Feriduni or his head nurse anytime of the night.

    After a good night and a great break fast at the hotel, a taxi sent by Dr Feriduni came to pick me up to bring me back to the clinic for a final check up and head wash before going home. I was also provided with all the information in regard to caring for the transplanted hair and the scar…and again to call if I had any questions; which I did and I was answered right away. I am doing this blog a year after my hair transplant in order to have an accurate result and opinion about my experience...well to me Dr Feriduni is the best hair transplant surgeon and such a great person, his team members are just amazing. I am already planning my next hair transplant with Dr Feriduni and would do it all over again in a heart bit. Thank you again Dr Feriduni because now after a year I have regain my confidence and socialize alot more than i used to and the result of my hair transplant has such a great impact on my social and professional life.
















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