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Posts posted by galtsglutch

  1. Now on to your questions…


    “gasglutch, What about the countless happy, satisfied patients and amazing results Dr. Feller has produced? Do you mean to tell me other clinics don't have unhappy patients? How do you know other clinics don't have more? You do realize the HTN is just a sliver of HT patients in the world, yes?”


    Huh? I made no claims as to Dr. Feller’s satisfied patients. I don’t even understand why you brought that up or what relevance you seem to think it has on my post. Did you mention that he has had dissatisfied patients in your post praising him? Then why would you not apply the same standard to me? With all due respect, you must play fair Hairthere.


    But for the record, I have no doubt that there are “countless” satisfied patients of Dr. Feller. But that doesn’t mean he gets my recommendation. I’m sure Armani, Larry Shaprio and Bret Bolton have countless satisfied patients as well…


    The OP asked for our opinion and we owe it to him to give it to him. You cannot attack someone for disagreeing with you, Hairthere. I gave him my opinion on Dr. Feller which is my honest opinion. Yes, I have my reasons, which are just as valid as yours. I don’t see why I should be attacked for mine though…


    I resent how you attack and question the motives of anyone who doesn’t share your worship of Feller. Considering the recent thread you started in regard to “viciousness” and hostility on the HTN which can be found here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/163164-forum-etiquette.html I can’t help but see you as the ultimate hypocrite. And to think that I even came to your defense on that thread only shows how naive I must have been.


    Now here we are a month later and you’ve already forgotten your pretty sentiments. I write a perfectly valid post in response to an inquiry for advice, and you attack, insult and defame me. Thank you for showing your true colors.


    I’m outta here!

  2. Now on to your questions…



    “gasglutch, What about the countless happy, satisfied patients and amazing results Dr. Feller has produced? Do you mean to tell me other clinics don't have unhappy patients? How do you know other clinics don't have more? You do realize the HTN is just a sliver of HT patients in the world, yes?”


    Huh? I made no claims as to Dr. Feller’s satisfied patients. I don’t even understand why you brought that up or what relevance you seem to think it has. Did you mention that he has had dissatisfied patients in your post praising him? Then why would you not apply the same standard to me? With all due respect, you must paly fair, Hairthere.


    But for the record, I have no doubt that there are “countless” satisfied patients of Dr. Feller. But that doesn’t mean he gets my recommendation. I’m sure Armani, Larry Shaprio and Bret Bolton have countless satisfied patients as well…


    The OP asked for our opinion and we owe it to him to give it to him. You cannot attack someone for disagreeing with you, Hairthere. I gave him my opinion on Dr. Feller which is my honest opinion. Yes, I have my reasons, which are just as valid as yours. I don’t see why I should be attacked for mine though…


    I resent how you attack anyone who disagrees with your worship of Feller. You are the ultimate hypocrite for violating the mission statement of the HTN which is to provide an open forum for those considering hair transplants. You have no right nor sanction to decide who is right and wrong or who has an agenda.


    So much for the recent thread you started denouncing all the hostility, visciousness and bad ettiquett on the HTN latelyhttp://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/163164-forum-etiquette.html ... and to think that I was naive enough to defend you on that thread... Thanks for showing your true colors! It's not viscious when you do it, right Hairthere?



  3. gas, You are making Dr. Feller out to be someone who just sicks the legal hounds on someone if they post a bad result, yet you mentioned two unhappy patients who were not sued. Dr. Feller did not threaten litigation against these patients for posting bad results...


    No I'm not. You're just taking my remarks out of context and exaggerating them.


    Feller must do a couple hundred procedures each year... To my knowledge there have only been 4 or 5 in the past year that he has sued or threatened to sue (I listed each above), which is 4 or 5 more than any other Coalition doctor that I know of...


    He didn't sick his "legal hounds" on Trooper or LondonHTSeeker. They're going back to him for touch ups / revisions / repairs or whatever you want to call it.


    Hairthere, at no point have you refuted anything that I have said about Feller because I'm simply stating what is on record and my interpretation of it. You just attack my motives instead... I would like to hear your thoughts on the actual substance of what I have said.


    How do you explain away all these complaints and liars as you call them?


    Why does your precious Feller have so many more complaints than other Coalition doctors? I'd really like to know because the way I see it, where there is smoke, there must be fire.

  4. Again, I challenge anyone to disprove me... Let's do a little quality control on the HTN.


    1. Which Coalition doctor has the most patient complaints in the past year or two? I believe that it is Feller. If I'm wrong, then who is it? Who has more complaints and less than optimal results than Feller on the HTN?


    2. Which Coalition doctors have sued or threatened to sue former patients in the past two years? The only one I know of is Feller. Who else is there?


    3. If all of Feller's detractors are liars and not credible, then why is it that no other Coalition doctors have similar issues in the past two years? Common sense on this one...

  5. Hairthere,


    What’s going on here? I make a post at 10:30pm on a Friday night and 6 minutes later Hairthere responds! How is this even possible? How is it possible that Hairthere always seems to just be there… waiting? His rapid response / damage control posts are really starting to creep me out.


    I’ve noticed that it’s always this way too… whenever someone criticizes Feller, Hairthere is just there! Just like that, within minutes he’s on it. It can be a Friday night after 10:30pm and Hairthere is just ready to pounce!


    Anyway, I wasn’t trying to evade your questions at all. I’ll get to them in good time. Not everyone can spend as much time on the HTN as you, Hairthere, some of us have lives!


    By the way, I noticed that you didn't answer any of my questions either...


    But before I do answer your questions, again I’d like to point out that you have accused me of being “more interested in doing harm than good.” And “obviously you're not interested in hearing the other side; you have a clear agenda…”


    All of this for simply having an opinion at odds with your dogma!


    Your last statement troubles me most of all because isn’t that how you got rid of RobertHair and Corvettester, by accusing them of having an agenda? The fact that they wouldn’t toe the line of the HTN and spoke truth to power…


    Looks like I’m next on the chopping block! Ouch!


    Truth be told, I think it is clear that Hairthere has an agenda of promoting Dr. Feller at any expense. Otherwise, why would you so viscously attempt to silence anyone at odds with your worship of Feller? You are the single most prolific poster on the HTN and all your posts are uniformly and blindly oozing in praise of Feller.


    Your posts are right on par with those of the Brett Bolton promos that I’ve been seeing on the HTN lately. Shills are rampant on the HTN, as we all know. Sometimes they come in the form of posters bashing docs from competing clinics, other times they came from overly zealous patients such as Hairthere seeking to protect their heavily discounted procedures given to them by their doctor of choice. Of course, I'm referring to you Hairthere and your public admission of receiving discounted procedures from Feller.


    So don’t talk to me about having an agenda because your agenda is more see-through than your hair transplant.

  6. Hairthere and Newhairplease,


    I think the two of you missed the point of my post. I never said Feller was a bad surgeon, I just said that I do not recommend him and I probably never will. I also do not think he belongs on the Coalition.


    This is my opinion and I’m entitled to it regardless of how uncomfortable it may make some. I didn’t just wily-nily come to this opinion, it took time. I had to witness several cases of less than optimal results, poor patient care and threatening behavior from Feller in response to his disaffected patients.


    If anything I said is untrue, then I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. To recap, the claims I made in my original post were as follows:


    1. Dr. Feller has had more complaints and dissatisfied patients on the HTN in the past year or two than any other Coalition doctor.


    2. Dr. Feller has sued or threatened to sue several former patients within the past year.


    3. To my knowledge, no other Coalition doctor has sued or threatened to sue former patients within the past year or two.

    If any of these claims are false or inaccurate, then they can be easily disproven. However, to the best of my knowledge, they are in fact true. So please, instead of attacking me and accusing me of being here to do harm, I respectfully ask that you focus on the argument at hand.


    If my claims are false or inaccurate, then I challenge you or anyone to disprove them. If you can demonstrate otherwise, I will gladly revise my statements. However, I don’t think anyone can disprove me.


    In short, my opinion of Dr. Feller can be summed up with the caveat that where there is smoke, there is fire!


    Ask yourself this question: how is it possible that only Feller has patients defaming, slandering or disingenuously seeking leverage against him? I have never seen a single doctor on the HTN make such claims about their former patients, yet I have seen Dr. Feller make several such claims in the past year. It is only fair that any prospective patient be made aware of the troubled history that comes with Dr. Feller.


    Dissatisfied patients include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. JustAGuy (poor results, later threatened with litigation or actually sued)

    2. BadLuck (poor results, later threatened with litigation or actually sued)

    3. John Mallory (poor results, later threatened with litigation or actually sued)

    4. Jessie1 (poor results; later threatened with litigation)

    5. LondHTSeeker (poor results)

    6. Trooper (poor results)


    That makes at least 6 patients in the past year… how many other Coalition doctors have this many unhappy patients? To my knowledge, none of them do… it’s only Dr. Feller. For this reason, I cannot and will not recommend him. I don’t care how many happy patients he has, that is irrelevant.


    If I’m wrong, just prove it. However, do not attack me for stating an inconvenient and uncomfortable truth. To repeat:


    1. Dr. Feller has had more complaints and dissatisfied patients in the past year than any other Coalition doctor. If not, then which Coalition doctor has had the most in the past year or two?


    2. Dr. Feller has sued or threatened to sue several former patients within the past year.


    3. No other Coalition doctor has sued or threatened to sue former patients within the past year. If not, then who else has sued or threatened to sue former patients?

  7. I would say that it is much higher than 50 percent from reputable clinics, and probably lower at hack clinics.


    So by your own criteria... if it's much higher at some, yet much lower at others, doesn't that put my average at about just right?


    But then again, if they're really so "elite" then by definition that makes them one of few, not many... so the average as a whole would still be quite high...


    just saying...

  8. I've always thought that I am NW5, but suspect (and hope) that maybe I am being a bit pessimistic here and maybe I am a 4 - any thoughts?


    If you're only 30 years old and you're already a NW4/5, the you can probably expect to lose even more hair. Sorry to say it, but that amount of loss for such a young age does not portend a good future.


    My advice is to start Propecia asap and see what it does for you. Good luck.

  9. Logically, dissatisfied patients would be the most likely to speak up in my opinion.


    Sure, that should be the case... but not on a website funded by the doctors in question!


    I don't know how long you've been around the HTN Oralhair, but watch what happens once someone criticizes a Coalition doctor... he'll find himself attacked from just about every corner from fans and supporters of the doctor who have had a good result. He is then socially isolated and put on trial to prove that he in fact had a poor result and that he didn't have unrealistic expectations...


    Very few detractors of Coalition docs will find support on the HTN from the community or moderators. They typically go to other forums that are not sponsored by the docs.


    Also, it's a well known fact that many docs pay dissatisfied clients hush money in the form of refunds if they promise to sign non-disclosure agreements. I'm no conspiracy theorist... I never knew of such practices until recently exposed by Dr. Feller. Feller mentions on a recent thread how disgusted he is with doctors/clinics doing such things and how he, Dr. Feller, opposes the practice. I agree with him, it's still quite a shady industry.

  10. Lots of people end up regretting it. I don't think the satisfaction rate is anywhere near what the HTN portrays it to be. You just don't hear much from the dissatisfied patients for obvious reasons...


    I would imagine the success rate is something around 50-60% in terms of patient satisfaction. But then again, you have to realize that a lot of these guys are starting from rock bottom, so any hair growth must be considered a positive... not matter how unnatural and see through it is.


    That being said, when a hair transplant does succeed, it succeeds well! It truly can be a life changing and transformative procedure... So it all depends on whether or not it's worth the risk, because it really is a risk and anyone who tells you differently doesn't have your best interest at heart.


    For the record, I think it is worth the risk for my situation, but I'm only a NW4. I don't know how optimistic I would be for a NW5,6 or 7.


    Good luck with your decision. I hope it works out either way.

  11. From what I know, there are several great doctors in NY... more than you mentioned.


    However, I would not recommend Dr. Feller. In my opinion, he is to be avoided. I have seen several cases where he has sued former dissatisfied patients of his for posting their experience with his clinic online.


    It might be different if it had only happened once, or even twice, but it has happened more than a few times in the past year or so that I've been lurking on this forum. The most recent example, just last month, is of username Jessie1. Dr. Feller is suing him for defamation or libel or something like that... you won't be hearing much from Jessie1 anymore, that's for sure!


    Here is the link to the most recent Feller controversy: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/163670-dr-feller-proposing-sue-me-my-comments-htn-my-response.html


    Just use the search button for Jessie1 and while you're at it, search for JustAGuy, BadLuck and John Malloy. From what I understand, all three of them were sued or threatened to be sued by Dr. Feller as well... all within the past year or so...


    As someone stated before, where there is smoke, there must be fire. I wouldn't put my head in the care of a doctor with such a poor reputation at patient care, follow up care and not standing behind his work, but that is just me... I have never once seen Feller accept responsibility for any of his dissatisfied patients... until I do, I would not recommend him because what if you're one of the unlucky ones?


    Whatever your opinion of Dr. Feller may be, it is without a doubt certain that no other Coalition doctor has more complaints than he does in the past year or so... if I'm wrong, then I challenge anyone to prove it otherwise.

  12. First off, your hair looks great. You've had a wonderful transformation and an obvious cosmetic improvement. Congratulations!


    As for whether or not you do FUE or FUT for your second procedure, I would suggest that you seriously consider FUT. The reason is that you still have a lot more area to cover. I can't say for certain, but it looks like you're going to need another 3,000 grafts, IMO.


    Also, you're going to be dealing a lot with the crown and I just feel like due to the unpredictable and slow nature of the scalp, you would want to maximize the potential for a great yield... but that is just my opinion.


    From what I hear, many say that the second time around is a breeze compared to the first. So bear that in mind...


    Good luck. I would definitely consider going back to Dr. Path based on what a fine job he did for you the first time.

  13. Dr. Feller’s shameless intimidation tactics never cease to disgust me and represent the worst elements of the infamous Hair Transplant Industry, in my opinion. Once again, I am appalled at his treatment of yet another unhappy patient of his.


    In my opinion, he has manipulated his way into and perverted a once reputable, credible and thriving online community designed to protect unsuspecting patients from unscrupulous doctors. How the HTN or any organization with pretenses of transparency and patient advocacy can sanction the way Feller treats his hapless former patients is beyond my comprehension.


    How is it that Dr. Feller is even recommended on the HTN? At what point does he become a greater liability than asset?


    These are some tough, yet fair questions that have needed to be asked for quite some time now. I do hope someone takes the time to answer them...


    At this point I must voice my sincere disappointment with the HTN for condoning the hostile and litigious practices of Dr. Feller. This is not the first time he has sued a former patient, or the last I suspect. To my knowledge, he has either sued or threatened to sue at least three of his former patients within the past year alone! He is the only doctor that I know of that boasts of suing his patients... How can any of us forget this gem of a quote from Dr. Feller directed towards Jessie1 on 7.27.2011 at 6:53pm: Post #100:


    I'm not going to waste my time suing for these breeches and misrepresentations. Yes, I have sued other patients in the past for defamming me online, but their claims were far more egregious than Jessie's, although their method of attack was the same. They begged for the hammer, and they got it.

    But wait, I thought Dr. Feller said that he was not gong to sue Jessie1? You can find the rest as well as more (I highly recommend post #80 and #100) in the thread located here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/161233-9-5-months-pics-1000-fue-dr-feller-not-good-so-far-10.html


    Without a doubt, Dr. Feller receives more complaints than any other Coalition Doctor and I think that it’s high time for the HTN to start advocating for patients once again, instead of protecting doctor's interests.


    Dr. Feller should be removed from the Coalition.




  14. Jessie,


    I am very disappointed in the way in which you have handled your case. To pack up and run is unacceptable and cowardly.


    What’s more, I find it outright dishonorable that you would ask Bill to delete your posts and leave the community out in the cold. This raises so many questions as to your integrity and credibility.


    The fact that Dr. Feller is suing you should not influence your actions if they are honest and genuine. Clearly is it just a frivolous attempt at silencing you... and it appears to have worked quite well!


    Everything that you ever wrote about your experience with Dr. Feller seemed true, sincere and genuine. You were always respectful, tactful and eloquent, even when Dr. Feller hurled insult after insult against you. Feller even went so far as to call you a "sick man" with OCD!


    You have every right to defend yourself, but you have chosen not to.


    The sad part is that I have read everything that you have ever said on this forum and none of it would stand a chance as libel per se in a court of law. Not to mention the fact that you live in the UK, which any idiot can tell you that you have nothing to worry about. I think you know this as well, but you’re obviously just scared.


    I have been following your case for some time now and I intended to write a sympathetic response to your truly lamentable position, but whatever sympathy I had for your evaporated upon reading your pitiful response. When you turned your back on the community, the community turned its back on you...


    You have done this community a great disservice by cowering before intimidation. Further, you have given license to the very tactics employed by unethical doctors in the shady HT industry at silencing their detractors. Rest assured that your actions will embolden Dr. Feller and others like him in the future as a viable option at removing competition and detractors.


    As it stands now, your doctor is suing you in court. The community has, lost all respect for you, as have I. The moderators are staying neutral, as they should be. This leaves you all alone without a leg to stand on. Not a good position to be in...


    I’m sure Dr. Feller is quite pleased with the outcome.

  15. The hair-loss and transplant world is very interesting. To answer all of you: I have not done any surgery because of the simple fact that you only have a limited donor supply to handle a lot of coverage. I am not a meds guy and propecia gave me bad side affects. (I'm not alone in that category). As I only need 2K grafts now at 40, I could be a NW6 and like I said above....would seriously regret this later.


    So do I take the risk now and regret it later? It's simple, any regret is the biggest risk of all! God blessed me with more than you will ever know. I'm not messed up...just a human being that cares a little about myself.




    I respect your view of your situation, but I personally would see it very differently.


    For me, true regret is not doing anything. Living with "what ifs" is my worst nightmare. Life is about taking risks. If the risks work out, then it's a success; if not, then it's a mistake, but not the end of the world.


    If you only need 2,000 grafts at age 40, the chances of you progressing to a NW6 are slim to none. Possible, yes; probably, hell no.


    The fact that your minimal loss has affected you so much so far, as evidenced by your recent lament, would cause me to want to get the ball back in my court. I don't see how your emotional and mental situation could get any worse from getting a hair transplant, but I do see how it could get worse by loosing more hair.


    In short, the odds are in your favor by a long shot. A calculated risk is not being reckless. A great many men with more emotional baggage than you have taken much bigger risks on hair transplants it seems to improve the lives of most. Even if the result is subpar, such as low yield, it often is still an improvement for most. It's quite rare to see botched job by the coalition docs, although it has been known happen.


    I wish you the best in your decisions.

  16. I would caution against FUT for your particular case.


    You're 30 years old and already a NW6. You are highly likely to lose much more hair and progress to a NW7.


    Since you mentioned how you already wear your hair at #2, I assume you must feel quite comfortable with it that way. So if you take the FUT route then you will be relinquishing your fallback plan to go down to a #2 should the HT not work out or give you an acceptable result.


    If you do FUE and end up loosing bunches more hair, at least you will be able to shave it back down to a #2 as is your custom. But even if you do the FUT, you'll still need at least two procedures and you'll be left with the scar. Most guys can get away with a #3 but not everyone.


    In the even that you progressed to a NW7, which is highly likely, you would be forced to only be able to shave down to a #3 at best which would leave you will a clear horse shoe ring of hair around your head.


    NW7s or potential NW7s are not good FUT candidates, IMO.


    If I were in your shoes, I would start a strict regimen of Propecia and Rogain. If after one full year of religiously taking Propecia and applying Rogain twice daily you saw a clear and significant improvement or stabilization, with no side effects, then I would consider FUE... But unless the improvement was quite dramatic like with a few members that I have see, then I would not even consider FUT.


    A NW7 is generally going to need at least 3 FUTs to get an acceptable result. You'll need more FUE procedures but from what I've heard, they're a walk in the park compared to FUT. Almost no down time and a recovery period last several hours with FUE, but several days with FUT...

  17. The hair-loss and transplant world is very interesting. To answer all of you: I have not done any surgery because of the simple fact that you only have a limited donor supply to handle a lot of coverage. I am not a meds guy and propecia gave me bad side affects. (I'm not alone in that category). As I only need 2K grafts now at 40, I could be a NW6 and like I said above....would seriously regret this later.


    So do I take the risk now and regret it later? It's simple, any regret is the biggest risk of all! God blessed me with more than you will ever know. I'm not messed up...just a human being that cares a little about myself.




    I respect your view of your situation, but I personally would see it very differently.


    For me, true regret is not doing anything. Living with "what ifs" is my worst nightmare. Life is about taking risks. If the risks work out, then it's a success; if not, then it's a mistake, but not the end of the world.


    If you only need 2,000 grafts at age 40, the chances of you progressing to a NW6 are slim to none. Possible, yes; probably, hell no.


    The fact that your minimal loss has affected you so much so far, as evidenced by your recent lament, would cause me to want to get the ball back in my court. I don't see how your emotional and mental situation could get any worse from getting a hair transplant, but I do see how it could get worse by loosing more hair.


    In short, the odds are in your favor by a long shot. A calculated risk is not being reckless. A great many men with more emotional baggage than you have taken much bigger risks on hair transplants it seems to improve the lives of most. Even if the result is subpar, such as low yield, it often is still an improvement for most. It's quite rare to see botched job by the coalition docs, although it has been known happen.


    I wish you the best in your decision.

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