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Posts posted by MinoxidilRR

  1. If you are a blogger and blog about anything, be it hair, sports, or life, then this is the thread for you.


    My goal here is to make friends and worthwhile connections with other blogs, so tell us who you are and what you blog about.


    I'm Gerald and I blog about hair loss. I have my own blog but will probably start up my one on the hair restoration network as well. I'm gonna try to update every month on here.

  2. One thing that I forgot to mention is that the pill is actually designed to be a blood pressure medication. Minoxidil was first used to treat hypertension, and they found it that it also helped to grow hair. I'd stick with Rogaine or any generic Minoxidil, because the pills you are looking at are probably more for blood pressure than hair loss. You need to target the hair loss area with direct applications if you want to get the best results.

  3. I would take the liquid personally because the pill will probably make you grow hair all over and not just your hair. Plus, I think the Minoxidil works better if directly applied to the follicles. I'm using liquid and it's working fine for me.

  4. Have you guys heard about the new molecule that some company called Divine Skin Inc. is working on? It's called Nanoxidil and supposedly is absorbed quicker and better by the scalp than Minoxidil because it has a lower molecular weight.


    This is supposed to reduce the number of required applications per day. They say that if it tests good with minimal side effects, it may be a replacement for Minoxidil.


    What do you guys think? I must say that it sounds promising...I just hope they show us some trials of the drug.

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