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Posts posted by ckc527

  1. Today Dr. Wong transplanted 1200 grafts into my temples and hairline. Just like the first time, the staffs at H&W are very professional and put me at ease. The procedure itself went through smoothly and lasted for about 6 hours. I'll update my website as soon as I get the photos from the clinic.


    The waiting begins...




  2. Good luck buddy. How much hairline density you should have based on H&W estimations with 3052 FUT? it looks to me like 40 fu/cm2 or less. And how about your next procedure? Are you going to consume the rest of your grafts into your hairline or you would be patient and see how it will progress as your crown may need some restoration?


    Hi Hariri,


    We never discussed the hairline density numbers. This was something I forgot to ask the morning of my HT. For my next HT, I can only hope for better yield and fill in the gaps. Not sure what can be done for my mid scalp or crown since I have pretty tight scalp. I guess I'll get a better idea once I see Dr. Wong.




  3. ckc,


    Thanks for the update! What are your thought and feelings now at 12 months? Have you been in touch with the clinic or Jotronic regarding these most recent set of photos? It would appear that there has been some maturation and improvement from the 9 months photos, and therefore maybe some hope that things may still improve somewhat over the next couple of months, and that you may have been a VERY slow grower, but I would imagine that could be just wishful thinking. Things don't seem as dense as you would have liked pre HT!


    Hi Raphael,


    I've sent my latest photos to Joe. Waiting to hear back. Your thoughts are same as mine. I see some maturation but the density is still lacking. It has been a very long year for me. I don't really look forward to HT #2 but I know it needs to be done. Right now it's just a matter of when. What makes matter worst is I think some of my hair in the front center and mid scalp area miniaturized further. I don't think fin is working too well for me in those areas, not sure about the crown.




  4. Hi Spanker,


    I don't recall shedding grafts in the first week post op. I was pretty much on target in regards to shedding of the grafts, with the exception of some that didn't come out till many months later.


    The current plan is to give it another 3 months before deciding on a date for my 2nd trip to Vancouver.




  5. Hi Raphael,


    I'm still crossing my fingers hoping I'm in fact a super slow grower but based on what I read here, most sprouts should occur by 8 - 9 month mark, after that it's just maturing of the new hairs.


    In the beginning I was hoping I can report back a "home run" case but I know not everyone is that lucky so it is what it is. There's no doubt that I'll need a 2nd pass based on what I see right now unless some magic happens over the next few months.


    I'm currently not mentally and physically prepared for a 2nd round yet. It has been a long journey thus far, especially due to how long my scalp stayed red/pink which I had to cover w/ a hat when going out for more than 6 months. My scalp is still tight so I'll need at least 3 - 4 months of scalp exercise before the next HT.


    I've been in communication with H&W throughout my journey. Joe has been very helpful and supportive. If the result at the end is not where it should be, Joe said Dr. Wong will gladly touch it up.




  6. Got a question for those that have gone through HT...


    about two weeks ago i felt a little bump on my scalp and popped out this graft (see attached photos). it's roughly 1 cm long. the 2nd photo is after i remove the "stuff" off the bottom of the graft. notice the "J" or hook?


    Does this look like a graft that never grew and just stayed in my scalp until i popped it out? I've had many grafts like this come out up until 6 months or so then this last one from two weeks ago. can anyone explain the hook at the bottom? is this normal?


    i'm about 8.5 months post op now. i'll post new photos when i hit 9 month.





  7. You are still getting pimples at 6 months so i guess you still getting a lot of new hair at 6 months. I can't tell from your pictures but can you see lot of new hair that are shorter than the rest of your hair?


    Not much and very sparse which is why I'm not too thrill at the moment. Hopefully things will pick up in the next couple of months.



  8. Just updated my website with new photos taken at 2 weeks post op. Getting the staples pulled out today wasn't so fun but glad that part is over. Also got my hair trimmed down which I've been looking forward to so I don't look so ridiculous. I'm hoping the redness in the recipient area will reduce some more this week as I need to return back to work next Monday. Unfortunately our dress code at work does not allow hats. Any tips out there on getting the redness to go away faster?




  9. I would like to hear from guys who had to travel after their procedure and how things were handled. This might be a ridiculous questions but do the metal staples used for closing the donor area set off the metal detector? Having TSA hovering around you wouldn't be cool!


    I recently traveled to Vancouver for my HT with Dr. Wong. On my return trip back to California (2nd day Post Op), I was asked to take off my hat after going through the metal detector. The staples did not set off any alert, I was only asked to take off the hat so they can see underneath it. That took maybe 3 seconds, no big deal. I did notice one lady gave me a 2nd look while the hat came off but who cares, I will never see that person again. Then at immigration, I was asked to take off the hat for a few seconds so they can see my entire face, again no big deal since everyone else was behind the line or minding their own business.



  10. Just updated my blog with some poor quality photos. Sorry I didn't bring my HD camera and the lighting in this hotel room is not ideal. Anyone know why the first photo in the journal entries are not getting loaded? I just see a "question" mark, I'm using Safari. With Firefox, the first picture doesn't load as well but it's there on the edit page. Can a website admin help me out?


    My HT appointment started at 6:15am and I walked out at 4:00pm. Besides looking like a chinese megamind with mickey mouse ears, I feel alright. My head feels tight and the back donor area has some slight pain. I just took the antibiotics and 1 tylenol #3. Hopefully that'll do the trick.


    Today we ended up getting 3052 grafts. I don't have the break downs. Dr. Wong said my scalp was tight but the donor density was good for an asian. I was hoping to get 4000 grafts so my hairline could be lowered by at least 1cm. Oh well, we'll have to see how this grows then i'll decide if I need a 2nd HT. I was a little bit surprised when Dr. Wong suggested to work on my temple points. He said my sides were receded quite a bit and I would benefit from rebuilding them along with the frontal work so I went with his suggestion.


    The donor strip extraction was the easiest part of all I think. I barely felt anything. On the first pass of the numbing shots, I only felt a couple of small pricks towards the back center of the head. The numbing shots for the front and side of face wasn't too bad either, just small pricks. The worst part of the HT was graft insertion since this took a very long time. I past time by texting with my wife and watching Shooter and part of Untraceable. Everyone I met at H&W was very nice and professional. The office and surgical areas were very clean. The decor was contemporary and made me felt comfortable. I wasn't nervous at all. I think I'm more nervous going to my regular doctor office.


    The only thing I would suggest for others looking to get an HT is to start on those scalp exercises early! I only did them for 3 - 4 weeks. Wish I had done them for like 3 - 4 months in order to get the most out of the 1st HT.


    Hopefully tomorrow for my post-op follow up I can get some better pictures.


    That's all for now.



  11. In about 7 more hours, I'll be at H&W for my 1st HT. I should be sleeping now but I'm getting a bit nervous and excited at the same time. Thought I kill some time and share my experience so far.


    I've been considering HT for the past couple years but never had the courage to take that first step until few months ago when I submitted my photos to several coalition doctors from this site to get online consultations. Initially I wanted to go with FUE but due to financial consideration and graft counts required, I decided to go with FUT. The recommended grafts ranged from 1800 to 4000.


    I want to thank everyone that have contributed to this forum. It has been very informative in helping me make that first step and selecting H&W. I truly enjoyed reading the HT journals, especially ones that documented their entire HT journey. To give back to this community and to help future HT candidates, I'll be keeping a blog of my journey.




  12. Hi,


    Can I get some recommendation on HT docs in southern California?

    I'm 36 years old, NW4, chinese.


    I don’t see too many chinese patients sharing their results on this forum :(


    Anyway to search on this forum to just bring up profiles of chinese patients?


    Thanks all,


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