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Posts posted by castlerock

  1. Hi mate, looks like everything is as it should be. I didn't begin to see anything until month 4; I'm now on month 9 and I'm still seeing more growth. You've a long way to go yet so hang in there. You're probably sick of hearing this, but the first few months really are the worst. :)

  2. Happy New Year everyone.


    I've now reached my 5 month milestone and things are looking good. Growth started around 2 months ago when I was at roughly 3 months and has been consistently continuing ever since, so I think I'm slightly ahead of schedule.


    I'm still covering the recipient area with my existing hair, but at this rate I think I'll be ready to reveal all by spring or early summer!


    Can't wait! :)





  3. Here are the latest photos I took. It's now been 5 weeks since my op and everything seems to be going well. The scar seems to be healing really well; I actually have trouble finding it with touch alone and have to use 2 mirrors. (photo's a bit blurry, hope you can make it out ok).


    The recipient area has lost most of it's new hair as predicted, so I'm settling down to the wait before I see some new growth begin, early next year hopefully.



  4. I spent about a year researching various options and eventually decided that Dr Lindsey had the reputation and respect I was looking for.


    Spex organised a consultancy day in London in June, where I spent time with both Dr Lindsey and Spex receiving a consultaton, as well as some really useful practical advice.


    4 weeks later I travelled to Washington and had the op. Throughout the whole process leading up to the day itself, Dr Lindsey was in constant communication with me, constantly advising me.


    The day itself started at 07:30 and I was finished by 13:30. Dr Lindsey and his team did everything to make me feel at ease, keeping things very infomal but very professional. I was totally relaxed throughout (and even nodded off a few times!). The final count came in at 2776 grafts, which I was thrilled about.


    The days after the surgery, I didn't really feel much pain, just discomfort mainly when I was in bed. Once again, Dr Lindsey kept up the communication, always instigated by him, asking how I was doing and offering advice and reassurance.


    Its now been 10 days since the op and I couldn't be happier. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr Lindsey with anyone considering a HT.





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