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Posts posted by MarkSand

  1. Hi Wideparting


    I find your response really strange.


    This is a forum. Many people should tell their story and share their experience.


    I don't understand why you cannot accept my experience.


    I went to my dermatologist. I didn't want to take any drugs as I was afraid of the side effects but at the same time I wanted to make sure that totalcoverplus wouldn't harm my health either. The dermatologist told me what I explained in my last post. So I thought that it is enough.


    I can't answer your technical questions as I don't know anything about it. But I mentioned this a few times.


    I understand that it is important to question and discuss things. This is partly the reason for a forum but I can't answer your technical questions and I find these rethorical questions about the dermatologist useless. If I had the flu and told you that the GP said this, you probably wouldn't go that funny about it. Nevertheless I would be in the same situation. I wouldn't be able to say why the doctor says it and how he does come to this conclusion....


    Apparently you know everything.


    just get over it and accept that I am happy.


    I never said anything against your way, apart from that I cannot achieve what you apparently can and that I was not happy with the results that I had with mail order systems. I even stated the names to be specific.


    Instead of only talking about your dubious secret solution that makes you happy you could go more into detail and explain what you are doing in order to achieve a satisfiying result. I thought this is a forum where people come together and report about their solutions to improve our situations. Or at least I thought that this was the purpose of a forum.

    Instead you are only negative. Why can't you be positive and tell me or anyone else here about your system in detail and where you get it and how you do it. That would help a lot more. Even though I'm really happy with my system it doesn't mean that I'm not open for more and new things. This is why I'm here.


    And as well as you, I tell people about my experience. So I don't understand why you are allowed whereas I'm not.


    If this is too much for you.......

  2. I went to Total Cover Plus. I find it great as it feels as if it was my hair own hair. I can't feel having a hair replacement and I can live my live just as if I had normal hair.


    I had a toupee before but now it is so much better. It is Total Cover Plus


    Oh and by the way it was so much more uncomplicated. I came in for a fre cnsultation and then decided spontaneously to go for it and 2 hours later I had a full head of hair.


    But when I read what people experience at some of the places like white cliffs, farrell, empower, ahs, etc. I really think we as customers should be carefull.

  3. To be honest I don't agree with evolve on a lot of things.


    By saying that we as customer are to blame since we don't ask the right questions or don't read between the lines is just appauling. I see some of his points but generally I think it is important to always question everything wherever we go in public however blaming the customer for the hope in the human race is a bit wrong. It rather is a confession of failure to provide decent customer service. Obviously I understand that some peole are never satisfied, however the explanation was just wrong in my eyes.


    I don't think that I'm an easy customer as I am very perfectionistic. But I went to two places which helped me. One was a small toupee place in Germany (Berger Toupets). I have to go to Germany for work now and then and thought that I'll give it a try. They were really friendly and very open about the outcome and how my life would be with a toupee. I tried this and realised that I'm not a toupee person as it was uncmfortable and my life suddenly had to fit to the toupee.


    But I really liked the idea of having hair and didn't want to go back to having no hair. Therefore I researched more and found (this time in England) Total Cover Plus. I didn't really now what to expect as it sounded all a bit technical. But they were also very friendly and open. They offered me a non surgical hair replacement. (It is really amazing how it becomes one with you and how yous uddenly have hair again). They were really open and nice to me and offered me a trial application to see and feel for myself. So nobody was pushing me to do something I didn't like or to buy something.

    I tried it and was amazed. So after all of my experiences I really have to say that I find that there are decent companies out there. 2 out of 2 companies that I tried are great (customerwise) and one is great (productwise).


    Generally I think we just have to be lucky to find the right companies. I was lucky finding Total Cover Plus and therefore thought I let you know.


    Oh by the way The company Berger was based in Hannover. They don't have a website.

    And Total Cover Plus are in the West End in London and their website is Total Cover Plus



    All the best



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