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Posts posted by Jodia

  1. I'm sorry...I also did it because I was so excited....I just think that there ARE alternatives that are as good and MUCH less expensive. The owner is a GREAT business man...good for him but NOT so good for us...I would NEVER lie about this....I happened to really like the owner...we used to speak while I was there and he was always nice. WHether HE BELIEVES that what he says is the truth OR he is just selling his product is unclear to me....I THINK it's a little of both but I have expressed concerns AS A CLIENT a lot of times and, accor'ding to him... it's NEVER Doncasa's fault....One thing I DO have to say is that I wear my hair VERY long...to my waist and I DO think that causes more problems and gets much more expensive than shorter hair BUT...as a professional that has done this for MANY YEARS AND I walked in with long gorgeous hair down to my waist, I should have been told A LOT more than they told me, causing me to spend THOUSANDS more than the THOUSANDS I spent to begin with...some of what they told me tho WRE outright LIES.......Im sure that I am not the ONLY one that wears it that long so they SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME CERTAIN THINGS THAT THEY HAD TO KNOW....t seems to me that most of the people that go to Doncasa have money out their a**es...I DO NOT and that's what you need to keep it up....I DO have pics of what my hair looked like most of the time that I walked out.I took pics BECAUSE i was so unhappy and the pics will show you why......The owner will tell you that It was all in my head, that's what real hair looks like and that I "just always wanted more hair" ...well he was right, I wanted more hair because it DIDN"T LOOK RIGHT....I will try to post pics of it for you...I will also take a pic of what my hair looks like now...I don't wwant to show it to anyone but I ll do it cause I guess that we are all in the same boat. I am sorry that I don't have a pic of what it looked like BEFORE doncasa...I Nnever had good hair but it was much better AND longer than it is after I went...Used to be down to my bra strap, now it's above my shoulders and pieces are all broken. I have NO REASON to lie about any of this...I have many more things I could be doing than blogging...I am a 44 year old woman..been wearing extensions forever...I wore it for a year and a half because I didn't know it would wreck my hair (as promised by Doncasa that it wouldn't) AND I spent so much money already, I HAD to get SOME wear out of it...I just wish I NEVER did it and just hope that I can help someone else....don't be too disappointed...there are SO MANY other alternatives...Ive been wearing hair for 25 years....don't let anyone tell you that extensions are not damaging...they ALL are or let me say...anything I'VE tried and I've tried it all........what I am doing now, like before I went to Doncasa and, by the way, the last 3 months I have been wearing a FALL OVER THE $15000. hair I have b cause I ve been SO UNHAPPY WITH IT....anyway....I wear a long human hair fall now that I found on international wig on the internet and if I have to go swim or do something where the fall may not work, I sometimes just glue a weft in to have the length and put it up (or wear it down) just so you know, as you may already, the glue sucks for your hair too but IT ALL DOES.....If I can't post pics right now, I will do it tonight...I TOTALLY understand that you're disappointed...I gave them a downpay (which I didn't know that I wouldn't get back if I changed my mind, even right away_so beware) and THEN I did the research....NOTHING was nice to say bout this company....JUST SO U KNOW...if I EASILY had the money, I would prob. do this because, like I said, it's ALL damaging but when the hair is actually DONE RIGHT (but that;s very unreliable because as you will see from my pics.out of the 20x's(?) that I've been there I prob was only happy with it 5 or 6 x's) Like I said, I have NO REASON TO LIE...just trying to help people to NOT have the same experience... I did attach some pics..I have more if you want but as you can see..each time the hair looked different, NEVER good AND DEFINITELY NOT $15000. hair. If I told him that I needed more so it didn't look like a STRING or TAIL,,,he charged me anywhere from 750-1500...he can go lower but THAT'S how you end up with ONE pc. of hair as you can see....the last pic...the one with me and the guys from Nine Inch Nails :) is what I have now and what I haad when I walked in and the owner told me I'd HAVE that....Jodi










  2. did not do my homework...decided to do it AFTER I had given them a deposit. DUMB...I know... I wrote a favorable review a while ago but would like to ammend it and feel that I need to, so no one else has the same experience. When I 1st called, 2 yrs. ago. I was told, over the phone, by ANDY(doesn't work there anymore), after I explained EXACTLY what length I wanted, $4000. After I sat with the owner I was asked if I was prepared to pay $8000. I wasn't but I take a lot of medication, my health is horrible ... so my hair is horrible. Kharma's a BI*CH ...people have bad hair because of illness and DONCASA PLAYS ON THAT. After I ordered the hair, , I decided to look up the Doncasa reviews...not ONE was favorable. Of course EVERYONE ELSE IS TO BLAME from what they tell me...I called the next day and I was told that the hair was already ordered. I told them that I didn't think that I could afford it monthly after I saw the "price list" and was told that I would only pay 100 for the tightening and 15 for the pull through...like they should charge for THAT! I said "that's it " and I was ASSURED by Angel, that was it (BS). I have worn this for almost 2 years now. After I paid the 8000. and sat in the chair for 8 hours with a guy who TOLD me he hated his job and ALSO no longer wortks there... I was SO UNHAPPY with the outcome that I left there, walked to Penn Station and was SO UPSET that some 1 actually made a comment about how MAD I looked. I went to work that week WEARING a WIG over the 8000 dollar hair I just paid for. I called Doncasa the next day, mind you, I've been wearing every kind of extension there is for 30 years! I walked in with a LONG FULL head of hair and walked OUT with much shorter, thinner hair. They told me that it would be another $700 to make it the way it looked to begin with (FIRST RIP OFF) I argued with Vanessa, the receptionist at Doncasa and she told me that SHE could do it for $400. but NEGLECTED to tell me that the $400 would give me a WORSE look because, according to them, this is VERY expensive hair and that's all you get...forcing you to spend more...I have since then learned that the $700. would not even have helped me out..I had a few REALLY STRAGGLY LONG HAIRS NEAR my waist and the rest was at my bra strap. I walked in with long thick hair down to my waist ( I have pics of what it looked like when Doncasa was "done") . When I said something I was told "that's what real hair looks like"...another LIE!. They SUPPOSEDLY give you a week to come back so they can fix what you don't like but when you DO go back, they CHARGE YOU AN ARM AND A LEG for what you want and make a ZILLION excuses why it's not the way you want it...all being YOUR OWN FAULT... Because I had made the initial investment, you then HAVE NO CHOICE but to take it out and waste all that money OR PAY AN ARM AND A LEG and this goes on the WHOLE time that you stay with that company. IT NEVER COST ME THE $115 they stated in the beginning...They claim that I always wanted to add hair but, and I did because it NEVER looked as good as it did when I walked in...after they ASSURED ME THAT IT WOULD. When I complained about it, I was either told tht I was crazy or that I could never achieve what I had to begin with (extensions that I did MYSELF) unless I wanted to spend a lot more money for a lot more hair...IF I KNEW THAT IN THE BEGINNING I WOULD NEVER HAVE SPENT THAT MUCH MONEY. There are SO MANY more instances where I have thought that...THEY SHOULD TELL YOU THESE THINGS BEFORE YOU START...It was NEVER a $115...it was $115 PLUS the "reconstruction" they got me for EVERY TIME...another $200...so at LEAST $315 each month, I was told that it was because the hair was too long AND because I, myself colored it which they told me was FINE before I started ... one day, I get a call, outta the blue from Mr. James himself, telling me that :he was "just thinking that coloring the hair myself may be " breaking down his product" ...THEY charge $170 for single process color...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? AND AGAIN, I REPEAT, SOMETHING THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID IN THE BEGINNING. By the end of it all, I ended up spending about $15000 that I SHOULD NEVER have spent, on my hair. I knew that I was going to have it taken out next time (8/13/11) but thankfully, instead of having to pay those RIP OFF ARTISTS another $160. most of it fell out (they will tell you that it "grows down" with your hair but it FALLS OUT and I know this because INEVITABLY some of the dots were falling out and "unanchoring" the hair to my own causing it to be loose THE DAY AFTER HE DID IT.. They will also tell you that this is HEALTHY and NOT AN EXTENSION because it lets your hair breathe...MY HAIR IS HORRIBLE AFTER TAKING IT OUT...shorter and thinner that it EVER WAS!!! THIS IS THE BIGGEST RIP OFF. I KNOW YOU WANNA BELIEVE IT ...I DID TOO...IT'S JUST AS DAMAGING AS ANY OTHER EXTENSION AND MAYBE WORSE. They get you in there and then you are stuck ...I have NO REASON TO WRITE A BAD REVIEW...I'D MUCH RATHER BE WRITING A GOOD ONE...I HAVE PICTURES (to back up what i'm saying) OF THE TERRIBLE JOB THAT THEY DID EACH TIME IT HAPPENED...EACH TIME, EACH STEP, AT TIMES THE PICTURES ARE SOOO RIDICULOUS THAT PEOPLE WONDERED WHY I SPENT SO MUCH MONEY and I can take a pic of the HORRIBLE shape it left my hair in. DONCASA PRAYS ON WOMEN THAT HATE THEIR HAIR AND A LOT OF US DUE TO ILLNESS AGAIN...KHARMA'S A B**CH. The one thing I can say in FAVOR of it and there is nothing else..(.I'd say that after getting it done EVERY THREE WEEKS after I was told 4-6..(.more lies) when it's done right and you GIVE THEM YOUR FIRST BORN, it looks GREAT but the next time, they move and :reconstruct" and you need hair again years or SOMETHING else is not right... ...I am a COMPLETELY truthful an honest person. I even felt bad about writing this because, I know that Mr. James health is not great right now, but, honestly, nice guys finish last and I am tired of paying a lot of money these days and getting TOTALLY and BLATENTLY ripped off...Please do your research...this has NOT been a good experience. I coulda REALLY used that money for something else. Like my HEALTH PROBLEMS...AND SAVED MY HAIR..He is the BERNIE MADOFF OF THE HAIR INDUSTRY!

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