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Posts posted by d-mo

  1. interesting that wong would be better than hasson in that regard since neither of the doctors actually places the hair grafts into the incisions. that is done by the technicians which I assume they share.


    I guess the planning process of the hair transplant and making the incisions into the scalp is a skillful act that some have better than others.

  2. Hello All,

    I am a 31 yr old male living in NYC. I am 6 on the Norwood scale (that is what Dr Robin Unger told me). She was my only consultation so far. I went to her on the advice of Dr. Bernard Nussbaum who successfully operated on my father in Miami (where my folks live). My father was never as bald nor would have ever been as bald as I am now.

    I am seeking the best possible hair transplant. It seems like this DR Rahal is popular but he is in Ottawa. Is it really worth it to travel there – would the result be that much better?

    Does anybody have any other doctors to recommend? Honestly I’m skeptical about this site since it is paid for by 20 or so doctors – so I looking to here from patients ; not employees of the doctors or site managers.

    Thank you for help.

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