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Posts posted by HTGuy

  1. I am trying to decide between Dr. Pong in Thailand and Dr. Radha in India for my second HT procedure. I had a bad first procedure with Dr. Epstein in Miami a couple years ago (more on that later).


    Any recommendations regarding these two choices?



  2. Do all good doctors use the trichophytic closure? And if not, why?


    I'm a week post-op and honestly not sure what type of closure was used. I relied on my doctor's reputation and experience and didn't ask. I should have. I have a feeling he doesn't routinely use it. I'll ask when I have my sutures removed.


    I do know there was problems with my scalp laxity. I don't know how that factors in to different closure methods..


    Why would a doctor at the top of the HR field not use trichophytic?



  3. I'm sure my doctor will get back to me, but some of my questions would best be answered by other professionals, such as should he have been better able to judge my laxity prior to the procedure. My budget and time is very limited, so the thought of having to repeat the surgery so soon is distressing. Hopefully my 1700 grafts will be enough for a few years. I'm also curious if anyone else has had this scalp laxity issue and how it impacted future procedures.

  4. I recently (4 days ago) had HT procedure. Upon consultation with the leading surgeon in my area (I won't give the name, but most on this site would recognize it), we decided upon 2100 grafts. This number would not only make a huge difference, but leave some for a few years down the road if needed. During the procedure, it turned out the doctor was only able to take 1700 grafts. Honestly, it was very distressing because I knew something wasn't going as planned, but no one really took the time to explain in detail. So my questions are:


    1) Why couldn't the full amount of grafts be taken and shouldn't my doctor had been able to more accurately estimate the number?


    2) My doctor said I could come back in 10 months to a year to have another procedure, once my skin adjusted. Please explain. And how many additional may be possible (roughly)?


    3) Should I be worried about future graft availability given this situation? Has too large of a percentage of my grafts been used due to this miscalculation?


    I have sent these questions to my doctor's office, but am yet to get a reply.




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