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Posts posted by JackW91

  1. Thanks for the replies, I'm not on minox. Zenmunk I've attached an image of the leaflet I have for Propecia. If it makes any difference I got this Propecia from Europe so the listed sides might be slightly different to that of Propecia from North America. Palpitations is listed in the top right corner.


    I've had a cardiac stress test earlier today and they said things look ok, I'll stay off Propecia for now just incase. Can't be sure its Propecia as I can't find enough cases of heart palpitations suspected to be caused by it, but I'm not taking any chances.


  2. Hi I'm 21 and I started propecia brand 1 mg tablets about a month ago, I took a 1mg tablet once a week for the first 4 weeks and I increased it to twice a week last week and was planning to increase it to 3 times next week. So for now I'm on a relatively low dosage. Thankfully I haven't had any of the general symptoms , that is ED, low sex drive, decrease in semen released etc.


    I was feeling completely fine this morning, then all of a sudden I started feeling a thump in my chest, i ignored the first couple of ones and then I started to get them more frequently and when I checked my heart rate it was off the roof, must've been 140 bpm, I got worried as I was starting to feel dizzy and I went to the hospital and I was take to the emergency room they did an ECG and I was taken to a unit (not sure if it was the ICU) where I was allowed bed rest, with my heart rate, O2 levels and blood pressure were being monitored. They did a blood test which they said was fine and they said the ECG came back normal, So there no problems with me, I don't have any family history of heart problems, I'm young and healthy and this hasn't happened to me before. Though they did discover through the heart monitor that I was having frequent PVCs (premature ventricular contraction) , These a re common and occur in people although less frequently. The doctor said that since I m healthy and have no heart problems they are harmless.


    I was scheduled and appointment with a doctor of cardiology next week and they attached a Holter monitor to record my heart over the next 24 hours and I'm still getting those thumping feelings.


    The thing is I just looked over the propecia leaflet and one of the 'OTHER' side effect reported heart palpitations. I hadn't told the doctors in the emergency room I was taking propecia because I didn't think it had anything to do with this and at the time it had been almost 3 days so it would have most likely been out of my system. I will tell the cardiology doctor.


    But what do you guys make of this? Could propecia be causing this even if I've had no other symptoms whilst on a relatively low dosage? Has anyone else experienced something like this? I really hope its just a coincidence as I'd like to continue with propecia

  3. Hi


    I've been doing a little research on the forums looking for success stories in temple and hairline regrowth.


    People say that propecia usually doesn't grow temple hair, but rogaine can do this although not much.


    Alot of the people that say they've had great success at growing temple hair usuallly combine Fin and Minoxidil, though whats interesting is the way they use it.


    I'm not sure if its all coincedence but most seem to take Fin by itself for a couple of months and then apply Minox, and thats when they see the results. These are two guys with photographic evidence


    Zeroheat's Story-(Temple loss, Big 3, 649 days update pg 30) - HairlossTalk Support Forums




    and there are loads more who claim they took Fin for a couple of months and then start minox


    Hair Loss Help Forums - Regaine 5% minoxidil - SIMPLY AMAZING!!!


    Is it that by using Fin first your lowering your DHT so that when you use Minox its easier for tempple hair to regrow?


    I'm asking because if I get rogaine and propecia at the same time I would be wasting money on rogaine for the first few months because it would have little effect.

  4. C Perry


    Thats great, your hairline has really improved and it looks good. I'm considering on going on the same regime as you, ( applying Rogaine foam to the temples and hairline).


    At any point when you were using the foam, did it cause any irritation to the skin and if it did, was it just to the area you applied it to or did it spread to the scalp?

  5. Hi Everyone


    I'm new here, I'm 20 yrs old. I'm considering going on Rogaine foam, as its gentler on the scalp, to combat hair loss. My hair is still in good condition, I would consider myself a norwood 1 but I've had some hairline recession this past year.


    Doing research on hairloss everyone says best thing is to catch it early so I would like to go on Rogaine foam, but I've got Seborrheic Dermatitis and I'm worried the foam might irritate the scalp and complicate the SD. I'm looking to only apply the foam to my temple regions where there's no SD and just along the edges of my hairline. I'm interested in finding out how it works. If I apply it to my temple region would it spread across the scalp once absorbed or does it only affect the area thats being applied to?


    my second question is regarding the shedding process, does Rogaine cause the strong thick hairs which are not affected by MPB to shed or does it only affect the the thinner hairs?


    Finally given that my hair's is still in a good state one my greatest fears is that the Rogaine foam makes thing worse, i.e it causes more hair loss, is that a possibility?


    Answers or adivice to any of these questions would be greately appreciated

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