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Posts posted by dashglobal

  1. Hey everyone.


    I am 25 and noticed my hair loss (receding hairline ect) when I was 18 as a frosh in college. Over the last 7 years it has rapidly gotten worse to where I have a small thin patch for a hairline, with thinning going back to the crown. I have been buzzing my hair for the last 3 years as the hairline got to the point of no return.


    Anyways is 25 to young to get a HT done? I have normal density up the sides of my head on for most of the back of my head.


    I plan on going to teach in Asia and after a year ill have some money to put done on a procedure. Roughly 15k. I would like to get 4k -6k graphs transplanted.


    Also who is the best doctor as far as results & value, most bang for the buck per say with good results and reputation?

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