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Posts posted by Tat2gurl

  1. Cosmetic Hair Replication (another name for scalp micropigmentation) is the process of tattooing the scalp to promote the appearance of naturally growing hair. It requires science and artistry... making the replicated hair appear natural (grouping placement, needle configurations, angles, colors, depth of pigment placement, hairlines appropriate to face shape, age, race, etc). Look for someone who is well educated and you will be delighted. It is minimally invasive, IMMEDIATE, cost effective and maintenance free!!!!!

  2. I would suggest that you have the scar micro needled to "loosen" the scar, then have Cosmetic Hair Replication if you would be willing to wear a "buzz" cut. This will minimize the appearance of the scar by filling in the deficit, then, with the addition of replicated hair follicle groupings, it will give the appearance of hair in the scar. Additionally, the micropigmentation in the area of your transplant will make that area look as dense as the surrounding scalp. I wish you lived in my area. I could improve the look for a fraction of what you have spent. Look for an experienced permanent makeup artist in your area that has had additional training in micro needling.

  3. You're way too young to feel/look old...or wear a "piece." Cosmetic Hair Replication by scalp micropigmentation would be a great option for you. Its natural, permenant, immediate, maintenance free...and sexy. All you need is a clipper to keep it tight. Check out my photo album. It actually looks great on men of any age, race or profession. It makes you look and feel confident and confidence is sexy!

  4. You are very young. Do you think you might look good with a buzz cut and cosmetic micropigmentation to give you a good crisp hairline and increase the density to give you the look of a fuller head of hair? It will make you look younger, give you a modern style and increase your self confidence! Besides, its immediate, permanent, natural non- invasive with no down time or maintenance (besides clippers or a razor).

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