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Posts posted by potetochippu

  1. Hi everyone


    I have been following this site for about a month or two now mainly because I have started to notice that my hairline has been receding especially in my temples. All the males on my mother's side are nw6+ and I have a strong feeling that I will end up one too. I do not mind being bald when I am 40/50+ but I am only 17 and I am already around nw2.


    I have always been a very self concious person and the thought of losing my hair is unimaginable. Everyday I pull my hair back in front of the mirror and look at my hairline, it makes me feel depressed and very distracted. Everytime the wind blows, I quickly pull my hair back down to avoid people seeing my hairline. And I never change hairdresser for the fear of them mocking and making fun of me. My receding hairline has made me so stressed..


    Whats more is that my final exams for university entrance are in the coming months and instead of studying I keep thinking about my hairloss.


    I have recently met a girl and I know she will leave me one day if she finds out I am going bald... And I know that in the future it will be difficult to find a girl because of this.



    I hope scientists are working on a cure for the near future because I will definetely have it done no matter what the cost is. I really hope they find better treatment or a cure.. Right now the only motivation I have is to work hard so I can get into a good profession and pay for the cure/treatment.....


    I wish I did not have mpb at this age... it sucks so much that i hate myself

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