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Posts posted by rick954

  1. Since my hair thinning isn't very noticeable (see pics on first page), should I just use the Propecia for now? Or should I still use it in combination with the Rogaine regardless of how noticeable it is?


    My concern is, the Rogaine will make me shed & it will end up being noticeable. Whereas, if I take the Propecia, it will help me keep what I have right now.


    I used the Rogaine today, twice, but it seems like its hard to get directly on the scalp as opposed to gunking up my hair on the crown.

  2. Hey guys, I've been taking my pill as directed for the last few days & I ordered some Rogaine which came today.


    I keep reading that when you first start using Rogaine, you will see some increased shedding during the first couple of weeks. How bad is this shedding? Right now, my thinning isn't noticeable so I don't want to start this Rogaine & then have it be noticeable. Should I still use the Rogaine or just keep using the Propecia 1mg?


    How bad is the shedding & how long does it last would be my questions.


    Also I got the 5% foam, should I have gotten a lesser strength to begin with?

  3. I went to the dermatologist today & got a prescription for Propecia 1 mg. I asked her if she could give me a prescription for the generic & if necessary I can cut it. I told her I saw a diagram online on how to cut it, so that wouldn't be an issue. She said the only problem would be if I don't cut it correctly, I'll be getting improper dosage.


    Well, I called around to the Pharmacies - Walmart, Target, etc & the price ranges from $60-$80 a month for the Propecia 1mg. If I could have gotten a generic the price is $6-$10 to fill the script.


    So now what do I do? I don't want to pay $60 a month to have this prescription filled. I am self employed, so everything will be coming out of pocket.


    Do I have any other options? Should I call the doctor back & ask if she can change it to a generic even though I already asked that in the office?


    Help please.

  4. Thanks guys for all the information. I have a visit with a dermatologist this Tuesday.


    Does anybody know what to expect? Do they do blood work or any other tests? Or just inspect my head & confirm? Reason I ask is I'm self employed (no insurance), so the less tests they have to run, the cheaper off it will be for me. Lol.



    Anything I need to be prepared for during this visit?

  5. Thanks guys for the information, I've always read if you catch it early you're in good/better shape & you have a good chance to keep what you have. That's my plan.


    So basically I just get a doctors appointment & tell them I think I am thinning, they confirm & prescribe me the Propecia & may also suggest Rogaine? Do they need to run bloodwork or other tests or is it just a matter of looking at my head & confirming? Like I said, I am self employed, so I don't have insurance & just wondering if I'm going to be on the hook for paying for bloodwork which may be a little costly (not sure).

  6. Hey guys, I've been reading the board for a couple of weeks & want to thank everybody for their very informative posts. I've been noticing that I may have started losing hair & if indeed that is the case, what would be my best way to go about it?


    I'm 27, leaning towards Rogaine because I am self employed & don't have insurance. Lol. However a doctors visit & Propecia is probably also very affordable from everything I have been reading. Do I got to a dermatologist or a general practitioner? Do they need to do blood work or just examine my head & prescribe?


    Should I go for normal strength or the high strength?


    Am I indeed balding or do I just have thin hair?


    This photo is from after the shower - hair damp & pushed down forward



    This photo is from after the shower - hair damp & pushed down forward (back view) I've ALWAYS had that spot where the hair grows from, even when I was young so disregard.



    This photo is with dry hair, hair pushed back "spiked" dry.



    Do you guys see baldness starting? Or is it just thin hair? Is now the time to start Rogaine for the best results or Propecia? I am 27 years old, stress free.


    Just want to jump on now while it's minor so if I am indeed losing hair the Rogaine will have the best possible results rather than start in a year or more & have very noticeable loss.


    Thanks in advance, look forward to being an asset on these boards!!

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