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Posts posted by Herakles

  1. I want to get more hair density back, my hair has been very slowly thinning since around 13yo and now I'm 27yo. I've had no shedding.


    I've heard stories of people going off finasteride and then their hair starts to shed. So my concern is, that a few months after taking finasteride I might get a side effect, stop taking it and shed hair like crazy. Is this what might happen?


    Thank you.

  2. You're actually very fortunate if your hairloss started at such a young age but hasn't progressed very far. You may be aware that the guys who start losing hair that young very often end up with an advanced hairloss pattern by their mid to late twenties.



    What is fortunate about an advanced hair loss pattern ?:confused:


    Thank you.

  3. Thanks for the replies. I'll post a pic sometime this weekend. I hate looking at my crown, makes me so sad, just hope it doesn't get any worse.


    Matt, I've always had fine hair, though at around age 13, the hair at the back of my crown area became sparse, and at that young age I didn't notice any shedding hair loss symptoms. Now at the age of 27, I believe the density of the hair at the front part of my crown area is starting to get more sparse as well.


    I should also note that my hair grows fast, even in the back crown area where my hair density is sparse.


    I think I will go onto Finasteride, to see if that helps me get some density back. I've tried all sorts of herbs and vitamins with no luck. My doctor told me to take quater of a tablet a day of Finasteride.



  4. Hi,


    A couple of years after puberty at age 13/14, the hair on my crown became been very fine/thin and mildly sparse. I use to get picked on at school about going bald. Well I'm 27yo of age now, and I think it's starting to get worse, and I want to obviously stop this from happening. There are some males in my family that have gone bald, whilst others haven't really lost much hair if any at all. This is on both sides of the family.

    I don't notice any great amount of hair falling out in my bed or in the shower either.


    At this stage I'm really not sure what to do, I went to my doctor and he prescribed me finasteride. He said it will only work for eight years (if it does work for me). He prescribed me finasteride without getting out of his chair and inspecting my hair/scalp. I don't really want to go onto finasteride, because of it's possible sexual side effects, but if it's the only option and my hair thins out more, then I suppose I have to.


    Also what is every bodies thoughts on big hair loss companies like Ashley and Martin? I think should I find a doctor who actually specialises in hair loss in my part of the world.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.

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