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Posts posted by Vincentea

  1. Thanks for your reply and putting my mind at rest. I went to see dr.devroye and his team, they seemed excellent. Yeah they gave me another large bottle and recommended not to drown myself in the saline anymore. I probably wouldn't have had used tap water but I found another doctor online who has post op instructions stating to switch to tap water if saline runs out. It's my second day post op anything else I should be aware of ?

  2. Hi everyone,


    I recently had a fut, infact only a couple days ago. Surgery seemed to go fine. I was given a saline solution spray to mist over the recipient area. I did this post op when I got home every 15 mins or so I'd mist my scalp. Eventually I ran out of the spray and I thought it was imperative to keep misting so I added tap water to the bottle instead. ( I read on one transplantologists as an advisable post-op instruction). However when I told my doc the next day he wasn't too impressed but he said hopefully the grafts will be fine but grafts survive in saline not water ! does any have any comments about this have I just been through a crazy procedure and destroyed all their hard work and my time and money...any comments would be much appreciated !

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