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Posts posted by formel26

  1. Alright I've done some research. At first I started looking to cut down on my 800 dollar a year propecia bill but now I not only want to cut the costs, I also want to reduce any side effects that may occur in the future. Not sure as to say they've already taken place.


    I've read online and seen graphs of different studies that .2 mg and 1 mg are somewhat close in reducing DHT. ?? What is the percentage of DHT in the body that causes hair loss for most males?? And also I've seen a graph that shows 1 mg -- 1.5 mg keeps the DHT suppressed by 60%-- 65% for up to 6-7 days before it gradually allows DHT to gain its values again.


    So I was taking propecia from age 23 1 mg a day til almost age 26 where I've been losely taking it every 3 days or so. when I began taking it I read the side effects as decreasing libido. At the time I thought to myself thats okay cuz I got some to give. Now I'm not 23 I'm 26 and I still have sex drive but not as strong could be a number of things but just in case it is propecia I'm looking to find the smallest affective dose to prevent side effects and save money.


    so the final question is .25 mg a day so that I'm not making my body adjust every 5 days or 1 mg every 5-6 days. I feel good about the 5-6 days except what it may do to my body for adjustment.

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