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Blog Comments posted by BOLD

  1. Dear rich91403,


    Doctor has not performed any miniaturization study, he studied my donor area with the help of a hand held magnifying glass. He told me that on the day of surgery, the density of hair will be measure by a device(which he showed to me) and based on that grafts will be extracted from the donor area.

    I am quite satisfied with the approach of my doctor , I know that in such matters we have to have faith on the doctor. I am very surprised that you have gone through HT 7 times. Its amazing. I can only say that it is very brave of you , and it shows the level of confidence you have on the procedure.

    I am on finasteride, 2 mg per week, i am thinking f increasing it to 3 mg per week along with external application of same, Do you think its safe, my doctor told me that 1 mg of finasteride per day has no harm on body...

    I am again thankful to you for such speedy response. I must admit that my confidence on this whole thing has increased and I am looking forward to my HT very eagerly


  2. Thanks rich91403 for your detailed reply. It cleared my doubts regarding grafts requirements and other points. I understand that the no. of grafts required depends upon several factors pointed out by you. My doctor told me that first surgery will be done to create an appearance which will hide baldness. So, after 1 year I will look like a person with broad forehead and receding hairline, but I wont appear as a bald person, A subsequent surgery 0f 2000 to 3500 grafts can be done for improving hairline and achieving a fuller look. However, my doctor told me that his experience is that most of the patients are satisfied with first surgery as a solution to baldness and don't consider second surgery necessary. However I think I would prefer going for second surgery in due course of time.

    I am taking finasteride for quite some time now and I am not that happy with the results.Although my hair density seems to have improved, I still experience massive hair fall. I asked my doctor about it and he told me that it is normal and due to regular medication my fallen hair will get replaced properly. Still I wonder whether 20 to 25 hair everytime i wash my hair or apply oil is normal ? And as required I am continuing with the medicines.


    I have finalized my surgery in the first week of July. I am a bit nervous and hope everything goes well. I hope I will keep getting support from the community. Thanks again.


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